Breath of the Wild Two-Handed Weapons
Two-handed weapons are a category of weapons in Breath of the Wild. These weapons are heavier and slower than other weapons but deal more damage per hit. The standard attack sequence lands two hits. If Link performs a Perfect Dodge and enters Flurry Rush, he will execute four hits. If the attack button is held, Link will slowly start spinning with the weapon held out, using stamina and landing hits over time. Since Link requires both hands to hold the weapon, he cannot use a Shield at the same time. Due to their great mass, all of these weapons tend to open metal and wooden crates with a single blow, and some are the most effective at mining ore. Two handed weapons are more dangerous than one handed weapons because you need to manually switch to shield and are slower but do much more damage. While one handed weapons are faster but weaker,leaving less openings for you to get attacked. While spears are fast and have low damage output and don't have many openings for opponents to attack you. Spears also need to be manually changed to shield as they are two handed weapons. They can also attack fast enough keep an enemy continually stunned.
Korok Leaf
- Main article: Korok Leaf
Korok Leaves have a base power of 1 and base durability of 25. They are primarily tools rather than weapons, which can create gusts of wind that will blow objects away or power the many rafts found throughout Hyrule. Furthermore, when Link uses a leaf to blow the sail of a raft, it will not affect its durability. Thus, Link can endlessly use the Korok Leaf to guide a raft.
If used to hit things, a Korok Leaf is the weakest "weapon" in the game. From a distance against smaller enemies, such as Bokoblins or Chuchus, the gust will push them back; but larger enemies such as Moblin will simply block the gust.
"A single swing of this giant, sturdy leaf can create a gust of wind strong enough to blow away light objects. These will sometimes fall off trees as they're chopped down."
Farming Hoe
- Main article: Farming Hoe
Farming Hoes have a base power of 16 and base durability of 6. While they are most abundantly found in and around Hateno Village, a Red Bokoblin can be found wielding a Farming Hoe at the East Post Ruins, just west of the Proxim Bridge.
"A farming tool primarily used for tilling fields. Its fine craftsmanship is sturdy enough to withstand backbreaking fieldwork, but its battle applications are untested."
Boat Oar
- Main article: Boat Oar
Boat Oars have a base power of 14 and base durability of 8. They are typically found in urbanized areas, such as the Hateno Village or Lurelin Village. Link cannot use them to paddle rafts.
"Made for paddling boats, but it was made sturdy enough to fight strong currents. Maybe it's useful for self-defense in a pinch."
Woodcutter's Axe
- Main article: Woodcutter's Axe
Woodcutter's Axes have a base power of 3 and base durability of 47. They are one of the first items Link can come across in the game, as one can be found resting in close proximity to the Shrine of Resurrection, where Link first meets the Old Man. It isn't recommended to use these axes against enemies, as they are slow, weak and awkward. Instead, they should be used to knock down trees in order to obtain Wood or Apples which may be difficult to reach.
"A woodcutter's tool of choice for felling trees. Its formidable weight and uneven balancing make it a slow, inefficient weapon."
Double Axe
- Main article: Double Axe
Double Axes have a base power of 18 and base durability of 52. Like the Woodcutter's Axe, they are suitable for chopping down trees, thanks to their durability; but the increased damage makes them more useful in a fight, though still slow.
"This double-sided axe was designed with fighting in mind. It's a bit unwieldy, so it requires a well-practiced technique to use efficiently."
Iron Sledgehammer
- Main article: Iron Sledgehammer
Iron Sledgehammers have a base power of 12 and base durability of 40. They are primarily tools, used to build up kinetic energy in items frozen with the Stasis rune or break Ore Deposits, including the ones on the back of Stone Taluses. They are occasionally found in the open, for instance beside Link's House or in places on the Great Plateau. While not often, they are occasionally wielded as weapons by enemies, including Black Moblin.
While they can be used as a two-handed weapon, they are slow and rather inefficient against enemies other than Taluses and Pebblits.
"This large iron sledgehammer was originally used for mining, but it works reasonably well as a weapon too."
Giant Boomerang
- Main article: Giant Boomerang
Giant Boomerangs have a base power of 25 and base durability of 40. They can be found in various locations across Hyrule, including as a drop from Hinoxes such as the Stalnox on Satori Mountain. Usable as a two-handed melee weapon, they can also be thrown like a traditional boomerang.
If thrown, when one hits a solid object, it will lose all momentum and drop to the ground. In order to catch a returning boomerang, the player must hit the A button as the boomerang nears Link. In the case of this not happening, the weapon will keep going for a small distance then drop to the ground, where it can be picked up if accessible.
"This massive boomerang requires two hands. Originally used for hunting, it was modified for use as a weapon. The blades on the inner curves make it a bit tricky to wield."
