Blue-Maned Lynel

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"These fearsome monsters have lived in Hyrule since ancient times. Compared to the Standard Lynel, those with blue manes are much tougher and are equipped with much stronger weapons. Facing off a Lynel is ill-advised, but if you must, be sure you're well prepared."

Breath of the Wild in-game description

The Blue-Maned Lynel are found in Breath of the Wild, Age of Calamity, and Tears of the Kingdom.

Breath of the Wild

One can always be found in the First Gatehouse in Hyrule Castle.


Main article: Lynel Weapon-Related Attack/Movement Patterns

There are seven of these Lynels in the base game.

This Lynel can shoot fireballs from its mouth. These may look pretty menacing but they are actually very easy to dodge; in fact you can just run (no need to sprint) to the left or right and you won't get hit. The actual problem with these fireballs is that they light the grass on fire for a while and the fire might get in the way. On the bright side you can also use this fire to your advantage since you can ride the updraft and either use the slow motion to shoot the Lynel in the face, or you can just land on its back for a free attack. Attempting to shoot a Lynel from a distance is usually a very poor idea, it will shoot elemental arrows at you, including Shock Arrows, which afflict critical damage, and if more than one projectile hits at once, you might die outright on the spot.

All Lynels are impervious to elemental damage, but will usually stop at their tracks if there's fire on their path.

These Lynels are marginally more common than the weaker Red-Maned variation, but they dwell in less accessible areas, so they're more rarely encountered. In perspective, White-Maned Lynels are more easily encountered.

As Link encounters and battles more Lynels, just like the White-Maned Lynels, the Blue-Maned variation eventually start spawning as Silver Lynels except for the Blue-Maned Lynel at Hyrule Castle.

A spear-wielding Blue-Maned Lynel is the boss of the snow section of the Final Trial of the Trial of the Sword, making it the penultimate boss of the Trial of the Sword as a whole. In Master Mode, this Lynel is in turn a White-Maned Lynel.


  • Note: The Blue-Maned Lynel in the First Gatehouse at Hyrule Castle, which does not upgrade with World Level and carries a Mighty Lynel Sword, Mighty Lynel Shield and Mighty Lynel Bow, will not ordinarily drop its weapons on defeat. To make it do so, the player must save the game within the First Gatehouse and reload from this save before killing the Lynel. The player can then kill the Lynel and it will drop the weapons in line with Lynels elsewhere in the game.
Recoverable Materials
Lynel Horn.pngLynel Horn Lynel Hoof.pngLynel Hoof Lynel Guts.pngLynel Guts
Carried Weapons
Mighty-lynel-sword.pngMighty Lynel Sword or

Mighty-lynel-shield.pngMighty Lynel Shield

Mighty-lynel-bow.pngMighty Lynel Bow
Mighty-lynel-spear.pngMighty Lynel Spear

Mighty-lynel-bow.pngMighty Lynel Bow
Mighty-lynel-crusher.pngMighty Lynel Crusher

Mighty-lynel-bow.pngMighty Lynel Bow
Fire-arrow.pngFire Arrows, or
Shock-arrow.pngShock Arrows, or
Ice-arrow.pngIce Arrows

Age of Calamity

A Blue-Maned Lynel, as they appear in Tears of the Kingdom
Terrako - HWAoC.png
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Tears of the Kingdom

Blue-Maned Lynels reappear from Breath of the Wild and remain present for the entire game, with adjusted enemy balancing allowing for each of every type of Lynel to share overworld space with each other at the same time. Blue-Maned Lynels will always be found on Lanayru Heights, Lanayru Wetlands and Harfin Valley. A Blue-Maned Lynel is also the second opponent fought in the Floating Coliseum, alongside a Red and White-Maned Lynel and two Silver Lynels. They carry over many of their characteristics from Breath of the Wild with the most notable differences being that they now drop Blue-Maned Lynel Saber Horns and Blue-Maned Lynel Mace Horns upon defeat. Blue-Maned Lynel Saber Horns and Blue-Maned Lynel Mace Horns have a fuse power of 33 and 29 respectively, ranking them at equal power with Silver Moblin Horns and Stalnox Horns, and is effective respectively for slash and hammer-type attacks. Lynel Hoofs will also be dropped with a chance for Lynel Guts to also drop, along with a variety of medium level unfused basic weapons, and Mighty Lynel Bows and Mighty Lynel Shields.