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"A spirit of lightning has taken the form of this giant dragon. Making its home in the Faron region, it's said to have served the Spring of Courage since ancient times. And old saying goes, "The dragon ascends to the heavens as the sun begins to set." but nobody has seen this in the current age. The electricity that coats its body makes it dangerous to get near, but Farosh bears no ill will toward people."

Breath of the Wild in-game description

Farosh is one of three dragons found in Breath of the Wild and Age of Calamity and one of four dragons found in Tears of the Kingdom.

Breath of the Wild

Farosh can be found roaming the Faron region at Lake Hylia or Lake Floria. It can also be found in the Gerudo Highlands region flying around Gerudo Summit.


Farosh will not start spawning in the world until the Seek Out Impa Main Quest has been completed or Link has freed the four Divine Beasts. Once one of these tasks is completed, Farosh will always spawn whenever the following conditions are met:

  • It is between the hours of 7 PM and 7 AM.
  • Link is in the regions of one of its flight paths.
  • Farosh hasn't already spawned that day.

Farosh will leave after flying around for 5 hours or if Link attacks it. It is unique from the other dragons in that it has multiple flight paths, two of which have set spawn points.

The first of these paths is a small loop around Lake Hylia. Farosh spawns from the northeastern part of the lake and circles the lake, passing under the southern part of the bridge. This is a decent farm spot in the early game.

The second flight path is a back and forth pass over Lake Floria. Farosh spawns out of Riola Spring, follows the water down to pass under Floria Bridge, then rises back up to dive into Rassla Lake. After completely disappearing into the lake, Farosh reemerges from it and flies the same path in reverse.

The third flight path is around Gerudo Summit. Farosh has no spawn point here. It will spawn on its flight path a long distance away from Link, similar to how Naydra and Dinraal work. Its path takes it through the pass on top of the summit, follows the cliff that extends east of the summit, then flies west over Vatorsa Snowfield, and comes back around the southern side of the summit to repeat the loop. But since this area is more troublesome to get around, it's not a very good farming spot.

Farosh can only spawn once a day but since a new day starts at midnight, it is possible to make it spawn twice in one night.

Drops and Uses

Farosh can drop four items, including Farosh's Scale, Farosh's Claw, Shard of Farosh's Fang, and Shard of Farosh's Horn. Farosh will always drop a Scale on the first encounter with Link regardless of where Link shoots it with an arrow.

Armor Enhancement

Drop \ Armor Part Champion's Tunic[MT 1] Cap of the Wild[MT 1] Barbarian Armor[MT 1] Fierce Deity Boots[MT 1]
Farosh's Scale
2 for ★ enhancement
1 for ★ enhancement
Farosh's Claw
2 for ★★ enhancement
1 for ★★ enhancement
Shard of Farosh's Fang
2 for ★★★ enhancement
1 for ★★★ enhancement
Shard of Farosh's Horn 2 for ★★ enhancement 2 for ★★★★ enhancement 1 for ★★★★ enhancement 1 for ★★★★ enhancement


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Requires additional ingredients other than the ones mentioned here; see each part's page for more details.

As Cooking Ingredients or To Sell

Farosh's parts can be used for cooking in order to prolong the effects of various buffs, as well as be sold:

Buff Effect Time
Vendor Price
Kilton Price
Farosh's Scale 1:30 minutes 150 rupees 60 Mon
Farosh's Claw 3:30 minutes 180 rupees 80 Mon
Shard of Farosh's Fang 10:30 minutes 250 rupees 110 Mon
Shard of Farosh's Horn 30:00 minutes 300 rupees 150 Mon

Shrine Quests

Farosh is involved in The Serpent's Jaws shrine quest in order to uncover Shae Katha Shrine at the north end of the Dracozu River. Link must procure a scale to drop in the Spring of Courage, which will open the door to the shrine.


Farosh is the easiest dragon to farm out of the three as it has set spawning points that can be reached with ease and be triggered immediately upon resting until morning.

One recommended location to wait for Farosh is at the southern towers of the Bridge of Hylia. Catch an updraft from Farosh to get closer, then fire an arrow from the air. Note that Farosh may not spawn if you wait at the same location too many times in a row, or during weather. Be careful of Farosh's electric aura because if you paraglide too close it may knock you out of the sky. This is a relatively easy farming location during the early game.

An even better location to catch Farosh and farm dragon parts is Riola Spring, above Shoda Sah Shrine. The trees there will protect a fire from rain, so set a fire and wait until morning; Farosh will come out of the water within a few seconds. Parts will land around the spring and will remain after resting so you can shoot Farosh and then rest again and collect the parts all at once.

Age of Calamity

See also: Floria Bridge Protection
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Tears of the Kingdom

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Farosh - TotK Compendium Full.png

"A spirit of lightning has taken the form of this giant dragon. Making its home in the Faron region, it's said to have served the Spring of Courage since ancient times. The electricity that coats its body can cause lightning storms, but Farosh bears no ill will toward people. Few have seen it in the current age."

Tears of the Kingdom Hyrule Compendium

While the Hyrule Compendium description of Farosh continues to refer to the dragon as "It", when beginning the Goddess Statue of Courage quest, the Goddess Statue in the Spring of Courage refers to Farosh with feminine pronouns.[1]

Drops and Uses

Link can hit Farosh once every 10 minutes with any weapon or arrow to cause it to drop a materials. It can drop four materials this way, depending on where Link hits it.

Meanwhile, Shards of Farosh's Spike can be picked up by running along the dragon's back, as they spawn under the dragon's spikes. To do so safely requires the Lightning Helm or the Rubber Set's Set Bonus, Lightning Proof.


Farosh flies out of the Depths to the Surface through the East Gerudo Chasm, and flies over Gerudo Canyon and Lake Hylia before diving into the Hills of Baumer Chasm.

In the Depths, Farosh flies a more southerly route in the opposite direction, going south and east around the walls under Lake Hylia, then flying westward before curving around the South Lomei Depths Labyrinth, then turning north towards the East Gerudo Chasm.



  1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 "Seek the golden spirit Farosh, who looses lightning as she dances across the heavens." — Spring of Courage Goddess Statue, Tears of the Kingdom