Title | Rito Warrior | |
Race | ||
Gender | Male | |
Games | ||
Location | Breath of the Wild | |
Related | Saki (wife) | |
Credits | ||
Voice Actor | Sean Chiplock (English) |
"As a Rito warrior, I can't rest until my people are safe."
Teba is a major character in Breath of the Wild, Age of Calamity, and Tears of the Kingdom. He is a Rito Warrior, who is the husband of Saki and the father of Tulin.
Breath of the Wild
Teba spends most of his time training his aerial combat at the Flight Range. When Divine Beast Vah Medoh began rampaging around the Rito Village, shooting at any Rito that flies near it and forcing them to fly at lower altitudes rather than their preferred height, it was hurting their way of life. This unpleasant turn of events has created immense stress upon Teba and his friend, Harth and against Elder Kaneli's warnings, they head out to fight against it. It went horribly wrong when Harth's wing was injured in the skirmish and shot out of the sky while Teba barely managed to save him and takes him back to the village while Teba heads to the Flight Range to prepare for another assault.
Link is first informed of Teba by Kaneli, the Rito Village elder, who advises Link to visit him at the Flight Range if he wants to board the Divine Beast Vah Medoh, since Teba plans on attacking it alone. When the two first meet, Teba is skeptical and doesn't trust Link[1][2], and requests Link to prove his abilities through a training exercise which requires Link destroying five targets in the Flight Range, abilities which will be necessary in entering Vah Medoh.
Upon successful completion of the training exercise, Teba becomes more comfortable with letting the Hylian help out. will carry Link skyward in order for him to utilize Bomb Arrows to destroy the cannons defending Vah Medoh. During the battle, Teba takes a devastating hit to his leg; and returns to the Flight Range to recover. At this stage his role in the story has been fulfilled, and Link can enter, and rescue, the Divine Beast Vah Medoh.
After Link is successful in destroying the source of Vah Medoh's abnormal behavior, Revali then takes it to the rock spire above Rito Village to set sights on Hyrule Castle where Calamity Ganon is held. Once Link returns, Teba is grateful that they can return to their way of life, and he takes Tulin on his back and brings him to the Flight Range.
Age of Calamity
"Rito Warrior
A Rito warrior from the future who idolizes Champion Revali. He is peerless in the art of flying and devoted to training. He can also be quick to anger."
In the Air and Lightning Scenario, Teba emerges from the Gate of Time that Terrako created and intercepts Windblight Ganon by shooting arrows at its arms to prevent it from using them to shoot Revali, allowing the latter to recover and return to the fight. Teba distracts Windblight Ganon long enough and lets Revali take a shot,[3] which the latter takes aim to get payback for its ambush and shoots Bomb Arrows at it,[4] only for them to be blocked. Teba is flustered to see that it still lives,[5] but Revali assures him that their much-needed help has arrived as Link and his friends float on board and while they didn't kill Windblight Ganon,[6] they still managed to send it running, effectively saving Revali, Teba, and Vah Medoh. Urbosa and Riju join them and the former thanks Princess Zelda for backing them up and then thanks Riju for saving her life. Teba would express surprise at Revali's abrasive personality towards Link,[7][8] and he nearly makes a comment on it,[9] before Urbosa cuts him off before he could say anything hurtful about him before asking Zelda about Hyrule Castle's fate.[10] After learning about the events, Teba and Revali join forces aboard Vah Medoh to protect Western Hyrule from the surge of monsters and corrupted Guardians. Teba blasted the Guardian Skywatchers targeting Revali and shoots at another one before being pursued himself, only for Revali to shoot the pursuers with Bomb Arrows as Teba looks over at him, impressed by Revali's legendary prowess,[11] as the latter smugly puts his bow away and looks forward to unleashing the full extent of Vah Medoh's power with his signature smirk.[12] During the battle, Windblight Ganon returns with a vengeance and tries one last time to take Vah Medoh and to kill both Teba and Revali, but the duo is ready for it, and they managed to finally slay it and secured the area.
