Riverbed Reward

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Riverbed Reward




Get the chest from the river


Riverbed Reward is a Side Quest from Breath of the Wild.


Speak to Izra on the riverbank by the Wetland Stable and accept the quest to begin.


This will only take a moment. Lift the chest out of the water with Magnesis and open it for a Knight's Broadsword or a Royal Broadsword. Talk to Izra to complete the quest.

Adventure Log

Step Description
1 You noticed Izra at the Wetland Stable staring keenly into Hylia River.

His attention was fixed on a treasure chest on the bed of Hylia River, but he is at a loss as to how to bring it to the surface.
2 You pulled the sunken treasure chest from the bed of Hylia River.

Open the chest so you can tell Izra what you found inside.
3 You pulled the sunken treasure chest from the bed of Hylia River.

Tell Izra what you found inside.
Complete You pulled the sunken treasure chest from the bed of Hylia River and reported its contents to Izra.

Izra went home satisfied to the Wetland Stable.