Traveler's Claymore
- Main article: Traveler's Claymore
Traveler's Claymores are a two-handed swords with a base power of 10 and base durability of 20. Often wielded by Moblins around the Great Plateau, they are heavy weapons for Link, and as a result are rather slow in his hands. They appear to be larger versions of the Traveler's Sword; but with much larger blades, and grips to enable holding them with two hands.
"A basic two-handed sword often wielded by aspiring adventurers. Its immense weight can knock enemies' shields right out of their hands."
Soldier's Claymore
- Main article: Soldier's Claymore
Soldier's Claymores have a base power of 20 and a base durability of 25. They are a heavy weapons, and as a result have a rather slow use time, but the damage partially makes up for this deficit. They appear to be larger versions of the Soldier's Broadsword, featuring a similar cross-guard and the same blue-grey wrap around the grip.
"A two-handed sword designed for combat. It's heavy and hard to use but has decent build quality and durability."
Knight's Claymore
- Main article: Knight's Claymore
Knight's Claymores have a base power of 38 and base durability of 30. They can occasionally be found in the possession of Black Moblins on the outskirts of the map, in regions such as Hebra or Gerudo.
"Only the most confident of Hyrule Castle's knights carried this two-handed sword. Its cutting edge is finely honed."
Royal Claymore
- Main article: Royal Claymore
Royal Claymores have a base power of 52 and base durability of 40. Their design features a golden crossguard, a grip encased with purple wrap, and many other decorations. Cosmetically, they are similar to the Royal Guard's Claymore, bar the brighter colour scheme.
"A two-handed sword issued to the Hyrulean royal family's immediate guard detail. Its powerful strikes are said to crush an opponent's body and resolve alike."
Silver Longsword
- Main article: Silver Longsword
Silver Longswords have a base power of 22 and base durability of 30. They can be found rarely in chests across Hyrule, most commonly in the Lanayru province, and occasionally in Shrine of Trials. They sport the common Zora colors of silver and blue.
"Although the Zora prefer spears to swords, they made this two-handed weapon using a special metal. It found popularity among Hylians for its unique design."
Cobble Crusher
- Main article: Cobble Crusher
Cobble Crushers are two handed metal clubs, with a base power of 15 and base durability of 30. They can be used to mine Ore Deposits with great efficiency, and are typically be found in lone locations around the Eldin province, for example in Goron City. If Link loses or breaks the Boulder Breaker, Rohan the blacksmith will need a Cobble Crusher as part of making a replacement.
"A Goron-made two-handed weapon. It's made from thick, hard metal and has no cutting edge, so it relies on its sheer weight to crush all opponents."
Stone Smasher
- Main article: Stone Smasher
Stone Smashers are two handed metal clubs, with a base power of 42 and base durability of 40. They can be used to mine Ore Deposits with great efficiency, and are typically be found in lone locations around Hyrule Field and in Hyrule Castle.
"A two-handed weapon forged from a rare metal mined in Goron City. Its center of gravity is at its tip, so it uses centrifugal force and its sheer weight to smash opponents flat."
Boulder Breaker
- Main article: Boulder Breaker
The Boulder Breaker is a two-handed weapon with a very slow use time, an attack power of 60, and a durability of 60. It once belonged to the Goron Champion Daruk, and can be obtained in Goron City from the town elder Bludo after completing the Divine Beast Vah Rudania. The Boulder Breaker is very effective against every single type of Stone Talus, which includes its Igneo and Frost variants.
The Boulder Breaker cannot have attack up or durability up effects. If Link loses or breaks it, he can go to Rohan, the Goron City Blacksmith, to ask for a new one. He will require a Cobble Crusher, five pieces of flint and a diamond.
"This two-handed weapon was once wielded by the Goron Champion Daruk. Daruk made swinging it around look easy, but a Hylian would need and immense amount of strength."
Golden Claymore
- Main article: Golden Claymore
Golden Claymores have a base power of 28 and base durability of 30. They can sometimes be found in chests in and around the Gerudo province, for example in the South Lomei Labyrinth. The design fits the Gerudo theme, with curved edges on the cross-guard and the Gerudo symbol at the peak of the blade.
"Only the most talented Gerudo sword fighters carry this two-handed sword. It's actually much lighter than it appears and is surprisingly easy to wield."
Eightfold Longblade
- Main article: Eightfold Longblade
Eightfold Longblades have a base power of 32 and base durability of 25. They can be found in various chests across Hyrule, and appear to be a two-handed version of the Eightfold Blade.
This and Windcleavers share a unique charge attack - a horizontal slash, rather than the Great Spin Attack shared by every other two-handed weapon in the game.
"A single-edged sword seldom seen in Hyrule. This weapon is passed down through the Sheikah tribe and has an astonishingly shape edge ideal for slicing."
