Serenade to Cotera

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Serenade to Cotera
Serenade to Cotera - TotK.jpg







Speak to Mastro at Dueling Peaks Stable


Take the Stable Trotters across the Squabble River to Cotera's bud while seated in Breezer


(Rupee icon) 100
Great Fairy Cotera begins upgrading clothes again




Serenade to Cotera is a Side Adventure in Tears of the Kingdom.


The Great Fairy Cotera has sealed herself in her bud, and refuses to come out until she hears the sound of a drum to tell her the world is intact after the Upheaval. With Tera and Kaysa coaxed out of their buds, the Stable Trotters move to Dueling Peaks Stable to try and convince Cotera back out.

Once their drummer Beetz returns, they aim to travel across the Squabble River, but Sky Debris has destroyed the Big Twin Bridge, and an attempt to remove the wheels from their wagon Breezer didn't help - floating it across proved impossible given the strong currents. Link must use Zonai Devices and Building Materials to transform Breezer into a form which can float or fly over the river safely. Around the remains of the Big Twin Bridge are a wing, fans, battery and a Steering Stick; along with various building materials.

The easiest method is to use large boards to create a raft and then to place the wagon, Breezer on the raft. Once it's placed in water, Link can speak with Mastro to get the troupe to get on the wagon.

Once they reach the bud, they play for her and she comes back out again. Mastro pays Link 100 rupees for his help, and notes that another Great Fairy is "still shut away in her flower bud", so they "must be off at once to visit the next Great Fairy."


Link must complete both Serenade to Kaysa and Honey, Bee Mine before he can complete this quest.


  • Complete the Serenade to Kaysa quest at Woodland Stable to get Mastro and Violynne to appear at the Dueling Peaks Stable.
  • Speak with Mastro to begin the quest, but in order to complete it, Link will first need to get Beetz to rejoin the Stable Trotters.
  • Just north of Kakariko Bridge, along the path, Link will hear Beetz drum playing, just east of the main path and north of Lake Siela. Give Beetz three Courser Bee Honey to complete the Honey, Bee Mine Side Adventure, causing Beetz to rejoin the Stable Trotters.
  • Speak with Mastro at Dueling Peaks and ask about the Great Fairy. He mentions that the Big Twin Bridge is broken, but the group is going to try to cross the river.
  • Travel to the Squabble River to find the troupe unable to cross. Link will need to create a raft to bring them across, using the nearby Hyrule Restoration Materials and Zonai Devices.
  • Piece together two large Boards to make a very large, square like raft. Speak with Mastro and then attach their wagon, Breezer to the raft. Place the raft so that it is floating in the water and then speak with Mastro once again, telling him and the troupe to get in.
  • Attach two Fans and a Steering Stick to the raft. Climb on board and use the steering stick to guide the raft across the water, to the Great Fairy.
  • The Stable Trotters will play for the Great Fairy, allowing her to come out of her bud and completing the quest.

Adventure Log

Step Description
1 The Great Fairy Cotera is hiding in her flower bud. She says she likes the sound of a drum, but the drummer Beetz is nowhere to be found.

However, a traveler from Kakariko Village heard the sound of a drum near the road south of Bonooru's Stand.
2 You found Beetz, the drummer, as he was trying to make food to bring Mastro out of his low spirits. After receiving the ingredients, Beetz returned to the Stable Trotters.

Go meet with Mastro at Dueling Peaks Stable.
3 The Great Fairy Cotera is hiding in her flower bud. She says she likes the sound of a drum. Mastro is eager to get their troupe to her so she can hear Beetz play.

The troupe went down to the river near the stable to see if they can cross it.
Complete The Great Fairy Cotera finally left her bud after the troupe performed for her. Now visitors to Dueling Peaks Stable can visit her nearby and receive her blessing.

