This chapter covers the normal mode of the HD version of Twilight Princess for the Nintendo Wii U. If you are playing on the Nintendo Wii, check out the Cave of Ordeals – Wii Version.
- Chapter 1 – Ordon Village
- Chapter 2 – The Twilight
- Chapter 3 – Faron Woods: Twilight
- Chapter 4 – Forest Temple
- Chapter 5 – Kakariko Village: Twilight
- Chapter 6 – Death Mountain
- Chapter 7 – Goron Mines
- Chapter 8 – Lanayru Province: Twilight
- Chapter 9 – Lake Hylia: Sidequests
- Chapter 10 – Lakebed Temple
- Chapter 11 – The Master Sword
- Chapter 12 – Gerudo Desert
- Chapter 13 – Arbiter’s Grounds
- Chapter 14 – Scaling Snowpeak
- Chapter 15 – Snowpeak Ruins
- Chapter 16 – Sacred Grove: Round Two
- Chapter 17 – Temple of Time
- Chapter 18 – In Search of the Sky
- Chapter 19 – City in the Sky
- Chapter 20 – Palace of Twilight
- Chapter 21 – Cave of Ordeals
- Chapter 22 – Hyrule Castle
21.1 50 Floors of Enemies
Now that we have collected every single item within the game, we can collect some of the last remaining collectables to gear ourselves for the final dungeon. Speak with Midna and warp to the Gerudo Mesa. The Cave of Ordeals is right next to the warp point. Run down the steps to enter the dungeon.
The Cave of Ordeals is a completely optional quest but it is necessary in order to fully complete the game, and specifically to collect the final three Poe Souls.
The Cave of Ordeals consists of fifty floors which increase in difficulty greatly as you progress. They really do start off really easy and then get ridiculously hard. I highly suggest that you have four bottles filled with potion, have a good amount of bombs and arrows, already have the magic armor, and have nearly full rupees. Every 10th floor that you reach, Link will find a Great Fairy. Speaking with her will release fairies to various portions of Hyrule. Every 10th floor you will also need an item to progress. Since we have all the items, this is not a problem.
Rather than give in-depth strategy on how to defeat every enemy on every floor, I will just be giving a listing of which enemies appear on which floor. There are no new enemies in the Cave of Ordeals that we have not seen outside of the Cave, so there are no surprises. Run forward and drop down to what is the first floor of the Cave of Ordeals.
The Cave of Ordeals | ||
Level | Enemies | |
01 | Bokoblin x1 | |
02 | Keese x3, Rats x3 | |
03 | Baba Serpent x4 | |
04 | Skulltula x3 | |
05 | Bulblin Archer x3 | |
06 | Fire Slug x9 | |
07 | Fire Keese x5, Dodongo x2 | |
08 | Tektite x6 | |
09 | Bulblin Archer x2, Lizalfos x2 | |
10 | Surprised Link Stamp, Great Fairy #1 (Releases Fairies to the Ordon Spring)(Spinner Needed) | |
11 | Helmasaur x3, Rat x15 | |
12 | Large Purple Chu x1 | |
13 | Chu Worm x4 | |
14 | Bubble x15 | |
15 | Bulblin x10 | |
16 | Keese x8, Rat x8 | |
17 | Stalhound x10, Poe Soul x1 | |
18 | Leever x10 | |
19 | Purple Chu (They will combine) | |
20 | Angry Zelda Stamp, Great Fairy #2 (Releases Fairies to the Faron Spring)(Ball & Chain Needed) | |
21 | Bokoblin x5, Ice Keese x5 | |
22 | Keese x5, Rat x10, Ghoul Rat x10 | |
23 | Mini-Stalfos x30 | |
24 | ReDead x5 | |
25 | Bulblin x10, Bulblin Archer x3 | |
26 | Stalfos x3 | |
27 | Bubble x6, Skulltula x3 | |
28 | Lizalfos x2, Bokoblin x6 | |
29 | Fire Bubble x4, Stalfos x2, Mini-Stalfos x15 | |
30 | Happy Midna Stamp, Great Fairy #3 (Releases Fairies to the Eldin Spring)(Dominion Rod Needed) | |
31 | Beamos Statue x5, Keese x8 | |
32 | Fire Slug x6, Fire Keese x6, Dodongo x2, Fire Bubble x6 | |
33 | ReDead x4, Poe Soul x1 | |
34 | Ghoul Rat x10, Purple Chu (They will combine) | |
35 | Ice Keese x6, Freezard x1 | |
36 | Chilfos x4 | |
37 | Ice Bubble x8, Leever x10 | |
38 | Ice Bubble x3, Ice Keese x3, Chilfos x4, Freezard x2 | |
39 | Darknut x2 | |
40 | Heart Container Stamp, Great Fairy #4 (Releases Fairies to the Lanayru Spring)(Double Clawshot Needed) | |
41 | Armos Knight x9 | |
42 | Bokoblin x6, Baba Serpent x6 | |
43 | Lizalfos x3, Bulblin Archer x6 | |
44 | Dynalfos x4, Poe Soul x1 | |
45 | Bulblin Archer x2, ReDead x5, Purple Chu (They will combine) | |
46 | Chilfos x3, Freezard x2, Ghoul Rat x10 | |
47 | Bokoblin x1, Mini-Stalfos x10, Rat x10 | |
48 | Darknut x1, Aeralfos x2 | |
49 | Darknut x3 (x4 if played through a 2nd time), (Obtain Fairy Stamp) | |
50 | Great Fairy #5 |
As your reward for reaching the 50th floor, the Great Fairy will give you the Great Fairy’s Tears. Once completed the Cave of Ordeals you will appear at the Lanayru Spring. Walk up to the fairies and use any empty bottle to catch fairies.
21.2 Cave of Shadows
The Cave of Shadows is a dungeon exclusive to Twilight Princess HD. The dungeon can be accessed by using the Wolf Link amiibo on the Collection screen. The dungeon features 40 floors and must be completed as Wolf Link, as Link cannot revert to human form while inside it.

