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Chapter 7 - Tower of Winds

This chapter covers the three stages in level 7, Frozen Hyrule, The Ice Temple, and the Tower of Winds.

Four Swords Adventures Site Walkthrough

Chapter 1 - Whereabouts of the Wind
Chapter 2 - Eastern Hyrule
Chapter 3 - Death Mountain
Chapter 4 - Near the Fields
Chapter 5 - The Dark World
Chapter 6 - The Desert of Doubt
Chapter 7 - Frozen Hyrule
7.1 - Frozen Hyrule
7.2 - The Ice Temple
7.3 - Tower of Winds
Chapter 8 - Realm of the Heavens

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7.1 Frozen Hyrule
New Characters:
Purple Knight of Hyrule
New Enemies:
Power Bracelet
Purple Jewel
Heart Containers:
Welcome to Frozen Hyrule, the seventh level in the game. As the name implies, this area is completely frozen due to Vaati's evil intentions.

Listen to the fairy speech at the beginning as usual, then head north to the next screen. Ignore the Turtles on this screen and lift the rock at the top-left of the screen. Grab a bomb to the left, then quickly run down the stairs. Throw the Bomb at the cracked blocks to blow them up, then grab the Pegasus Boots. Head back outside, then up a screen and right a screen.

There are many Castle Soldiers on this screen, along with a Chief Soldier. You can ignore these for the moment and work your way to the southeast corner of the screen. Lift another rock here, then head down the stairs. Follow the pathway to the north and defeat the few Castle Guards blocking your pathway. After doing so, grab the Quake Medallion in the chest at the end of the pathway. Head back outside and use the Medallion to turn every enemy into a Gel. Lift the stone on the left side of the fence, then defeat these now simple enemies. Grab the hundreds of force gems that drop down, then head up a screen.

On this screen there are two Castle Guards and a Shadow Link. Defeat the Castle Guards first, then use a Long formation to defeat the Shadow Link. Head right a screen and quickly exit through the top-right corner as a snowball will start to chase after you. Quickly defeat another Shadow Link on this screen, then lift the stone at the bottom-left and enter the hole. Talk to the Deku Scrub here and she will say that she created a snow wall to fend off people from taking her force gems. Until we have a fire source we can't destroy this wall, so simply head back outside and exit at the top-right corner.

A blizzard will start on the next screen and it will slowly drain away your life if you stay in it for too long. Follow the pathway north and slash at the first patch of grass at the top of screen, revealing a hole. Jump inside and grab the few force gems, then head back out. Continue to follow the pathway south and to the left, then lift up another stone at the bottom-left part of the screen. Walk north and divert right first, and open the chest for a Heart Container. Follow the other pathway to the left and grab the big green force gem, then head up the ladder and north to the next screen.

Most of the pathway and the holes hidden in the grass on this screen are rather useless, and only contain sparse amounts of force gems and Stalfos. The only hole of importance is located in the bottom-right corner. Grab one of the bombs here and quickly run back outside, then throw it at the middle of the wall to the north, blowing open a hole. Head inside and grab our most wanted item, the Fire Rod. Head back outside and you can now use the Rod to bring the force gems on this screen back to life. Backtrack along the pathway until you reach the snow wall from before. Use a Wide formation and hold down the A button to shoot out a continuous wall of flame, melting down the wall. Use the Rod on the force gems as well and collect them all.

Head back south a screen and use the Fire Rod to melt the snowball to the left, producing a small key. Do the same for the snowball to the south, giving you another 300 force gems. Head back left a screen and use the small key on the locked door nearby. Open the chest inside for another 200 force gems, then head down the stairs. Take the left path at the bottom of the screen and head back up another set of stairs.

Grab whatever force gems you want to on this screen, then head left a screen. You'll find a chest surrounded by a lake. There are numerous squares of cracked ice surrounding the chest, and if you walk on them they will crack and you'll fall into the water, although you won't take any damage. Slowly walk along the south edge of the screen and enter the small path from the left side of the chest. Open the chest for the Power Bracelet. Head upwards along the wall to the left and you'll find more force gems you can grab.

