Flamebreaker Helm

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Flamebreaker Helm
Flamebreaker Helm - TotK icon.png
Icon from Tears of the Kingdom




2000 Rupees (Breath of the Wild)
1400 Rupees (Tears of the Kingdom)


Flame Guard: Protection from burning air





Base Defense



Set Bonus


"Stone headgear made by Goron Craftsmen to protect tourists visiting Goron City. As if its flame resistance isn't enough of a selling point, it also covers your entire head!"

Breath of the Wild In-Game Description

The Flamebreaker Helm is a helm found in Breath of the Wild, Age of Calamity, and Tears of the Kingdom.

Breath of the Wild

A Flamebreaker Helm has a base defense of 3 and gives Link the Flame Guard effect, which makes him immune to burning air, such as around Death Mountain. It can be purchased from Ripped and Shredded, the armor shop in Goron City, for 2000 Rupees.

Armor Set

The Flamebreaker Set (also including Flamebreaker Armor and Flamebreaker Boots) enables immunity to burning damage when all equipped pieces have been enhanced at least twice.

Enhance Path

Enhancing armor requires Link to have unlocked as many Great Fairy Fountains as the desired star-level.

Tier Armor Materials
5 1 × Fireproof Lizard
2 × Moblin Horn
★★ 8 3 × Fireproof Lizard
4 × Moblin Fang
★★★ 12 3 × Smotherwing Butterfly
3 × Moblin Guts
★★★★ 20 5 × Smotherwing Butterfly
2 × Hinox Guts

Age of Calamity

Terrako - HWAoC.png
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Tears of the Kingdom

The Flamebreaker Helm can be purchased with the rest of the Flamebreaker Set at Ripped and Shredded. The price has been reduced, such that it is available for 1,400 rupees.

Enhance Path

Enhancing armor requires Link to have unlocked as many Great Fairy Fountains as the desired star-level.

Tier Defense Materials Selling Price
Base 3 N/A (Rupee icon) 350
5 3 × Moblin Horn
(Rupee icon) 10
(Rupee icon) 400
★★ 8 5 × Moblin Fang
5 × Fireproof Lizard
(Rupee icon) 50
(Rupee icon) 500
★★★ 12 5 × Blue Moblin Horn
3 × Smotherwing Butterfly
15 × Flint
(Rupee icon) 200
(Rupee icon) 700
★★★★ 20 5 × Black Moblin Horn
5 × Smotherwing Butterfly
30 × Flint
(Rupee icon) 500
(Rupee icon) 1200