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Link Horse - BOTW art.png
Key art from Breath of the Wild



Ocarina of Time
Lon Lon Ranch
Majora's Mask
Romani Ranch
Breath of the Wild
Greater Hyrule
Tears of the Kingdom
Hyrule Field
Akkala Highlands

Key Characters

Horses are recurring animals in The Legend of Zelda series.

Ocarina of Time

Horses can only be found in Lon Lon Ranch, either in the stable or out on the main field. As Child Link, they can be seen running around on the track. It is only possible to ride horses as an adult however. There are only two horses that can be ridden in Ocarina of Time, Epona, and one of the ranch horses during Ingo's Horse Race mini-game. Ganondorf also owns a horse, as can be seen in the opening sequence of the game and after Link has collected the three Spiritual Stones.

Majora's Mask

There are multiple horses seen in Majora's Mask, including Epona, Cremia's horse, and the horses belonging to the Gorman Brothers. Epona can be seen in the opening sequence of the game, before being stolen by Skull Kid. She is later found at Romani Ranch.

Twilight Princess

Only a few horses are present in Twilight Princess, Epona being one, along with Telma's horse, which can be seen during the escort mission to Kakariko Village. Epona can be ridden right from the get-go in this game, first getting action by herding goats for Fado during the opening portion of the game, and later on for a Piece of Heart. Twilight Princess is one of the only games in the series where Ganondorf seems to own a horse, being present during the horseback battle at the end of the game.

The Minish Cap


Epona returns once more in The Minish Cap, but this time she cannot be ridden by Link. She can be seen in Hyrule Town with Malon, after the door to the ranch house has been unlocked, carrying milk that is purchasable by Link.

Breath of the Wild

From the Horse entry in the Hyrule Compendium
Main article: Horse (Breath of the Wild)

"These can most often be found on plains. Their usefulness as transportation has made them valuable since ancient times. That said, wild horses do tend to get spooked and run off when approached, so if you're looking to snag one, it's best to sneak up on it."

— Hyrule Compendium entry

In Breath of the Wild, horses (001 in the standard Breath of the Wild Hyrule Compendium) can be found throughout Hyrule, most commonly in fields such as Hyrule Field or the Faron Grasslands. In order to ride horses, Link must sneak up on one and then mount and tame it, often at the cost of stamina.

Tears of the Kingdom

Withered Hand Symbol - TOTK.png
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"These can most often be found on plains. Their usefulness as transportation has made them valuable since ancient times. That said, wild horses do tend to get spooked and run off when approached, so if you're looking to snag one, it's best to sneak up on it."

— Hyrule Compendium entry

In Tears of the Kingdom, horses can be found throughout Hyrule, most commonly in fields such as Hyrule Field or the Akkala Highlands. In order to ride horses, Link must sneak up on one and then mount and tame it, often at the cost of stamina.

Echoes of Wisdom

Tri - EoW key art.png
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In Echoes of Wisdom your horse is a faster way of travelling and Zelda can damage smaller enemies if Zelda runs them over. Once Zelda has completed the sidequest Impas Gift she will be able to summon her horse on command with the Carrot echo.