Walk back left a screen and take the stairs back into the house. Head south a screen and left a screen. You can use the Fire Rod to melt the two snowballs here, giving you more force gems. Head left another screen and create a Long formation. Lift the two trees here and collect the force gems they leave behind. Continue left and melt the force gems blocking the way, then head left another screen. Use the sword to defeat the two Pengators on this screen, then create a Box formation and step on the switch to the left. This will cause many more Pengators to appear, defeat them as well. You can use the same Box formation to make this much easier, since they require two hits each to defeat.

Once they are defeated grab the Moon Pearl that is left behind and head back right a screen. Head up a screen and use another Wide formation and the Fire Rod to melt the snow wall. Defeat the Castle Guards in the next area, then use the Fire Rod to melt the force gems to the left. Open the chest for another Heart Container. Head back south a screen and east a screen, then north a screen. Melt another snow wall here, then defeat the two Castle Guards above. Use the Moon Pearl in the square area, then head into the Dark World. Pull the levers above with a Wide formation, then head back into the Light World and go north a screen.

Grab a Bomb above and bomb the upper-left wall, where there are two entrances. Reveal both, then pull the lever inside each cave to bring down a staircase and drop a big red force gem. Head up the stairs on the second one from the left and grab the big green force gem on the next screen. Another one will appear as you continue up the stairs, along with some force-grabbing Wizzrobes. You can head back down and grab the force gem, then head south a screen to lose the Wizzrobes. You can then head back up two screens. If not, simply head up to the next screen.

Lift the large rock to the left for 300 more force gems, then hop down to the next area. There are rocks to the left and right that have hearts under them, you can collect them if you are low on health. Otherwise, head north a screen to face the stage mini-boss, Manhandla.

Manhandla is the same as before, except this time the ground is covered in slippery ice. Defeat Manhandla the same as before, with each Link slashing at its specific color. After you defeat Manhandla, head up to the next screen to face the real boss: the final Knight of Hyrule.

This battle is pretty much the same as previous incarnations: defeat the Castle Guards and you will be pulled into the Dark World. This time, Keese are surrounding the Big Dark Stalfos. You can defeat the Keese if you'd like, but it's not necessary. Slash away at the Stalfos and the Knight will return. Listen to his speech and he will give you the final Jewel: the Purple Jewel. Head up to the next screen, slash the eye barriers, collect your fairies and join me for the next stage: The Ice Temple.
Heart Container #1Heart Container #1
The first Heart Container can be found in Lake Hylia at the top of the waterfall. Enter the right side cave and use the Links to step on the switches, creating a bridge. Exit back outside and enter the middle cave. Follow the path to a chest containing the Heart Container.   [more]

Power BraceletPower Bracelet
The Blue Bracelet is an item found only once per level in only one of the stages of that level. This means the Bracelet can only be found eight times throughout the game, and its effects only last during the stage it was found, not for the entire level as one may hope. The Bracelet cuts all damage Link receives in half, making it a very useful defensive weapon.   [more]

Gohma are one-eyed spider-like enemies that quickly move across the ground. In some games they are mini-bosses or bosses, but in most of Four Swords Adventures they are simple enemies. They can only be defeated with a Bow, and the arrow must be shot through their large eye.   [more]

Heart Container #2Heart Container #1
The first Heart Container can be found in Lake Hylia at the top of the waterfall. Enter the right side cave and use the Links to step on the switches, creating a bridge. Exit back outside and enter the middle cave. Follow the path to a chest containing the Heart Container.   [more]

Purple Knight of HyrulePurple Knight of Hyrule
Gohma are one-eyed spider-like enemies that quickly move across the ground. In some games they are mini-bosses or bosses, but in most of Four Swords Adventures they are simple enemies. They can only be defeated with a Bow, and the arrow must be shot through their large eye.   [more]

Purple JewelPurple Jewel
The Blue Bracelet is an item found only once per level in only one of the stages of that level. This means the Bracelet can only be found eight times throughout the game, and its effects only last during the stage it was found, not for the entire level as one may hope. The Bracelet cuts all damage Link receives in half, making it a very useful defensive weapon.   [more]

7.2 The Ice Temple
New Enemies:
Ball and Chain Troopers
Heart Containers:
Welcome to the second stage of this level, the Ice Temple. This frozen dungeon is full of icy enemies and unstable ground, making it a rather complex and annoying dungeon. Start off by heading into the Temple.

