The Minish Cap Locations

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This is a list of locations found in The Minish Cap.

Regions and Towns

Hyrule Town

Hyrule Town.png
Main article: Hyrule Town

Castor Wilds

Castor Wilds.png
Main article: Castor Wilds

Cloud Tops

Cloud Tops.png
Main article: Cloud Tops

Crenel Wall

Main article: Crenel Wall

Eastern Hills

Eastern Hills.png
Main article: Eastern Hills

Lake Hylia

Lake Hylia mc.png
Main article: Lake Hylia (The Minish Cap)

Minish Village

Minish Village.png
Main article: Minish Village

Minish Woods

Minish Woods.png
Main article: Minish Woods

Mt. Crenel

Mt Crenel.png
Main article: Mt. Crenel

Mt. Crenel Base

Mt Crenels base.png
Main article: Mt. Crenel Base

North Hyrule Field

North Hyrule Field.png
Main article: North Hyrule Field

Royal Valley

Royal Valley.png
Main article: Royal Valley

South Hyrule Field

South Hyrule Field.png
Main article: South Hyrule Field

Trilby Highlands

Trilby Highlands.png
Main article: Trilby Highlands

Veil Falls

Veil Falls.png
Main article: Veil Falls

Veil Springs

Main article: Veil Springs

Western Wood

Western Woods.png
Main article: Western Wood

Wind Ruins

Wind Ruins.png
Main article: Wind Ruins

Quest Locations

The Elder's Trial

Main article: The Elder's Trial

Elemental Sanctuary

Elemental Sanctuary.png
Main article: Elemental Sanctuary

Great Fairy Fountain

Main article: Great Fairy Fountain

Goron Cave

Main article: Goron Cave

Hyrule Castle

Hyrule Castle Door.png
Main article: Hyrule Castle

Hyrule Castle Garden

Hyrule Castle Garden - TMC.png
Main article: Hyrule Castle Garden

Melari's Mines

Melaris Mine.png
Main article: Melari's Mines

Throne Room

Hyrule Castle.png
Main article: Throne Room

Tower of Winds

Tower of Winds.png
Main article: Tower of Winds (The Minish Cap)

Homes and Businesses

Anju's Henhouse

Main article: Anju's Henhouse


Bakery ext - TMC.png
Main article: Bakery

Barrel House

The Barrel House.gif
Main article: Barrel House

Funday School

Funday School.png
Main article: Funday School

Happy Hearth Inn

Main article: Happy Hearth Inn

Link's House

Link's House.png
Main article: Link's House

Lon Lon Ranch

Main article: Lon Lon Ranch

Mama's Cafe

Main article: Mama's Cafe

Mayor Hagen's Lakeside Cabin

Main article: Mayor Hagen's Lakeside Cabin

Post Office

Post Office ext - TMC.png
Main article: Post Office

Royal Hyrule Library

Hyrule royal library.png
Main article: Royal Hyrule Library

Stockwell's House

Stockwell House ext - TMC.png
Main article: Stockwell's House

Stockwell's Shop

Stockwell's Shop.png
Main article: Stockwell's Shop

Witch's Hut

Syrup the Witch's Hut ext - TMC.png
Main article: Witch's Hut


Deepwood Shrine

Deepwood Shrine.png
Main article: Deepwood Shrine

Cave of Flames

Cave of Flames.png
Main article: Cave of Flames

Fortress of Winds

Fortress of Winds.png
Main article: Fortress of Winds

Temple of Droplets

Temple of Droplets.png
Main article: Temple of Droplets

Royal Crypt

Royal Crypt.png
Main article: Royal Crypt

Palace of Winds

Main article: Palace of Winds (The Minish Cap)

Dark Hyrule Castle

Dark Hyrule Castle.png
Main article: Dark Hyrule Castle