In the EX Searching Hyrule Forest Guardian of Remembrance DLC Scenario, Teba learns from Revali that a young Rito child is lost in the Korok Forest, which has him worried and pleaded him to let him join. Revali is unsure about Teba's agitated state, but he lets him tag along anyway. Teba asks for a description of the child, which Revali describes that he had white feathers like him and has a face similar to his. After searching for a while, they come across the child, which Teba recognized to be his only son, Tulin. Tulin explains that he somehow ended up in the forest and looked after by the "tiny creatures", which intrigues his father. Teba is uneasy over leaving Tulin alone until the Rito Captain offered to guard him on their way out. They meet with Revali, whom Tulin mistakes for another Rito Warrior, which Revali corrects him by stating that he is looking at the real deal. Teba introduces the child as his son, which Revali realized that they have both traveled back in time. Tulin continues to express amazement at Revali's skills which made the Rito Champion believe that he is still remembered for his feats. When they make it to their destination, which is found to be a dead end, Revali expresses some frustration that they couldn't get out without the help of the Koroks. That was until Tulin, who is revealed to have gained knowledge about the false walls from the Koroks and having knowledge of wind patterns, points out the secret passages that they weren't aware of which amazes them, and they let Tulin guide them out. After the final surge of monsters, they successfully managed to escape. Upon reaching the forest entrance, Teba tells Tulin to thank Revali since he saved his life.[13] Tulin complies,[14] and he stands in front of Revali to do so.[15] Revali smiles as he praises Tulin through telling him that he is pretty good for a little kid.[16] Tulin is overjoyed to hear that,[17] and he jumps close to Revali's face as the latter backs away nervously, while telling him that he is doing a lot of training so that he can be just like him and eventually master the Great Eagle Bow.[18] Revali sighs as he reminds Tulin that he could have lost his life to the monsters, but despite the harrowing experience he is still as happy as can be.[19] He adds that it probably won't be long before he's the master of the wind like him.[20] Teba agrees, but he adds that he must first surpass his father.[21] Tulin imitates Revali's speaking patterns,[22] making Teba laugh before controlling himself as Revali asks if that was meant to sound like him.[23] Teba is at a loss of words, when Revali chuckles which turns into full blown joyous laughter as he and Tulin follow along.[24] After they calm down, Tulin uses his own take of Revali's Gale, calling it "Tulin's Tornado" to fly into the air,[25] but he falls to the ground as Teba checks up on him,[26] while Revali chuckles again and reminds him that he still has a long way to go, affectionately calling him "kid".[27]
In the All Hyrule, United Scenario, the present and future Champions, the Divine Beasts and various soldiers of all races across Hyrule are summoned by Purah through the restored Sheikah Tower's energy that brought them to Hyrule Field. Revali looks forward to flaunting their power in all their splendor,[28] and Teba tells him to make his people proud.[29] With her surviving father's approval, Princess Zelda gives a speech and reminds them that Hyrule is their home that they must protect and as long as they are not divided but united, they are unstoppable. They take over the outposts and destroy the monsters that maintain the barrier around Hyrule Castle so that the Champions can open fire upon Calamity Ganon. Despite the Blood Moon rising to revive the fallen monsters constantly, the army managed to breach through to the castle.
In The Future of Hyrule Scenario, Teba and Revali lead the aerial army as Princess Zelda leads the forces on the ground as they zero in on the castle where Harbinger Ganon and Astor are waiting for them as the latter is on the verge of insanity as he goes on a mad rant that it was his fate to crush the kingdom under his heels. The warriors confront the revived Blight Ganons one last time before they slew them for good before taking on the villainous duo and defeating them. Outraged by another defeat at the hands of the warriors, Astor orders the harbinger to destroy them, but he ends up getting absorbed by the Malice to take on a new form. Terrako becomes possessed by the Malice and forced to turn on Link and the princess, forcing the two of them to duel it. Once it is defeated, Teba and the Champions have a moment to mourn Terrako's broken state with Zelda, who is now more determined than ever to stop Calamity Ganon once and for all before they charge upstairs into the Sanctum where the monster was waiting for them. They initially couldn't harm Ganon due to it having transformed successfully and it constantly shrugged off their attacks which Zelda tries to defeat it with her power. Her magic did bring Terrako back onto its feet and it skitters rapidly upstairs and jumps between her and Ganon, destroying itself to break down Ganon's defenses allowing the warriors to effectively harm it. When Ganon is wounded enough, Link cripples it even further with a slash of his Master Sword and Princess Zelda is able to destroy Ganon once and for all. With the people across Hyrule rejoicing over their victory, the Champions have a moment to enjoy the newly restored peace they have worked for. It was then that Terrako's blessed screw began to glow and it was sending Teba, Sidon, Yunobo, and Riju back to their own time. Teba tells Revali that it had been enlightening to see the "face behind the Champion", considering that he saw both his good and bad sides.[30][31] Princess Zelda is eternally grateful to them for all the miraculous deeds they have done for the kingdom and as they vanish, she wishes for the light to shine on their future for all time.