Walk over to the top-left corner of the room and break the three pots here. There is a switch underneath one of the pots, but it needs something to continually press it down. To the bottom-right is a small statue. Push it upwards, then left onto the switch. Walk over to the right side of the room and break the group of four pots, then use a Cross formation to step on the switches. Open the chest on the other side of the room for a small key, then use it on the door above and head into the next room.

Two Shadow Link will immediately dash down at you, but both will automatically avoid you. Defeat them both, then enter the room above and to the right. Grab the Boomerang, then head back out and enter the far left room. Create a Wide formation and defeat the two Armos, then pull the long lever. Head back out of this room and enter the middle room, then head north a room.

Almost all of the floor in this room is covered in ice, making it rather difficult to move across. You can stand at the south end of the room and use the Boomerang to grab the few blue force gems that are floating on the ice if you choose to. There are also two big green force gems floating in the black space to the left and right of the ice platform. You can grab these too with the Boomerang if you want. If you happen to fall down its not a problem, as you won't take damage and there are just a set of stairs to take you back up. Make your way slowly across the ice and head up to the next room.

This room is also almost completely covered in ice, and this time two Wizzrobes will appear. They aren't incredibly annoying, so you can defeat them with relative ease. Once you do, grab the hundreds of force gems that drop down, then head right a screen.

A single Shadow Link will appear in the next room, but he is easy to defeat. The main objective in this room is located in the center of the room - a small platform with four square blocks and many skulls imprinted on it. As you may have already noticed there are many bombs located across the room. The objective is to use the bombs and throw them onto the platform so they destroy the skulls. This can be somewhat difficult, as outlying blocks will get in the way, and sometimes the bombs will simply fly off the edge of the platform. It may take a while, but you will have to make the platform work with you to blow up all the skull tiles.

To do this: Throw a bomb from the top-middle, and throw another from the left-top. Throw another bomb from the left middle side, then throw another from the bottom-left which will travel across the platform and blow up the top-left skull. Throw another bomb from the bottom-middle, which will hit the skull below the bottom-right block. Throw another bomb from the right-bottom, which will fly across the platform and hit the far bottom-left skull. Throw the final bomb from the middle-right.

Once you do, grab one of the Fire Rods that appear. Head back left a screen and use the Fire Rod to burn down the ice at the top of the room, revealing three doorways. The door above on the right contains a single force gem if you'd like to collect it, the one on the left contains 5 force gems, and the one in the middle contains a Heart Container. Grab them if you'd like, then melt the ice at the bottom-left corner for a big green force gem. Head left to the next room.

There are many ice blocks in the next room, but most are useless. The only one of importance is in the top-right corner, which will reveal a big green force gem. Otherwise, follow the pathway to the left and melt the ice in your way, then continue to the next room.

This room gets my personal vote for the most annoying room in the dungeon. Bomb-creatures will constantly come out into the room through holes in the floor, making this room difficult to navigate through. Along with this there is ice on the floor and spinners that you will bounce off of when you hit them. To complete the room, you must use each individual Link to step and stand on a switch located in the room. The first is at the bottom-middle, the second is on the left side, the third is in the middle, and the fourth is at the top of the room. This will close all the holes in the floor and open the door to the left. Grab the force gems that drop down, then head left to the next room.

Walk down and to the left and you'll find a wide area of ice. Use a Long formation and the Fire Rod to burn the ice, then open the chest at the end for a small key. Look north and you'll see another chest on a small island. Create a Wide formation and use the Fire Rod once again to burn the ice surrounding the chest. Throw one of the Links over to the island and open the chest for another Heart Container. Hit the black switch to connect the two areas and head back to the right side of the screen. Take the north path this time and use the small key on the locked door.

