Unknown Three-Headed Monster

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Unknown Three-Headed Monster
Unknown Three-Headed Monster - TotK.jpg






Defeat the Flame Gleeok on the Bridge of Hylia, then report back to Gralens




Unknown Three-Headed Monster is a Side Quest in Tears of the Kingdom.


After defeating the reported Hinox, Stone Talus, and Molduga he requested help with, speak with Gralens again, this time about Unusual monsters. He will mark the location of a Flame Gleeok on the Purah Pad's map.


Speak with Gralens in the Emergency Shelter of Lookout Landing after completing the three WANTED quests.


  • Talk to Garlens after completing the three WANTED Quests.
  • In the conversation select Unusual monsters then select Three-Headed Monster.
  • Head to the Bridge of Hylia
  • Defeat the Flame Gleeok
  • Report back to Garlens

Adventure Log

Step Description
1 Gralens of the monster-control crew at Lookout Landing told you that a traveler was attacked by a three-headed monster at the Bridge of Hylia in Faron.

He wants to defeat it to ensure the traveler's safety, but he and the monster-control crew can't get close to it.
2 Gralens of the monster-control crew at Lookout Landing told you about a three-headed monster, which you've learned was a Gleeok.

You defeated it at the Bridge of Hylia in Faron.
Complete You reported your Gleeok victory at the Bridge of Hylia to Gralens at Lookout Landing.
