Meteor Rod

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Meteor Rod




Casting fireballs

Base Power


Base Durability


Best Possible Bonus

+16 attack power
+16 durability


"A magical rod that can cast three fireballs at once, crafted by an ancient magician. It will break upon running out of magical energy, so make it last!"

Breath of the Wild In-Game Description

The Meteor Rod is an elemental rod found in Breath of the Wild.

Breath of the Wild

Meteor Rods have a base melee power of 10, but its main purpose is to cast powerful fireballs which have the ability to alight enemies. It is an upgraded version of the Fire Rod, with a higher damage output and the ability to cast three fireballs at any given time.

These rods, like all rods dropped by Wizzrobes, are non-metallic and cannot attract lightning.
