Dragonbone Moblin Spear

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Dragonbone Moblin Spear



Base Power

27 (while wearing ★★ upgraded Radiant Set)

Base Durability



"This spear is a fan favorite among Moblins. The spearhead is made from fossilized bones adorned with spikes, which greatly increases its stabbing power."

Breath of the Wild In-Game Description

The Dragonbone Moblin Spear is a two handed spear found in Breath of the Wild.

Breath of the Wild

The Dragonbone Moblin Spear has a base power of 15, and is often used by Black Moblins in the Eldin and Hebra provinces of the game. Its appearance is identical to that of a traditional Moblin Spear, but with multiple bones affixed to the tip of the stick to increase the damage output.