In the next room you'll find the mini-boss of the Temple: Four Shadow Links. These Shadow Links differ from others because they will create ice on the ground wherever they walk. Other than this, they are no different and can be defeated the same way as with others. You can start this battle off the right way by creating a Wide formation and using the Fire Rod to attack the Shadow Links, confusing them. You can then attack all four with the sword, heavily damaging or defeating most of them. After you defeat them, head up to the next screen.

Break the pots to the left for some more health, then follow the pathway to the right. Four more spinners are located on this tiny platform, though they are easy to avoid if you walk clockwise around the platform. Stop on the left side and walk onto the moving platform. Take the platform to the north side and head up a screen. Make your way over to the left side of the screen and light the two torches with the Fire Rod to open the door. Continue to the next screen.

Take the southern path and defeat the lone Pengator, then continue left to the next screen. There are many things to do on this screen, but I'd first recommend melting all the ice on this screen. Next we need to use each Link to push his block onto a switch. Start off by using green Link to push the gray block next to the green block downwards. Then push the green block to the left and it will land on one of the switches.

Next, head north and use red Link to push the gray blocks above and below the red block to the right. Then, push the block on the right side of the red block south. Finally, push the red block to the west and it will land on another switch. Next, push the blue block north and purple block to the east. Finally, bring the Links together and break the rows of pots on the right side of the room. Create a Cross formation and step on these switches, which will reveal a chest containing 200 force gems. Grab them, then exit the room at the right-top side of the room.

Make sure you melt down the three large ice blocks in the next room, especially the less obvious one in the bottom-right corner which will produce a force fairy. Afterwards, head down the stairs nearby. Open the chest in the top-left corner for a big green force gem, then head down some more stairs to the bottom-left. Follow the straightforward pathway and you will be lead to a Great Fairy who will upgrade your Fire Rod to a level 2 Fire Rod. This Rod can create block platforms that can transport you across gaps. Head back two rooms.

On the right side of this room is a question mark block that looks fairly suspicious. Use the new Fire Rod and shoot it at the question mark to create a platform. Hop on and stand on the switch in the center. Once you make it to the other side of the gap, head right a room. (If you happen to fall off the platform you will need to exit and reenter the room, then reactivate the platform to move again).

This time, head all the way to the right side of the screen and enter the next room. There are three switches on this screen on an island that we can't reach. You will need to use the bombs below and throw them across the gap, where they will be stopped by the ice at a certain location. You will need to time the bombs, the distance and where you throw to make sure you hit all three switches. Once you do this, grab the big green force gem on the ice platform, then open the chests for another 100 force gems and a small key. Head back left a screen.

Head up to the next screen and you'll find question mark blocks all over the place that will lead you to different parts of the room. Start off by heading to the next platform above, then turn to the left and use another block to reach the next screen. This room can be a bit tricky to complete, as you will have to light four torches at the same time that are not close to each other. To do this, you must create a Cross formation and stand in the center of the four torches. Hold down A and power up the Fire Rod, then release it. This should send flames all over the room, hopefully hitting the four torches. This may take a few tries, but you should accomplish it if you move to different spots in the area. Once you do, the path to the two chests in the room will connect, allowing you to collect 100 force gems and a Heart Container.

Head back right a room and use the question mark block here to reach the middle platform. Use another block on the right side of this platform to reach the right side of the room. On the next screen to the right you will see two platforms with a gap down the middle. Separate the Links, then use a Link to throw two other Links to the opposite side. Use a Link on the left side to break the pots above and step on the switch underneath one of them. Use the other Link on the left side to break the pots at the bottom, revealing another switch to step on.

Now switch to one of the Links on the right side and break all the pots along the wall. Have one Link step on one switch and the other stand on the other switch, causing four chests to appear. Open them for 300 more force gems, a Heart Container, and a small key. Bring all the Links back together on the left side and head back left a room.

Use the block to the left to reach the middle platform, then head up to the next screen. Use the Fire Rod to melt all the ice on this screen first, then stand on the gray switch with a Box formation. Multitudes of Castle Guards and Soldiers will appear, waiting to be defeated. This can best be done by charging up the Fire Rod and releasing flames all over the room, killing most of the enemies in a single hit. Defeat all the Soldiers and head up to the next screen.

