The Lomei Labyrinth Island Prophecy

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The Lomei Labyrinth Island Prophecy
The Lomei Labyrinth Island Prophecy - TotK.jpg



Make it to the center of the Lomei Labyrinth Island and activate the dragon ring.


Complete the trials of all three Lomei Labyrinths.




The Lomei Labyrinth Island Prophecy is a side quest in Tears of the Kingdom. The quest officially begins once you reach the center of the Lomei Labyrinth Island, but you will traverse each of the three labyrinths in turn - Land, Sky, and Depths - to complete the trial.


Complete the first trial by making it to the center of the Lomei Labyrinth Island to activate the dragon ring to actually begin the quest. Then fly to the south side of the Lomei Sky Labyrinth to begin the second trial.

Activate the four terminals throughout the Lomei Sky Labyrinth and a new fifth terminal will appear at the top of the complex. When you activate the fourth terminal, the wind you've been using the maneuver around will suddenly pick up to carry you all the way to the top from anywhere in the labyrinth. Activate the fifth terminal, and the mysterious voice tells you that the gate blocking the Lomei Labyrinth Chasm has been opened, and challenges you to dive from this platform straight through to the Depths and into the Lomei Depths Labyrinth.

For the third trial, take on the Flux Construct III in the room below where you land in the Depths, then activate the dragon ring to complete the quest and raise a platform in the center to receive your reward, the Evil Spirit Armor. This will also open the gate to let you further out into the labyrinth for more loot.


Lomei Labyrinth Island

Main article: Lomei Labyrinth Island

Follow the researcher's notes and trail of acorns and nuts through the western section of the maze to find the center, and activate the dragon ring to officially receive the quest.

Lomei Sky Labyrinth

At the entrance to the giant ruin floating in the sky above northeast Tabantha, you heard a voice once again. “To you who set foot in my labyrinth of the sky… I offer a test of wisdom. Four terminals are hidden in this maze. Activate them all.” -Mysterious Voice.

The consoles can be found to the far north, east, south, and the center of the top floor of the North Lomei Castle, as shown in The North Lomei Prophecy. Once all four consoles are activated a fifth will unlock and be easily accessible. Once the fifth is unlocked the way to The North Lomei Chasm entrance will no longer be blocked.

Lomei Depths Labyrinth

Be sure to open the Paraglider to break your fall when you see the red light in the darkness. You will land on a grate above the room containing the trial, so you are safe for the moment. Go north, and at the north side of the second room, drop down in to the room below to find a Treasure Chest containing a Soldier III Reaper. Ascend back through the ceiling, then go south down the stairs to take on the Flux Construct III.

Notable Loot

Lomei Labyrinth Island

Lomei Sky Labyrinth

Lomei Depths Labyrinth

Nearby Korok Seeds

  • Ascend through the ceiling where you find the Strong Zonaite Spear in the northeast corner of the Lomei Labyrinth Island and step over to the pinwheel. Shoot the six balloons off the north of the Labyrinth.
  • On top of the Lomei Sky Labyrinth on the northeast corner, stand on the platform and dive after the fairy lights, catching them before they disappear.

Adventure Log

Step Description
1 At the entrance to a labyrinth in the Akkala Sea, there is a tablet engraved with words of prophecy. It says whoever wakes the dragon ring deep in the maze will be rewarded.

When you reached the deepest part of the labyrinth, a voice told you to visit the south side of the labyrinth of the sky.
2 When you reached the deepest part of the Akkala Sea labyrinth, a voice told you to visit the south side of the labyrinth of the sky.
3 At the entrance to the giant ruin floating in the sky above the Akkala Sea, you heard a voice once again.

The voice told you to activate the four terminals hidden within the labyrinth.
4 In the labyrinth floating in the sky above the Akkala Sea, a voice told you to activate the four terminals.

You have activated one of the hidden terminals. Three remain. If you do as the voice instructed, who knows what may happen?
5 You activated the fifth and final terminal atop the labyrinth floating in the sky above the Akkala Sea. A voice said:

"From high above, to far below... Prove your courage by diving into the depths of the earth. The final way shall open to you."
Complete The labyrinths in the Akkala Sea were trials to test the talents of those who entered, built by someone calling themself "the ruler of dragons."

You don't understand any more than that. If anything, this experience has only deepened the mystery.