Keaton Quiz

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Keaton Quiz
Keaton Quiz.png
Keaton Quiz - MM3D.png
Link partaking in the Keaton Quiz in N64 and 3DS versions







Correctly answer trivia questions


Piece of Heart
Red Rupee (N64 only)
Fishing Hole Pass (Majora's Mask 3D only)

The Keaton Quiz is a short mini-game found in Majora's Mask. It involves answering questions about the game asked by the yellow fox-like animal, Keaton. After Link obtains the Keaton Mask, disturbing the Keaton's moving grass while wearing it will initiate the quiz.

Questions & Answers

The list below shows all of the possible questions Keaton can ask in his quiz. The correct answer follows each question in bold.

  • What time does Romani, the girl at the ranch, go to bed? Eight
  • At what time does Romani, the ranch girl, wake up? Six
  • How many balloons does Romani, the girl at the ranch, use during practice? One
  • What weapon does Romani, the girl at the ranch, use in practice? Bow
  • What is the name given to you by Romani, the girl at the ranch? Grasshopper
  • What is the name of the song that Romani, the girl at the ranch, teaches you? Epona's Song
  • How many tiny cow figurines are there in Clock Town? Ten
  • How many cows are there at Romani Ranch? Three
  • How many cuccos are there in the barn at Romani Ranch? One
  • Where does Cremia, manager of Romani Ranch, try to deliver her milk? Milk Bar
  • How old is Tingle, the map salesman? 35
  • What are the magic words that Tingle created? Tingle, Tingle...what? Kooloo-Limpah
  • Is Tingle the mapmaker left-handed or right-handed? Right-Handed
  • What color of trunks does Tingle the mapmaker wear? Red
  • What is the name of the festival that is to be held in Clock Town? Carnival of Time
  • What is the name of the mayor of Clock Town? Dotour
  • What is the name of the vintage milk sold at the Milk Bar? Chateau Romani
  • What is the name of Clock Town's inn? Stock Pot Inn
  • What bad habit does Anju, the innkeeper, have? She's quick to apologize
  • What is Anju, the innkeeper, bad at doing? Cooking
  • What is the name of Anju's father? Tortus
  • Who is the leader of the Bombers gang? Jim
  • Once it's completed, how tall will the festival tower at the carnival be? Four Stories
  • How many mailboxes are there in Clock Town? Five
  • What does the owner of the Bomb Shop call his mother? Mommy
  • What is the name of the singer in the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's? Lulu
  • How many members are there in the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's? Five
  • Mikau is of which race? Zora
  • Darmani is of which race? Goron
  • What instrument does the Skull Kid play? Flute