The dungeon is split into three sections; the first with five floors, the second with 15, and the third with 20. After each section is a floor with a treasure chest containing rupees. Link must then leave and re-enter the dungeon to access the next section. As floors cannot be skipped, the dungeon must be traversed three times to reach the end.
You are not required to reach the end of the game in order to play through the Cave of Shadows. The first section can actually be accessed after restoring light to Faron Province. Similarly, the second section can be accessed after watching Ganondorf’s execution after Arbiter’s Grounds, and the third section after obtaining the upgraded Master Sword during the Palace of Twilight.
Upon completing a section of the Cave of Shadows the game will present a score based on the amount of Hearts preserved, highest combo, time taken, and which amiibo were used while completing the cave. The Wolf Link amiibo can be used to save the number of hearts preserved on the last attempt and then be scanned again while inside the cave to replenish Link’s health to that amount.

If Link clears the final floor with the Giant Wallet in his possession, he will obtain the Colossal Wallet, which can hold up to 9,999 Rupees. If you have been following the walkthrough thus far, you should have the Giant Wallet and will obtain the largest wallet. If not, you will receive the Giant Wallet instead and then obtain the Colossal Wallet during Agitha’s Bug sidequest.
Much like the Cave of Ordeals, we will not be providing an in-depth walkthrough of each floor. However, listed below is each and floor, the number of each enemy on the floor, and the prize obtained on a floor if one is available. The Cave of Shadows is considered to be more difficult than the previous Cave of Ordeals, so good luck!
The Cave of Shadows | ||
Level | Enemies | |
01 | Shadow Beasts x3 | |
02 | Shadow Beasts x4 | |
03 | Shadow Babas x3, Shadow Vermin x4 | |
04 | Shadow Keese x4, Shadow Vermin x4 | |
05 | Shadow Beasts x4, Shadow Vermin x4 | |
06 | Features: Red Rupee (Treasure Chest), Exit | |
07 | Blue Bokoblins x4 | |
08 | Keese x8 | |
09 | Baba Serpents x6 | |
10 | Helmasaurs x4 | |
11 | Torch Slugs x9 | |
12 | Tektites x6 | |
13 | Bulblin Archers x3 | |
14 | Dodongos x3 | |
15 | Chus | |
16 | Ghoul Rats | |
17 | Bubbles x15 | |
18 | Stalkin | |
19 | Poison Mites, Redead Knights x2 | |
20 | Features: Purple Rupee (Treasure Chest), Exit | |
21 | Deku Babas x5, Skulltulas x3 | |
22 | Ghoul Rats, Helmasaurs x3 | |
23 | Armos x4, Lizalfos x2, Bokoblin x6 | |
24 | Deku Babas x8, ReDead Knights x4 | |
25 | Dodongos x2, Fire Keese x6, Torch Slugs x14 | |
26 | Blue Bokoblins x5, Ghoul Rats x10, Keese x5 | |
27 | Bulblin Archers x2, ReDead Knights x3 | |
28 | Ice Keese x6, White Wolfos x8 | |
29 | Chus x12, Ghoul Rats | |
30 | Chilfos x2, Ice Keese x6, Mini-Freezards x4 | |
31 | Armos x4, Baby Gohma x10, Keese x6, Rats x9 | |
32 | Blue Bokoblins x2, Dynalfos x1, Lizalfos x1 | |
33 | Chilfos x2, Mini-Freezards x4, Ice Keese x8 | |
34 | Dynalfos x1, Lizalfos x3, Chus | |
35 | Helmasaurus x2, Keese x8, Deku Babas x5 | |
36 | Shadow Bulblin Archers x2, Shadow Bulblin x6 | |
37 | Shadow Keese x5, Zant Masks x4 | |
38 | Bokoblins x4, Bulblin Archers x3 | |
39 | First Phase: Baba Serpents x4, Dodongos x2 Second Phase: Fire Bubbles x2, Ice Bubbles x2, Stalkin Third Phase: Zant Masks x3 Fourth Phase (Southeast Switch): Dynalfos x1, Helmasaurs x2, Keese x4 Fourth Phase (Southwest Switch): Dynalfos x2, Lizalfos x1 Fourth Phase (Northeast Switch): Bokoblins x3, Bulblins x2 Fourth Phase (Northwest Switch): Baby Gohmas x6, Skulltulas x2 |
40 | Rewards: Colossal Wallet, Silver Rupee, Orange Rupee (located in secret dig spot on head of Wolf Link statue) |
After reaching the 40th floor you will be met by a Great Fairy who will give you the Colossal Wallet. After doing so, she will open the nearby door leading to the exit room. Upon entering you will immediately find a warp portal and a chest containing a silver rupee.

