Dragonbone Boko Bat

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Dragonbone Boko Bat
Dragonbone Boko Bat - HWAoC icon.png
Icon from Age of Calamity



Base Power


Base Durability


Best Possible Bonus

+24 attack power
+8 durability


"Used only by the toughest Bokoblin warriors, this Boko bat has been fortified by fossilized bone. It boasts a high durability and is strong enough to beat down powerful foes."

Breath of the Wild In-Game Description

The Dragonbone Boko Bat is a two-handed weapon found in Breath of the Wild and Age of Calamity.

Breath of the Wild

Dragonbone Boko Bats have a base power of 36, and is typically wielded by Black Bokoblins all over Hyrule. In appearance, they are reminiscent of the Boko Bat, but many large bones have been affixed to the wood to greatly improve the damage-per-second of the weapon. It is wooden in design, meaning it will set fire if it is brought close to a flame.

With a power of 36, it is twice as powerful as its Spiked Boko Bat counterpart, but only slightly more durable. These strong weapons are not too common in the overworld, but are occasionally seen being used by Black Bokoblins. A few can be found in the Maritta Exchange Ruins and the areas adjacent to that region.

Age of Calamity

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Dragonbone Boko Bats are a weapon type available only to Link, used with his Two-Handed Weapon moveset.


See also