In the secret DLC ending, Teba, Revali, and Tulin are seen lounging at the Flight Range. Tulin was sleeping on Revali's lap, and the latter stops the blanket from blowing away as Teba watches in delight. Later, Teba and the other Champions from both the present and future gather to talk amongst themselves as Terrako happily entertains them.
Tears of the Kingdom
"A Rito warrior who once helped Link save Rito Village. He took up the mantle of village elder from Kaneli to become the new leader of his people. After his son, Tulin, joined with Link to confront the strange phenomenon, he acknowledged him as a fully fledged warrior and entrusted him with his precious bow."
Since the events of Breath of the Wild, Teba has become the new Rito Elder after Kaneli retired. Teba has become tired of his new found elder role, attempting to deal with the shortage of food, people, and supplies. He would much rather practice his prior way of life hunting with his bow.[32]
Teba is first seen with his wife Saki and his son Tulin, arguing over Tulin's belief that he can deal with the blizzard that has been threatening the Rito way of life.[33][34][35][36]
Tulin flies away from the Village in anger. Teba does not believe that his son is capable of handling the issue, and does not see him as a true Rito warrior.[37] Teba mentions that though Song of the Stormwind Ark is just a children's rhyme, every now and then there are reports of a Rito seeing a flying ship in the air. Along with the Blizzard that has taken hold on Rito Village, the story of the Stormwind Ark doesn't sound so crazy.[38][39][40]
After Link tells Teba of the hardships at Hyrule Castle, with Princess Zelda having gone missing, Teba says that ordinarily the Rito would help. However, with the Blizzard, Teba has sent out almost every Rito to either research the blizzard or to scavenge for food.[41]
Teba recommends that Link speak with Harth, who will likely have information on the storm and where his son flew off to.[42][43][44] Teba warns Link if the cold nature of the Hebra Mountains to the north.[45]
After Tulin and Link venture into the storm and end the blizzard, Teba acknowledges that his son has become a true warrior and gives him his prized Bow.[46][47][48][49] Teba will also thank Link, not only for saving the village, but also for helping set Tulin straight. He mentions that he and all the Rito will be on the lookout for leads regarding Princess Zelda. As soon as they hear anything, Link will be the first to know.[50][51]
Legacy of the Rito
- Main article: Legacy of the Rito
After the Blizzard has subsided, Teba and Tulin can be found be found near the top of Rito Village. Since he has given his Great Eagle Bow to Tulin, he doesn't have a bow for himself and he wants to craft one. After Links speaks with him, this will begin the Legacy of the Rito quest. Teba offers to craft Link a bow as well, but will need specifica materials, including a Swallow Bow, five bundles of Wood, and three Diamonds.[52]
A Swallow Bow can be found at the Flight Range sitting around. Kima will allow Link to take the bow as it is just collecting dust. Bundles of wood can be found by simply cutting down trees. The three Diamonds on the other hand are a bit more difficult to come by. They occasionally will appear within Rare Ore Deposits, or by defeating a Stone Talus (Rare). There are a few chests in the Overworld which contain diamonds, including one in the Royal Hidden Passage and another in the Lightning Temple. There are also two diamonds in the Depths, including one in the Abandoned Hebra Mine and one within the Fire Temple. Alternatively, after clearing the Fire Temple, Diamonds can be purchased by YunoboCo in Goron City for 1,000 rupees each.
