Forked Lizal Spear

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Forked Lizal Spear
Forked Lizal Spear - HWAoC icon.png
Icon from Age of Calamity



Base Power


Base Durability



"Skilled Lizalfos warriors tend to favor this spear. What it lacks in piercing power, it makes up for with the brutal wounds its dual ripping blades will inflict."

Breath of the Wild In-Game Description

The Forked Lizal Spear is a two-handed spear found in Breath of the Wild and Age of Calamity.

Breath of the Wild

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Forked Lizal Spears have a base power of 18, and are often used by Black Lizalfos on the outskirts of the map, in provinces such as Akkala or Hebra.

They use the same wooden poles other iterations of the Lizal Spear use, but on this particular weapon a pointed piece of metal which goes in two directions is attached to the tip. The material seems akin to that in the Lizal Boomerang.

Age of Calamity

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Forked Lizal Spears are a weapon type available only to Link, used with his Spear moveset.
