Mighty Carp

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Mighty Carp (056 in the standard Breath of the Wild Hyrule Compendium) is a type of fish and common material found in Breath of the Wild and Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity.

Breath of the Wild

"This freshwater fish lives alongside its less mighty carp ilk. A compound in its liver promotes muscle growth. Dishes cooked with it temporarily increase your attack power."

— In-game description

Mighty Carp can be found in bodies of freshwater around Hyrule, commonly in the Akkala Highlands or the Lanayru Great Spring. They can be sold to shop-vendors all over Hyrule for 10 Rupees each. A Mighty Carp will restore one heart when eaten raw. If cooked on an open flame, Link will obtain a Roasted Carp, which restores 1½ hearts and can be sold for 15 Rupees apiece, but only at the cost of canceling its stat-boosting effect - Mighty.

Mighty Carp can be used in a variety of recipes, and the resulting meal will provide a Mighty effect, unless the meal is cooked with ingredients that grant different effects.

Age of Calamity

Terrako - HWAoC.png
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"This freshwater fish lives alongside its less mighty carp ilk. A compound in its liver promotes muscle growth."

— In-game description


Battlefield-Specific Materials:


