The Northwest Hebra Cave Crystal

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The Northwest Hebra Cave Crystal
The Northwest Hebra Cave Crystal - TotK.jpg




Find the crystal in the Hebra Mountains Northwest Cave and interact with it


Take the crystal to the Shrine of Light




The Northwest Hebra Cave Crystal is a Shrine Quest in Tears of the Kingdom.


This is another of the Shrine Quests where Link must carry a crystal to a Shrine of Light in order to activate the shrine. The crystal can be found in a pool of icy water in Hebra Mountains Northwest Cave, collected with Ultrahand and taken to the shrine at the back of the cave.

The shrine in question is Rutafu-um Shrine, which is a "Rauru's Blessing" shrine with no challenges inside, only a chest with a Topaz and the altar to receive the Light of Blessing.


  • After examining the shrine, a green light points to the cold water within the cave.
  • Toss some Ice Fruit into the water to create some Ice Blocks.
  • When close enough to the crystal, use Ultrahand to pull it up out of the water.
  • Carry the crystal to the shrine to complete the quest.

Adventure Log

Step Description
1 It seems that you can enter a Shrine of Light if you offer up a crystal.

Follow the ray of light, and offer up the crystal at the shrine.
Complete You offered up a crystal and can now enter the Shrine of Light hidden in the Hebra Mountains Northwest Cave.

Enter the shrine in order to acquire the Light of Blessing.

