Thunder Wizzrobe

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Thunder Wizzrobe



Upgrade from


Breath of the Wild
Thunderstorm Rod
Age of Calamity
Wizzrobe Trophy
Tears of the Kingdom
Topaz Rod


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"These spell-casting monsters can be found all over Hyrule. They use their thunderstorm rods to hurl balls of electricity or to summon monsters surging with electricity and have been known to cause thunderstorms in the area. The weather will normalize once the Wizzrobe is defeated."

— Hyrule Compendium entry

A Thunder Wizzrobe is an enemy in Breath of the Wild, Age of Calamity, and Tears of the Kingdom.

Breath of the Wild

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Thunder Wizzrobes prance about in select locations in Hyrule, and will only attack if Link nears. They will taunt him, and as he approaches, the Wizzrobe will teleport around and cast lightning spells at Link. If Link doesn't eliminate the Wizzrobe quickly, it will cast a strong thunder spell, which will cause a thunderstorm to engulf the area.

If hit by ball lightning from the Wizzrobe, Link will drop some of the items he has in-hand unless he has the Unshockable Set Bonus from an upgraded Rubber Set. Upon death, they will drop the Thunderstorm Rod they carry.

Age of Calamity

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Tears of the Kingdom

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Thunder Wizzrobes are slightly more powerful enemies than their Electric Wizzrobe counterparts. They often wield a Topaz Rod, which is a fusion between a one-handed weapon and a Topaz, capable of shooting electricity out towards Link.