Lizal Tri-Boomerang

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Lizal Tri-Boomerang
Lizal Tri-Boomerang - HWAoC icon.png
Icon from Age of Calamity



Base Power


Base Durability


Best Possible Bonus

+24 attack power
+14 durability


"More blades mean more attack power! It can be used as a boomerang, but all those blades make that a bit more dangerous. Carried by Black Lizalfos seasoned in battle."

Breath of the Wild In-Game Description

The Lizal Tri-Boomerang is a melee weapon and boomerang found in Breath of the Wild and Age of Calamity.

Breath of the Wild

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Lizal Tri-Boomerangs have a base power of 36, and are typically used by Black Lizalfos and Silver Lizalfos in regions such as Hebra and Akkala. They have a wooden handle wrapped with leaves, and a sharpened blade which splits three ways, creating a deadly weapon and terrifying appearance.

Age of Calamity

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Lizal Tri-Boomerangs are a weapon type available only to Link, used with his One-Handed Weapon moveset.
