Lon Lon Ranch Fabric

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Lon Lon Ranch Fabric
Lon Lon Ranch Fabric - TotK icon.png


Lon Lon Milk label-style paraglider fabric


Obtained from


Alternate paraglider fabric


The Lon Lon Ranch Fabric is an amiibo-exclusive item from Tears of the Kingdom.

Tears of the Kingdom

"Tough fabric bearing a Lon Lon Ranch design. It looks like it could be used to make a paraglider."

Tears of the Kingdom in-game description

The Lon Lon Ranch Fabric can only be obtained by scanning an Ocarina of Time Link or Super Smash Bros. Young Link amiibo, which gives a chance of dropping it in a Treasure Chest. Each amiibo can only be scanned once per day.

It can be applied to Link's paraglider by Sayge at the Kochi Dye Shop for 20 rupees.