Main Quest

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Main Quest

Main Quests are the parts of games in The Legend of Zelda series which are intended to be essential to game and story completion. In most games, these are implicit, but Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom and Echoes of Wisdom contain explicit lists dubbed "Main Quests" in the Adventure Log; which follow the main storyline, and are usually acquired by talking to important characters, such as Impa or Purah.

Breath of the Wild

There are 15 Main Quests in the base game, with an additional 5 as part of The Champion's Ballad DLC. Once completed, a quest cannot be replayed in the same save file, except for Destroy Ganon, which will never stay completed. All Main Quests can be found in the first tab of the Adventure Log.

Tears of the Kingdom

There are 23 Main Quests in the game. Like in Breath of the Wild, a completed quest cannot be replayed in the same save file; except for Find Princess Zelda and Destroy Ganondorf, which do not remain completed.

Echoes of Wisdom