Trill (Cadence of Hyrule)

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Trill is a character in Cadence of Hyrule. She is a Fairy that helps the player by teaching them certain game mechanics. When Cadence is first transported to Hyrule, Trill greets her.[1] She explains that something strange has been going on in Hyrule.[2] She then follows Cadence as she makes her way through the nearby cave, teaching her various techniques, such as how to activate a Sheikah Stone.[3]


  1. "Hey! Hey, you! I saw you fall from the sky! That landing wasn't very graceful. Are you okay? Oh! You're not Hylian? So you're new here! I'm Trill. Nice to meet you!" — Trill, Cadence of Hyrule
  2. "Looks like you can still move! I'm glad you're not injured! But you have unfortunate timing... Something strange has been going on in Hyrule." — Trill, Cadence of Hyrule
  3. "Oh, look! A Sheikah Stone! Maybe if you bump into the Sheikah Stone to activate it... it'll open this door." — Trill, Cadence of Hyrule