More impressively, you will find a large statue of Wolf Link and Midna. If you climb the stairs and stand it front of it, you can have Wolf Link walk onto each of the three tiles to get a better view of the statue. When standing on the bottom left tile, an icon for Midna will appear, suggesting she has something to mention. Press the L button and Midna will move to the top of the statue; jump up there with her. Use your senses to find a dig spot that will contain an orange rupee.

Once you have finished everything you’d like to do in this room, walk back to the room entrance and talk to Midna to leave the dungeon.
21.3 Soul of Jovani
With our new found fairies in the bottle, talk to Midna and warp to Castle Town. Run into town as wolf Link and go to the south portion of Castle Town. Go to Jovani’s house and dig in through the hole in the ground. Walk up to him and speak with him. With all 60 Poe souls collected, Jovani will return to his normal self. Jovani award you with a Silver rupee, which is worth 200 rupees. From this point on whenever you speak with Jovani, he will give Link 200 more rupees. (It hardly seems worth it)

Leave Jovani’s House and transform back into human Link. Run over to Telma’s Bar and you will find Jovani crying at one of the tables. Speak with him and he will tell you that his girlfriend starting dating someone else after he disappeared.

Head back over to Jovani’s House and speak to Gengle. After a short conversation, the cat will give you another silver rupee. In addition, Gengle will give you the Rupee Miiverse Stamp.

Run to the north part of town and you’ll see a cut-scene of Hyrule Castle. Midna will use the Fused Shadows fly and hit the walls repeatedly with it. A seemingly giant Midna will then awaken and use her power to destroy the Twilight that surrounds Hyrule Castle. The next we see, it begins to rain and Link is holding Midna in front of Hyrule Castle with the Twilight now gone.

Walk forward and push the door open to enter Hyrule Castle.

- Chapter 1 – Ordon Village
- Chapter 2 – The Twilight
- Chapter 3 – Faron Woods: Twilight
- Chapter 4 – Forest Temple
- Chapter 5 – Kakariko Village: Twilight
- Chapter 6 – Death Mountain
- Chapter 7 – Goron Mines
- Chapter 8 – Lanayru Province: Twilight
- Chapter 9 – Lake Hylia: Sidequests
- Chapter 10 – Lakebed Temple
- Chapter 11 – The Master Sword
- Chapter 12 – Gerudo Desert
- Chapter 13 – Arbiter’s Grounds
- Chapter 14 – Scaling Snowpeak
- Chapter 15 – Snowpeak Ruins
- Chapter 16 – Sacred Grove: Round Two
- Chapter 17 – Temple of Time
- Chapter 18 – In Search of the Sky
- Chapter 19 – City in the Sky
- Chapter 20 – Palace of Twilight
- Chapter 21 – Cave of Ordeals
- Chapter 22 – Hyrule Castle