Melt the ice in the top-left area for a force fairy, then defeat the two red Castle Soldiers at the top. To the left are two switches and to the right are four switches. Obviously this does not add up to the number of Links we have, so you must use the Fire Rod to create blocks on the left side that will sit on the two switches. After doing so, use all four Links to stand on the right switches. Grab the Roc's Feather that appears, then head up to the next room to face the Temple boss: two Ball and Chain Troopers.

This boss can either be one of the easiest or one of the most difficult bosses in the game depending on how you attack it. There is ice covering most of the floor, making it very difficult to move around. The trick is to create a Box formation, then use the Roc's Feather to jump up and over the Ball and Chain Troopers. Use the sword while in the air to dive onto the Troopers, defeating them or heavily damaging them. Continue to do this until they are defeated.

Head up a screen and you'll appear outside the Four Sword Sanctuary. Enter the Sanctuary and the Maidens will use the Jewels to cause the Tower of Winds to appear, allowing us access to Vaati's lair and Princess Zelda. After the cutscene, break the eye barriers in front of the Tower, collect the fairies and join me for the next and final stage of this level: the Tower of Winds.
Heart Container #1Heart Container #1
The first Heart Container can be found in Lake Hylia at the top of the waterfall. Enter the right side cave and use the Links to step on the switches, creating a bridge. Exit back outside and enter the middle cave. Follow the path to a chest containing the Heart Container.   [more]

Heart Container #2Heart Container #2
The first Heart Container can be found in Lake Hylia at the top of the waterfall. Enter the right side cave and use the Links to step on the switches, creating a bridge. Exit back outside and enter the middle cave. Follow the path to a chest containing the Heart Container.   [more]

Heart Container #3Heart Container #3
The first Heart Container can be found in Lake Hylia at the top of the waterfall. Enter the right side cave and use the Links to step on the switches, creating a bridge. Exit back outside and enter the middle cave. Follow the path to a chest containing the Heart Container.   [more]

Heart Container #4Heart Container #4
The first Heart Container can be found in Lake Hylia at the top of the waterfall. Enter the right side cave and use the Links to step on the switches, creating a bridge. Exit back outside and enter the middle cave. Follow the path to a chest containing the Heart Container.   [more]

Ball and Chain TroopersBall and Chain Troopers
Gohma are one-eyed spider-like enemies that quickly move across the ground. In some games they are mini-bosses or bosses, but in most of Four Swords Adventures they are simple enemies. They can only be defeated with a Bow, and the arrow must be shot through their large eye.   [more]

7.3 Tower of Winds
New Enemies:
Blue Bracelet
Blue Bracelet #2
Heart Containers:
Welcome to the third and final stage in Frozen Hyrule, the Tower of Winds. As with any tower, the goal of this level is to climb higher and higher in the Tower. This means there are no left and right screens; rather, they only move up and down. This stage is also littered with rooms that lead to Game Boy Advance screens, and you will spend most of the stage in them.

On the first screen, head halfway up the ladder to the left and defeat the Zol here. Leave one of the Links here, then have another head over to the platform on the right side. After you defeat the second Zol, both platforms will pour out force gems. Collect the ones on the right, then collect the ones on the left. Head up to the next screen afterwards.

Head right and enter the door here. Push the left block down and grab the Slingshot in this room, then head back out a screen. Climb up the ladder and defeat the Zols, then enter the room at the top of the platform. Create a Box formation and step on the switch, then defeat the four Stalfos that appear. Head to the right and grab the big green force gem, then head to the left and step on the switch underneath one of the pots above, revealing a hole in the floor. Drop down and open the chest for a small key. Head to the left and push the second block from the left upwards, then head up a screen.

Climb up the ladder and enter the door once again. Head to the right and down the stairs, then use the small key on the door at the end of the pathway. Below is a platform that moves from left to right. To the right are four switches that need to be hit to make some ladders appear. Once you make all of them green, head back out a room, then take the stairs back up. Head north through this exit and you will appear higher up. Climb the ladders to the next room.

