Woman (Lorule)

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Woman - Lorule ALBW.png






Woman (Hyrulean counterpart)

The Woman is a character from Lorule in A Link Between Worlds. She asks Link if she looks strong.[1] If he says yes, she thinks he is lying, because she saw his ears twitch like hers do when she is not telling the truth.[2] She insists that despite her weak appearance, she enjoys going to the Treacherous Tower up on Death Mountain, where the "tough guys" go, and she is shocked that Link does not know what the tower is.[3] However, if he says she does not long strong, she admits that she is weak, but she is trying to become stronger at the tower, and Link should not judge people by appearance.[4] In either case, she urges him to go to the Treacherous Tower to prove his sword skills.[5]


  1. "Uh, hey. Think I look strong?" — Woman, A Link Between Worlds
  2. "You lying? Cuz your ears twitched real funny there. Mine do that when I lie. They twitch ALL the time." — Woman, A Link Between Worlds
  3. "Anyway, I may not look it, but I'm a regular at the Treacherous Tower. Whaddya mean, you've never heard of the Treacherous Tower?! Well, you know Death Mountain? It's right on top of that. It's where all the tough guys go for fun." — Woman, A Link Between Worlds
  4. "You call it like you see it, eh? I'm sorry to say you're right... I'm weak. So...so weak... I'm training, though. I'm trying to become a regular up at the Treacherous Tower. What, you've never heard of the Treacherous Tower? Well, you know Death Mountain? It's right on top of that. The place attracts some tough customers. Be careful about judging people by their appearance, boy. If I were stronger, I'd teach you a lesson!" — Woman, A Link Between Worlds
  5. "Got faith in your sword arm, boy? Go to the Treacherous Tower, and put your money where your mouth is. It's up on top of Death Mountain. Just getting there is something of an achievement, if you ask me." — Woman, A Link Between Worlds