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Points of

The Thunderhead is the big cloud-ball in The Sky in Skyward Sword. To get there, Link has to change the direction of the windmills in Skyloft so they're turned to the Light Tower. There he will play Ballad of the Goddess on the Goddess's Harp and a beam of light will shoot toward the Isle of Songs, opening a hole in the Thunderhead with which Link can enter with his Loftwing.

The Thunderhead is the location of the boss battle with Bilocyte. Many Goddess Chests also can be found here.


There are three points of interest within the Thunderhead:

The Isle of Songs is visited three times to learn new songs on the Goddess's Harp.

Bug Rock is the location of Bug Heaven, a mini-game, and part of a sidequest involving Beedle and Strich.

Levias only appears after Link brings a vat of Hot Pumpkin Soup with him. After being freed from Bilocyte, the whale-like sky spirit will point him in the direction of the three dragons, and teach Link the final piece of the Song of the Hero after he has collected the other three parts from them.