Enter the room to the left and you will find four colored blocks. Push the green block up, the red block to the left, the blue block down, and the purple block to the right. This will cause a small platform to appear to the left. Use one Link to grab another, then stand on the platform. You will need to throw one of the Links onto the switch to the south. After doing this, walk across the platform and grab the Roc's Feather.

Head back right and exit through the door we came in. Head down a screen and use the Roc's Feather to jump across the platforms to the left side. Enter the door here and jump across the gaps, then open the chest for 100 force gems. Jump back across the gaps and to the main screen. Head up to the next screen and grab the Fire Rod. Head back down a screen. Make your way back over to the right side of the screen (down to the middle door, up the stairs to the right, through the door above) and head up a screen.

Head into this doorway again and take the stairs nearby. Head through the doorway and melt the ice to the left, then grab the force gem. Enter this next doorway and head south a screen. Defeat the four force gem knights here, then head back up a screen. Head up the stairs and out the doorway to the north. Head to the right and enter the next doorway. Head south another screen and grab the Roc's Feather, then head back north two screens.

Hop over the pole to the right and enter the doorway, then head down the stairs. Open the chest for a Blue Bracelet, then go back to the main screen. Use the Roc's Feather to make it over to the far left side of this platform and enter the doorway. Break the pots below and use a Cross formation to step on the switches, creating ladders on the main screen. Head back out and use the ladders to reach more force gems and a Heart Container. Head up to the next screen.

Walk to the right and use the Roc's Feather to jump up the platforms. On the light gray blocks use the Roc's Feather then sword dive into the blocks, breaking them. Enter the door below and push the green block and the purple block south, then push the blue block left. Enter the left door below to find another Blue Bracelet. Enter the door on the right to find a Heart Container. Head back to the main room.

Use the Roc's Feather to jump up to the ladder, then climb to the top. To the left are four Thwomps that will fall to the ground when you draw near. You will need to separate the Links and use each one to jump past the Thwomps and to each individual platform that has a switch on top of it. After the first Thwomp falls, jump across to the first platform. Continue to do this until you reach the last platform, then switch to another Link. Follow this process until you have a Link on each switch. Use the farthest Link to grab the small key that appears (you can even jump onto the farthest Thwomp and grab the force gem flying across the screen), then enter the door below the right Thwomp.

Use the key on the door and step on the gray switch in the next room. Defeat the three Stalfos that appear, then head left to the next room. Use a Cross formation to hit the four switches, then head back to the main room. To reach the next screen you will have to jump across the platform again and stand on the farthest left Thwomp who will move high enough that you can jump to the ladders.

There are pieces of ice hanging from the ceiling in this next room and they will fall when you draw near. When they land on the ground they will make the floor icy for a moment, then disappear and reappear back on the ceiling. To make it past, slowly walk towards them and let them drop before you, then walk past the icy spot. The two pots on this level will spew out force gems when broken. On the next level there are spikes in the floor. To make it past these, let the ice fall and it will create a platform you can walk across. Make your way to the left side of the room and enter the door.

Head south another screen and step on the gray switch. Defeat the four Force Gem Knights (you can jump dive to kill them in one hit), then head right a screen. Grab one of the Fire Rods here, then backtrack to the main room. Head up the ladders and walk past the ice pieces, then melt the Frog-shaped ice with the Fire Rod. Head up to the next screen.

Use the Fire Rod to melt the three blocks of ice, then enter the doorway. Use each Link to step on a switch, then head left a screen and grab another Roc's Feather. Head back right a room and over to the right side of the room where there is another door. Enter and open the chest for a big green force gem. Head back left and exit this room via the door at the top-middle of the room.

Head left and you'll find more bomb-creatures and Keese. You can either choose to power your way through this section and ignore the enemies, or avoid the bomb-creatures and slash at the Keese when possible. Follow the path and enter the first doorway you see. Head right and use a Box formation to hit the four switches on the left side first, causing many Stalfos to appear. Defeat them, then use another Box formation and hit the second set of switches, opening the door to the right. Enter and open the two chests for the last Heart Container and another 100 force gems.

