The Search for Koltin

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The Search for Koltin



Key Characters



Triggered immediately on completing The Hunt for Bubbul Gems!


Find Koltin


Unlocks Koltin as a merchant.




The Search for Koltin is a Side Adventure in Tears of the Kingdom.


After giving Koltin his first Bubbul Gem, he eats it. On finding himself unchanged, he will decide that he hasn't turned into a Satori only because he hasn't consumed enough of them, and leaves Pico Pond in search of more. Kilton tells Link that he'll be in Tarrey Town, and to see him if Link has trouble finding Koltin, and leaves too.

Link can travel to Tarrey Town at night and speak to Kilton and the monster obsessive will point out that the Fang and Bone, now owned by Koltin, can be found on Ulri Mountain to the north. On speaking to Koltin there, he will offer more "treasures" from his collection in return for more Bubbul gems. While the quest will complete here, Koltin will continue to appear in various spots around at night, looking to trade Bubbul gems. While Link can find Koltin at Ulri Mountain, he can also complete the quest by finding Koltin at any of the locations where he appears throughout Hyrule.



  • After completing The Hunt for Bubbul Gems, the Search for Koltin will immediately begin.

Adventure Log

Step Description
1 Koltin has taken his stall and set out on a journey to find something called Bubbul gems. Travel around Hyrule and see if you can find him.

His older brother, Kilton, has settled down in Tarrey Town and may have an idea where Koltin is.
2 Koltin has taken his stall and set out on a journey to find something called Bubbul gems. Travel around Hyrule and see if you can find him.

According to his older brother, Kilton, his stall is sometimes seen northwest of Tarrey Town at night.
Complete You found Koltin! He dreams of becoming a legendary creature known as a Satori. To make this dream a reality, Koltin is traveling around Hyrule at night with his stall seeking out Bubbul gems. Bring him what he wants, and he'll trade you the treasures he's collected.

