Destroy Ganon

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Destroy Ganon
Destroy Ganon Zelda - BOTW.png





Complete the The Isolated Plateau quest


Speak to King Rhoam's ghost in the Temple of Time tower



Game Completion






Destroy Ganon is a Main Quest in Breath of the Wild.


The quest to Destroy Ganon is given by King Rhoam's spirit in the tower of the Temple of Time. Technically, Link can go to Hyrule Castle and confront Ganon at any time from then on, although the King advises against this and directs him toward the Seek Out Impa quest. Going to fight Calamity Ganon without freeing any Divine Beasts not only means going in without the Champion powers, but requires Link to defeat all four Blight Ganons in the Sanctum as a gauntlet before he can confront the final boss.

While defeating Dark Beast Ganon does cause a completion message to appear on-screen, the defeat of Ganon is not retained in the game world - re-entering the save file will return Link to the moment before entering the Sanctum. However, a star is added to the save file to signify completion, and Kilton's Medals of Honor can only be obtained on a starred save file. Hyrule Compendium photos of Calamity Ganon and Dark Beast Ganon are also retained.


Link must complete The Isolated Plateau by collecting the four Spirit Orbs from the Great Plateau Ancient Shrines, then speak to King Rhoam in the Temple of Time's tower to trigger this quest.


Adventure Log

Step Description
1 The ghost of King Rhoam told you that Hyrule is on the brink of annihilation.

Princess Zelda is currently fighting to contain Calamity Ganon inside Hyrule Castle, but her power cannot keep him at bay forever. Eventually, Ganon will regain his full strength and destroy the world.

Your ultimate task is to aid Princess Zelda in defeating Ganon before that can happen.
Complete N/A [Adventure Log cannot be viewed with this quest in a complete state]


Final Cutscene