Edge of Duality
- Main article: Edge of Duality
Edges of Duality have a base power of 50 and base durability of 35. They are very slow, but can deal immense damage to enemies.
"A curious double-edged sword crafted using Sheikah technology. It was originally made for Hyrulean knights unfamiliar with single-edged blades."
Ancient Bladesaw
- Main article: Ancient Bladesaw
Ancient Bladesaws have a base power of 55 and base durability of 50. They can be obtained from "Cherry" in the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab for 1000 Rupees, 15 Ancient Screws, 5 Ancient Shafts and 2 Ancient Cores after lighting the Tech Lab's furnace with Blue Flame. When Link is carrying this weapon on his back, only the handle is shown; the blue parts show up only once held in his hands.
"This two-handed sword was forged using ancient Sheikah technology. Its unique rotating blades give it impressive cutting power that will slice enemies to shreds."
Rusty Claymore
- Main article: Rusty Claymore
Rusty Claymores have a base power of 12 and base durability of 10. They can usually be found dotted around Hyrule, usually by ruined buildings or outhouses. They bear resemblance to a Soldier's Claymore, but over the ages have become rotten and virtually unusable. One can be restored to as-new condition by feeding it to a Rock Octorok.
"A two-handed sword not properly cared for. Although it can be used as a weapon, its durability is very low. Don't expect it to last for more than a few strikes."
Royal Guard's Claymore
- Main article: Royal Guard's Claymore
Royal Guard's Claymores have a base power of 72; but a low base durability of 15, which makes them unreliable in battle. They feature a black cross-guard with a crimson wrap around the grip. Design-wise, they are similar to the Royal Claymore in darker colours.
"The Sheikah used the very essence of ancient technology to forge this greatsword. It was designed to oppose the Calamity, but its low durability made it impractical in battle."
Great Flameblade
- Main article: Great Flameblade
Great Flameblades are elemental swords with a base power of 34 and base durability of 50. They can be found in various lone locations across Hyrule, such as the Ancient Tree Stump, but also in chests in Shrine of Trials. Each has the ability to set enemies alight, but requires a short period of time to recharge this power after each use.
"This magic-infused greatsword was forged in the fires of Death Mountain by Goron smiths in an ancient age. Attack when the blade glows red to expel flames."
Great Frostblade
- Main article: Great Frostblade
Great Frostblades are elemental swords with a base power of 30 and base durability of 40. Each has the ability to freeze enemies, but requires a short period of time to recharge this power after each use. One can be found sitting in a partially-collapsed room in Hyrule Castle.
"This magic infused greatsword was forged by smelting ore found in the Hebra Mountains' permafrost. Attack when the blade glows blue to expel freezing air."
Great Thunderblade
- Main article: Great Thunderblade
Great Thunderblades are elemental swords with a base power of 32 and base durability of 50. Each has the ability to shock enemies, knocking weapons from their hands, but require a short period of time to recharge this power after each use.
"This magic-infused greatsword was forged by the Hyrulean royal family using lightning from the Hyrule Hills. Attack when the blade glows golden to expel lightning."
Boko Bat
- Main article: Boko Bat
Boko Bats are two-handed wooden clubs with a base power of 6 and base durability of 8. They are typically used by Red Bokoblins and Red Moblins in the Necluda province. They appear to be logs crudely-fashioned into weapons, featuring poorly made spikes at the top for extra damage.
"A clunky club made by a Bokoblin. If you swing it at an enemy's shield it may be able to knock the shield out of your foe's hand."
Spiked Boko Bat
- Main article: Spiked Boko Bat
Spiked Boko Bats have a base power of 18 and base durability of 12. They are typically wielded by Red and Blue Bokoblins in the Necluda province. Vulnerable to fire as a wooden club, they appears to be a modified version of the Boko Bat, with additional spikes added to increase the damage output.
"After much consideration by Bokoblins on how to improve the Boko bat, they simply attached sharp spikes to it. A skilled fighter can cause immense damage with this."
Dragonbone Boko Bat
- Main article: Dragonbone Boko Bat
Dragonbone Boko are two-handed wooden clubs with a base power of 36 and base durability of 16. They are typically wielded by Black Bokoblins all over Hyrule. In appearance, they are reminiscent of the Boko Bat, but many large bones have been affixed to the wood to greatly improve the damage of the weapon. They are made from wood, meaning they will catch on fire if brought close to a flame.
"Used only by the toughest Bokoblin warriors, this Boko bat has been fortified by fossilized bone. It boasts a high durability and is strong enough to beat down powerful foes."
Moblin Club
- Main article: Moblin Club
Moblin Clubs are two-handed wooden clubs with a base power of 9 and base durability of 12, often wielded by Moblins around the Great Plateau and Upland Zorana. They are made from a purple-grey wood, meaning they will catch fire if brought close to a flame. A Moblin Club is the third weapon required for the Weapon Connoisseur side quest.
