Fire Arrow

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Fire Arrow
1998 promotional render



Ocarina of Time
Lake Hylia
Majora's Mask
Snowhead Temple
The Wind Waker
Mother and Child Isles



Breath of the Wild
140 Rupees (Arrow Specialty Shop, Slippery Falcon)
80 Rupees (In × 5 bundles)
20 Rupees (Goron Gusto Shop, Shaillu, The Curious Quiver, Botrick)


Imbuing arrows with fire magic

Used by


Fire Arrows are recurring items in The Legend of Zelda series. They are arrows imbued with the elemental power of fire, and can be used as an alternative ammunition for the Bow at the cost of Magic Power (in games with such a mechanic).

Ocarina of Time

In Ocarina of Time, the Fire Arrows are located at Lake Hylia in the adult era. To obtain them, Link must stand on the plaque atop the entrance to the Water Temple and fire an arrow at the sunrise. If Link does so correctly, the arrow will freeze mid-air, a red crystal surrounding the tip, and fall onto an island in the lake, which Link can then obtain to unlock the Fire Arrows. The Water Temple does not need to be completed beforehand, as the island can be accessed by playing the Scarecrow's Song and using the Longshot, or with a Magic Bean plant.

Fire Arrows deal double damage compared to regular arrows, and can light torches that are too far away to be lit with Din's Fire. However, each one costs 2 Magic Power to fire. They are optional, since using Din's Fire and shooting a regular arrow through a lit torch also works, but are required in the Master Quest, in order to burn webs on the ceiling of the Spirit Barrier in Ganon's Castle.

Majora's Mask

"You got the Fire Arrow! Set it to Ⓒ to power up your Arrows. Things will heat up when they hit!"

— N/A, Majora's Mask

In Majora's Mask, the Fire Arrows are the dungeon item of the Snowhead Temple, guarded by a Wizzrobe. Once again, they cost 2 Magic Power to fire; if Link runs out of Magic Power, he will fire a regular arrow instead. Fire Arrows function similarly to their previous appearance, but are required to solve various puzzles around Snowhead, and burn the curtains blocking sunlight during the fight against Igos du Ikana and his servants in the Ancient Castle of Ikana. Fire Arrows will also transform Gibdos into ReDeads, and cause any enemies they defeat to drop a bundle of arrows.

The Wind Waker

In The Wind Waker, the Fire Arrows are located alongside the Ice Arrows at the Mother and Child Isles. To obtain them, Link must use the Ballad of Gales to warp inside the large rock structure, where he will meet the Fairy Queen; however, the Fairy Queen will not give Link the arrows until he has saved Aryll from the Forsaken Fortress.

Fire Arrows deal double damage compared to regular arrows. They are required to obtain the Iron Boots by melting the ice around Ice Ring Isle, and in the Earth Temple to burn curtains.

Breath of the Wild

"An arrow imbued with the power of fire. It breaks apart on impact, igniting objects in the immediate area. It's incredibly effective against cold things."

In Breath of the Wild, Fire Arrows are a type of arrow that can be used with any Bow. They can be dropped by archer enemies, found inside treasure chests, or purchased from the following vendors:

When shot from a Bow, Fire Arrows deal +10 damage and set the target on fire, instantly defeating Ice Wizzrobes, Blizzrobes, and Ice-Breath Lizalfos. They also emit heat and light while drawn, enabling them to keep Link warm in cold climates, melt ice, and illuminate dark areas. However, Fire Arrows will not set targets on fire when exposed to rain, as the flames will be extinguished almost immediately.

Non-Canon Appearances

This section describes a subject that is or may be outside the core Zelda canon.

Super Smash Bros. Series

In Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Young Link uses the Fire Arrows as his neutral special. Toon Link can also use Fire Arrows as an alternate version of his neutral special in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.

Cadence of Hyrule

In Cadence of Hyrule, Fire Arrows can be found randomly after obtaining the Bow. When equipped, they imbue the Bow's shots with a fire effect at the cost of 1 Stamina Unit per shot, able to burn enemies and Tree Stumps, light Braziers, and melt ice.
