Hot Buttered Apple

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Hot Buttered Apple

"The apple's sweetness has been enhanced by smothering it with butter and baking it."

— In-game description

A Hot Buttered Apple is a piece of food in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom.

Breath of the Wild

Hot Buttered Apple can be made in a lit Cooking Pot using Apple and Goat Butter. Adding matching ingredients with stat-boosting effects may create variants with those effects - for instance, using Spicy Pepper, Sunshroom, Warm Safflina or Sizzlefin Trout in addition to the base ingredients would create Spicy Hot Buttered Apple.

If ingredients carrying multiple different effects are added, they will cancel out and leave the result as plain Hot Buttered Apple. There is no benefit to cancelling out effects in this manner.

Cooking with Koko

Main article: Cooking with Koko

As part of the Cooking with Koko Side Quest, Link will need to give Koko some Goat Butter.[1][2] After giving him the goat butter, Koko will create a Hot Buttered Apple meal and as a reward to Link, she will give him a dish.

Cooking Ingredients

Material Quantity
1 or more
1 or more

Tears of the Kingdom

Hot Buttered Apple can be made in a lit Cooking Pot using an Apple or a Golden Apple, and Goat Butter. Adding matching ingredients with stat-boosting effects may create variants with those effects - for instance, using Ice Fruit in addition to the base ingredients would create Biting Hot Buttered Apple.

The Tattered Notebook, found in Kakariko Village Well, mentions that Cottla "has quite the taste" for Hot Buttered Apple, always stuffing her cheeks full of them.

See also


  1. "Koko", What should Koko make now... OH! Hot buttered apple sounds good! Mother used to make it all the time! Cottla loves it too! Let's see... The ingredients are... some apples... and...goat butter? OH, NO!! Koko is out of goat butter... Koko is a bad daughter who can't do anything right. Koko will never be like Mother...
  2. "Koko", Koko wants to cook a hot buttered apple but forgot the goat butter?!