Dark Stew

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Dark Stew
Dark Stew - TotK icon.png






Any Meat
Any Seafood (no net effect)
Dark Clump
Ingredient with Conflicting Effect


Dark Stew is a meal found in Tears of the Kingdom.

Tears of the Kingdom

"A daring dish of dark clump stewed with meat and fish. What a surprise!"

Tears of the Kingdom in-game description

Dark Stew can be made in a lit Cooking Pot from Dark Clump, Raw Meat, and Hyrule Bass and an ingredient with a conflicting effect, such as Ice Fruit. Cooking a Dark Clump, Hyrule Bass, and Raw Meat together will yield Warding Dark Stew, so a fourth ingredient is needed to cancel out the Warding effect. There is no benefit to doing this.

Cooking Ingredients

Material Quantity
1 or more
1 or more
1 or more
Ingredient with an Effect
1 or more

See also