After acquiring all the necessary items, Link can present them to Teba.[53] Before agreeing to hand over the materials, Teba wants to be sure Link is up for it, as Diamonds in particular are not cheap.[54] Teba will take the items and make a bow worth of even the finest craftsman.[55][56] Teba mentions that if the Bow ever breaks, he should return and Teba will craft him another one, as long as he has the materials.[57] This will complete the quest.
Teba is happy that with the Blizzard no longer a problem, he now has time for some leisure activities. He can now tinker with his newly crafted bow.[58][59]
- If Link is wearing no armor during his first encounter with Teba in Breath of the Wild, Teba will be rather surprised at the sight.[60]
Voice Actors
Language | Name | Meaning | Voice Actor |
English | Teba | Teba | Sean Chiplock |
Japanese (日本語) | テバ (Teva) | Teba | Takuya Masumoto (増元 拓也) |
Russian | Теба (Teba) | Teba | Stanislav Tikunov |
EU Spanish | Teba | Teba | Manuel Gimeno |
LA Spanish | Teba | Teba | Edson Matus |
German | Teba | Teba | Rene Dawn-Claude |
French | Teba | Teba | Benoit DuPac |
Italian | Teba | Teba | Massimo Di Benedetto |
- ↑ "Some random Hylian wants to help me bring down Divine Beast Vah Medoh? I'm not buying it." — Teba, Breath of the Wild
- ↑ "Just like the elder to trust any fool wandering into town." — Teba, Breath of the Wild
- ↑ "All yours, Master Revali! - Teba", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Some payback is in order! - Revali", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "What? That thing's still standing? - Teba", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Yes, and yet... I can't help but feel that the wind may finally be at our backs. - Revali", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Hmmm. - Revali", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Well, we would have been just fine without you. But I suppose it's better that you were here. - Revali", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "I never thought the Champion would be so... - Teba", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Hold that thought for now. Little bird, please tell us what happened at the castle. - Urbosa", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "There he is... The Champion of the Rito. - Teba", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Well, then. I suppose the time has finally come… to reveal Vah Medoh's divine power! - Revali", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Now go say thank you... Master Revali saved your life, after all. - Teba", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Okay. - Tulin", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Master Revali! Thank you so much for saving me! - Tulin", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Hmph. You know, you're pretty good for a little kid. - Revali", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Y-you mean it?! - Tulin", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Thank you! I'm doing all kinds of training so that I can be just like you! Someday, I'll even master the Great Eagle Bow! - Tulin", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "*sigh* You were nearly killed by those monsters, you know. Yet you're so happy. - Revali", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Maybe it won't be long until you're master of the wind just like me. You never know, eh? - Revali", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Haha! That is true. But before that, he must surpass his old man. - Teba", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Hmph! It's only a matter of time. - Tulin", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Was that... meant to sound like me? - Revali", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Hmm hmm, heh heh heh heh, HA HA HA HA HA HA AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! - Revali", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Tulin's Tornado! WHOA OH OH OH OOOH!!! - Tulin", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Oh! Hey! - Teba", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "You've got a ways to go, kid. - Revali", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "And finally, it's our chance to flaunt our power in all its splendor. - Revali", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Make us proud, Master Revali. - Teba", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "This has been enlightening. I even got to see the face behind the Champion. - Teba", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Hmph. - Revali", Age of Calamity
- ↑ "Managing food reserves and supplies, granting audiences and such...this village-elder gig just isn't sitting right with me. Life was so much easier when all I had to do was hunt. Just me and my bow..." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "Well, maybe I would if you didn't treat me like a hatchling all the time!" — Tulin, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "As long as you still think you can take on the world by yourself, you'll always be my little chick." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "What, you think I can't? I'm already fully-fledged, you know! You'll change your tune when I ace today's scouting trip!" — Tulin, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "You all can keep wasting your time treating the Song of the Stormwind Ark like it's real, but not me!" — Tulin, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "Listen, you— Unbelievable. Tulin wants me to let him go find what's causing the blizzard, and he's having trouble hearing "no."" — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "It's a song for children, mind you. Few adults still parrot it as if it were true. Still, every now and then, you get reports among the Rito of a flying ship. Combine that with the blizzard caused by this Upheaval, and it seems less far-fetched." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "Even if the Song of the Stormwind Ark is just a children's rhyme, I suspect that there is something lurking high in the sky. But the air is turbulent now that no Rito can fly close enough to look into it. This is why I say we need to make careful preperations to find the truth, but Tulin... He thinks we cling to that song out of cowardice. But these are Rito matters. You came for some purpose, yes?" — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "That's the name of a ship that features in an old Rito children's song. As the song goes, long ago when a disaster threatened our village, a god sent us a great flying ship. The blessed winds created by the ship put everything right. Doesn't sound like something that really happened, huh? But this never-ending blizzard counts as a disaster to me. I'd take anything if it would save us from this. Even a children's story. I guess the truth is somewhere up there past that ominous cloud..." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "What?! This is terrible news. So then, not even Hyrule Castle is safe... If Princess Zelda's disappearance and the strange phenomena around the world are related somehow... Hm. We Rito would ordinarily love to contribute to your search. But this abnormal blizzard shows no sign of stopping, and food has grown scarce. Everyone I could spare is already out researching the blizzard or scavenging for food." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "I wish there was something I could do..." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "Ah! But maybe I'm not the one you want. You should try asking Harth. My friend Harth has many sources of information, so he might already have a lead about Princess Zelda. You see the two bonfires out that way? He's in the lodge near there, if you'd like to try visiting him." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "Haven't heard anything myself. Did you try asking Harth? He has good sources. If anyone has a lead on Princess Zelda, it would be him. You'll find Harth in the lodge to the north. If you get lost, use the pair of bonfires they keep burning as a landmark." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "The closer you get to that cloud, the colder it'll get. You'll need to take extra precautions against the blizzard." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "Hm. This was no small feat." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "For a job well done, Tulin." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "Wait, what?! This bow meant so much to you...and now you're giving it to me?" — Tulin, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "It was always my intention to give it to you once you came of age as a warrior." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "Once again, we owe you so much. Not only did you save the village, you helped set Tulin straight. The Rito will never forget this debt. It is now our turn to aid you. You can leave the Hebra Mountains to us. We'll scour them and find you your lead on Princess Zelda. Our hearts are always with you, Link. Remember that. And don't be a stranger." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "We will repay the debt we owe to you. When we turn up a lead on Princess Zelda, you'll be first to know." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "I was proud to bequeath my Great Eagle Bow to my fully-fledged son, of course. But...it does leave me without the bow I've used for so long. An elder shouldn't go unarmed, so I'll be crafting myself another one as soon as I can. The bow I gave Tulin was a masterpiece. After so many years of use, it was like another limb for me. But I think I have it in me to craft one just as good. If you want your own Great Eagle Bow, I wouldn't mind crafting one for you too while I'm at it. I'll need a swallow bow, five bundles of wood, and three diamonds. Those materials might not be easy to come by, but if you can collect them all, then the bow is yours." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "To make a Great Eagle Bow, I need a swallow bow, five bundles of wood, and three diamonds." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "I see you've brought the materials I need. I can make a Great Eagle Bow with these. But are you certain I can have these? Diamonds don't come cheap, you know." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "Understood. Hand those materials here. On my honor, I'll make you a bow worthy of the Rito. Why, even the Rito's finest craftsman, Harth, vouches for my work. I'll make you a masterpiece as good as any of his." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "It's all finished. Here you are. This Great Eagle Bow is for you, Link. I'm pleased with how it turned out. Use it in health!" — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "If the bow ever breaks, return here and let me know. So long as we can get the materials, I'll make you another one." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "None of us had any time for leisure while the blizzard was still a problem. But now that it's behind us, I can take the time to tinker with my newly crafted bow. It's nice knowing my son is uing the same bow that I do." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "The Great Eagle Bow is nice, right? I made it, but my work has the seal of approval from Harth, the Rito's greatest craftsman. Take good care of it, and it'll take care of you in return." — Teba, Tears of the Kingdom
- ↑ "Huh... It's not every day you see topless Hylians around these parts." — Teba, Breath of the Wild