The Beckoning Woman

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The Beckoning Woman
The Beckoning Woman - TotK.jpg





Speak to Penn and Nell near Outskirt Stable


Follow and defeat the disguised Yiga Footsoldiers


Varies depending on how many Potential Princess Sightings! quests have been previously completed, see that article




The Beckoning Woman is a Side Adventure in Tears of the Kingdom.


Penn is interviewing Nell near Outskirt Stable when Link shows up. Apparently a woman at a three-way intersection was pleading for help on behalf of an unnamed woman, who was in danger and who naming would apparently make things worse for her. Nell was unable to follow the woman, however.

When Link goes to the junction, he finds the woman. She claims her friend is in hiding, and he should go east where she'll be waiting. He then has to follow her up a cliff; then across a ravine to the Great Plateau, near the Forest of Spirits. There, she reveals herself to be a Yiga Footsoldier, with the story a trap intended for Link himself. They, and a couple more Yiga, attack.

After Link defeats the Yiga and they flee, Penn arrives. After Link explains what was going on, Penn pays him for the story as normal, but still doesn't believe he is the Link.


Link must have spoken to Traysi and taken a freelance job for the Lucky Clover Gazette in the Potential Princess Sightings! Side Adventure.


Adventure Log

Step Description
1 A woman approached a blond-haired man near a three-way intersection by Outskirt Stable and implored him to help her friend. The man couldn't follow the woman's lead, though, and then lost track of her.

Could this friend—supposedly in danger and possibly of noble birth—be...
2 A woman approached you near a three-way intersection by Outskirt Stable and implored you to help her friend. The friend fears for her life and can't reveal her identity.

The woman said she could guide you to the person in need of help, and then she took off down the road to the east.
3 A woman approached you near a three-way intersection by Outskirt Stable and implored you to help her friend. The friend fears for her life so can't reveal her identity. The woman said she could guide you to the person in need of help.

She said she'd wait for you atop the cliff with debris, and then she disappeared.
4 A woman approached you near a three-way intersection by Outskirt Stable and implored you to help her friend, but out of fear, won't reveal her friend's identity. The woman said she could guide you to the person in need of help.

She said she'd wait for you by the debris on the other side of a canyon, and then she left.
5 The woman who requested help was actually a Yiga in disguise. It turns out she was luring blond-haired men in an effort to draw out Link, Princess Zelda's protector, into a trap.

Defeat the Yiga Clan members.
Complete The woman who requested help was actually a Yiga in disguise. It turns out she was luring blond-haired men in an effort to draw out Link, Princess Zelda's protector. You shared the whole story with Penn and received a reward.

