Blue Lizalfos

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Blue Lizalfos are enemies from Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom and Age of Calamity. They are stronger variants than the traditional Lizalfos.

Breath of the Wild

In Breath of the Wild, the Blue Lizalfos are tougher versions of the standard Green Lizalfos.[1] With a standard health of 120, they can take more than double the amount of damage than their green counterpart.

Blue Lizalfos are commonly found in the Wasteland Tower region, all over the Gerudo Desert. They can also be found in Lanayru, around Zora's Domain in all directions. There are also an abundant amount of Blue Lizalfos on the road in Tabantha Frontier, that leads northward across the Kolami Bridge, towards the Rito Stable.

By far the most commonly wielded weapons are the Lizal Forked Boomerang and the Enhanced Lizal Spear. However, they occasional wielded some non-Lizalfos weapons, including a Spiked Moblin Spear or a Knight's Claymore.

Like the standard Green Lizalfos, these enemies will drop Lizalfos Horns and Lizalfos Talons when defeated. However these stronger variants will also occasional drop a Lizalfos Tail as a reward.

As the World Level increases, many Green Lizalfos are replaced with the stronger Blue Lizalfos. In turn, with further increases, Blue Lizalfos become Black Lizalfos.

In Master Mode, Blue Lizalfos become the default variant, replacing all Green Lizalfos. In turn, the existing Blue Lizalfos are all replaced with Black Lizalfos. World Level increases still apply.

Age of Calamity

Blue Lizalfos in Age of Calamity are weaker enemies, which are a step up from the base Lizalfos. They are common, first encountered in The Yiga Clan Attacks! scenario. They will occasionally drop a Lizalfos Horn, Lizalfos Tail, or Lizalfos Talon when defeated. After each Blue Lizalfos is defeated, the player will receive a Lizalfos Trophy, which can be used to complete quests or upgrade weapons of the various warriors.

Larger Blue Lizalfos will occasionally appear as the leader of an outpost. They deal more damage, have more health, and once defeated, allow the warrior to capture the outpost.


See also


  1. "These quick-witted, lizard-like monsters can be found all over Hyrule. Compared to the green Lizalfos, many of these carry much stronger weapons and are generally much tougher." — Hyrule Compendium, Breath of the Wild