Head back left a screen and exit through the northern door. Head up to the next screen and you'll find three Frosteyes. These enemies are miniature versions of the dungeon boss, although they are much easier to defeat. Get close to them by climbing up the ladders and jumping around the platforms and hit them with sword slashes. Once they are defeated many Zols will drop down. Defeat them as well and collect the force gems that drop down. Continue up to the next screen.

Head to the right and climb halfway up the ladder here. Enter the door and grab a Fire Rod, then melt the ice surrounding the door in the middle of the main room. Enter this door and use a Cross formation to hit the switches, causing more ladders to appear. Use the left ladder to reach them, then head up to the next screen to face the dungeon and level boss: Frostare.

This dungeon boss and one eyed creature can't actually attack you at the moment as it is attached to the ceiling. It will summon Frosteyes, though these won't directly attack you. Head to the right room and grab a Roc's Feather. Climb the ladders back in the boss room and enter the top-right door. Break the pots and step on the switches to reveal two platforms outside, making our job much easier.

Head back out and use the sword and the platforms to defeat whatever Frosteyes attack you. When you can, head into the top-left door. Hop over the red creature and open the chest for 200 force gems. The red creature is actually the root of Frostare that is attached to the ceiling. Attack it with the sword and Frostare will drop off the ceiling. You can now directly attack Frostare with the sword. Keep at this and follow him around the room and soon he will die. Collect the left behind force gems, then use the stairs to reach the next room. Step into the light to be transported to another room.

Break the eye barriers and Princess Zelda will finally be revealed. She will talk about the usual destroy Vaati business. When she's done talking head north to the top of the Tower, collect your fairies and join me for the final level, the Realm of the Heavens.
Blue Bracelet #1Blue Bracelet #1
The Blue Bracelet is an item found only once per level in only one of the stages of that level. This means the Bracelet can only be found eight times throughout the game, and its effects only last during the stage it was found, not for the entire level as one may hope. The Bracelet cuts all damage Link receives in half, making it a very useful defensive weapon.   [more]

Heart Container #1Heart Container #1
The first Heart Container can be found in Lake Hylia at the top of the waterfall. Enter the right side cave and use the Links to step on the switches, creating a bridge. Exit back outside and enter the middle cave. Follow the path to a chest containing the Heart Container.   [more]

Blue Bracelet #2Blue Bracelet #2
The Blue Bracelet is an item found only once per level in only one of the stages of that level. This means the Bracelet can only be found eight times throughout the game, and its effects only last during the stage it was found, not for the entire level as one may hope. The Bracelet cuts all damage Link receives in half, making it a very useful defensive weapon.   [more]

Heart Container #2Heart Container #2
The first Heart Container can be found in Lake Hylia at the top of the waterfall. Enter the right side cave and use the Links to step on the switches, creating a bridge. Exit back outside and enter the middle cave. Follow the path to a chest containing the Heart Container.   [more]

Heart Container #3Heart Container #3
The first Heart Container can be found in Lake Hylia at the top of the waterfall. Enter the right side cave and use the Links to step on the switches, creating a bridge. Exit back outside and enter the middle cave. Follow the path to a chest containing the Heart Container.   [more]

Gohma are one-eyed spider-like enemies that quickly move across the ground. In some games they are mini-bosses or bosses, but in most of Four Swords Adventures they are simple enemies. They can only be defeated with a Bow, and the arrow must be shot through their large eye.   [more]

Gohma are one-eyed spider-like enemies that quickly move across the ground. In some games they are mini-bosses or bosses, but in most of Four Swords Adventures they are simple enemies. They can only be defeated with a Bow, and the arrow must be shot through their large eye.   [more]

Four Swords Adventures Site Walkthrough

Chapter 1 - Whereabouts of the Wind
Chapter 2 - Eastern Hyrule
Chapter 3 - Death Mountain
Chapter 4 - Near the Fields
Chapter 5 - The Dark World
Chapter 6 - The Desert of Doubt
Chapter 7 - Frozen Hyrule
7.1 - Frozen Hyrule
7.2 - The Ice Temple
7.3 - Tower of Winds
Chapter 8 - Realm of the Heavens

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