The Ultimate Dish?

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The Ultimate Dish?



Speak to Moza in the Rikoka Hills Well


Bring Moza some Dubious Food or Rock-Hard Food




The Ultimate Dish? is a Side Quest in Tears of the Kingdom.


Speak to Moza, who can be found inside of the Rikoka Hills Well.



  • Speak with Moza in the Rikoka Hills Well to begin the quest.
  • Cook a meal and creat some Dubious Food or Rock-Hard Food. This can be done at any Cooking Pot, such as the one in the Emergency Shelter. To create Dubious Food, simply cook a Monster Part, such as a Bokoblin Horn by itself. To create Rock-Hard Food, cook Flint by itself.
  • Return to Moza and give her one of the failed dishes. The first time, she'll only charge Link 5 rupees. She will create some Monster Stew, which will complete the quest.

Adventure Log

Step Description
1 Moza has opened a restaurant inside a well. She's convinced she can take failed dishes, such as dubious or rock-hard food, and make them ultimate.

If you get your hands on those disastrous dishes, Moza is ready for them.
Complete Moza turned the failed dish you gave her into monster stew. No challenge is too great for that master chef—she's ready to remake any dubious or rock-hard food you bring her.