"A crudely fashioned club favored by Moblins. It's carved from a sturdy tree but is sloppily made, so it breaks easily."
Spiked Moblin Club
- Main article: Spiked Moblin Club
Spiked Moblin Clubs are two-handed wooden clubs with a base power of 27 and base durability of 18, and are a typical weapons of choice for Moblins all over Hyrule. The design is based on a basic Moblin Club, but with a large spiked bone strapped to the side with rope.
"Animal bone has been affixed to this Moblin club to greatly improve its damage."
Dragonbone Moblin Club
- Main article: Dragonbone Moblin Club
Dragonbone Moblin Clubs have a base power of 45 and base durability of 24. They are carried by Black Moblins found in the Eldin and Hebra provinces of the game. The design is based on a standard Moblin Club, but with a razor sharp Dragonbone strapped on like an axe head to deal maximum damage.
"The bone of an ancient beast has been affixed to this Moblin club, further increasing its damage. Moblins carrying these in battle are particularly dangerous."
Ancient Battle Axe
- Main article: Ancient Battle Axe
Ancient Battle Axes have a base power of 30 and a base durability of 15, and can be obtained by defeating Guardian Scouts I or II in Shrines of Trials or Divine Beasts. When Link is carrying one on his back, only the handle shows; the blue parts show up only once held in the hand.
"A weapon used by Guardian Scouts. Its unique blade was forged using ancient technology. Although powerful, its unusual shape causes it to break easily."
Ancient Battle Axe+
- Main article: Ancient Battle Axe+
Ancient Battle Axe+s have a base power of 45 and base durability of 20. They can be obtained by defeating Guardian Scout IIIs in 'A Modest Test of Strength' Shrines. When Link is carrying one on his back, only the handle shows; the blue parts show up only once held in the hand.
"This ancient battle axe's damage output has been increased to maximum. It's sharp enough to cut through almost anything, so it may have been used to forge new routes."
Ancient Battle Axe++
- Main article: Ancient Battle Axe++
Ancient Battle Axe++s have a base power of 60 and base durability of 25. They can be obtained by defeating Guardian Scout IVs in 'A Major Test of Strength' Shrines. When Link is carrying one on his back, only the handle shows; the blue parts show up only once held in the hand. This aesthetic is very similar to other Ancient Equipment.
"This ancient battle axe's damage output is scaled up to peak performance. Ancient technology makes it possible to enhance cutting power beyond metal weapons' limits."
Lynel Crusher
- Main article: Lynel Crusher
Lynel Crushers have a base power of 36 and base durability of 20. They can be obtained by defeating some of the various red-maned Lynels around Hyrule.
"This Lynel-made two-handed weapon has been reinforced to increase its durability and striking power. Its overwhelming heft will crush your foe, shield and all."
Mighty Lynel Crusher
- Main article: Mighty Lynel Crusher
Mighty Lynel Crushers have a base power of 54 and base durability of 25. They can be obtained by defeating some of the various Blue-Maned Lynels around Hyrule.
"This Lynel-made two-handed weapon has been reinforced to increase its durability and striking power. Its overwhelming heft will crush your foe, shield and all."
Savage Lynel Crusher
- Main article: Savage Lynel Crusher
Savage Lynel Crushers have a base power of 78, the strongest two-handed weapon in the game, and base durability of 35. They can be obtained by defeating White-Maned Lynels or Silver Lynels around Hyrule, for example in the Oseira Plains.
"This Lynel-made two-handed weapon is immensely heavy thanks to a rare metal from Death Mountain's peak. The power of its downward swing is in a class all of its own."
- Main article: Windcleaver
Windcleavers are two-handed swords with a base power of 40 and base durability of 25. They can be obtained by defeating Yiga Blademasters in battle, who randomly teleport near Link once he has defeated Master Kohga in the Yiga Clan Hideout. A Windcleaver is the fifth weapon required for The Weapon Connoisseur side quest.
When one is swung, it has the ability create a vortex which deals slight damage to enemies. Windcleavers share a unique charge attack with the Eightfold Longblade - a horizontal slash, rather than the Great Spin Attack used by every other two-handed weapon in the game. This horizontal slash will make a stronger vortex that further damages enemies within its range.
"This sword is favored by high-ranking members of the Yiga. When wielded by a proficient fighter, its unique shape cleaves the very wind and creates a vacuum."
Moblin Arm
- Main article: Moblin Arm
Moblin arms are the still-wriggling limbs of Stalmoblins, with a base power of 15 and base durability of 8, which can be picked up when separated from the skeletal enemy and used as a two-handed weapon.
"A Moblin bone that continues to move even after being detached from its body. The bone is thick enough to be used as a weapon but is extremely brittle and easily broken."