Majora's Mask Sword Quests
There are a few different upgrades that Link can get to his swords in Majora's Mask. Below is a listing of all the upgrades and how they are acquired.
Razor Sword
- Main article: Razor Sword
- Bring 100 Rupees to the Mountain Smithy in Mountain Village. You must melt the furnace by using a Fire Arrow, Hot Spring Water, or defeating Goht, (making it Spring).
- If you pay them 100 Rupees, they'll sharpen your sword, making it do twice as much damage. It only lasts for 100 strikes though...
By far, the coolest looking of all the swords in this game. This bad daddy does twice the damage of your Kokiri Sword! Unfortunately, it is only as good as the Rupees you put into it, and after 100 sword slashes, it will revert to its old form. =(
Gilded Sword
- Main article: Gilded Sword
There are a few steps to get this. It is easier done after you have already completed the Snowhead Temple and saved.
- Defeat Goht (Snowhead Temple Boss) on the First Day or Night.
- Win at the Goron Race to acquire Gold Dust. Also on the First Day or Night.
- Forge your Kokiri Sword into the Razor Sword (Need 100 Rupees).
- Forge your Razor Sword into the Gilded Sword (Need Gold Dust).
Your Kokiri Sword will now do twice as much damage, and never dull! This is the second best Sword in the game, and it is most certainly worth the trouble you went through to get it.
Great Fairy's Sword
- Main article: Great Fairy's Sword
The Great Fairy's Sword is actually the reward for collecting all the Stray Fairies in the Stone Tower Temple. See the Majora's Mask Stray Fairies guide for locations of all 15 Stray Fairies.
The strongest sword in the game. Does four times as much damage as the sword you start with. Unfortunately, it is an item, meaning you have to assign it to a button. You cannot use it while also using a Shield. That and it has an awkward swing angle... All well...