Tough Elixir

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Withered Hand Symbol - TOTK.png
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A Tough Elixir is an item in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom.

Breath of the Wild

"Grants a toughness effect, which fortifies your bones to strengthen your defense. Best to use before facing off against hard-hitting enemies."

Breath of the Wild in-game description

A Tough Elixir is created by cooking a Rugged Rhino Beetle with Monster Parts. It grants an increased defense for a varying amount of time, depending on the strength. This is especially useful when going into a boss battle or raiding a tough enemy camp.

Tears of the Kingdom

Withered Hand Symbol - TOTK.png
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"Grants a low-level toughness effect, which fortifies your bones to strengthen your defense. Best to use before facing off against hard-hitting enemies."

Tears of the Kingdom in-game description

A Tough Elixir can be obtained at any stable by trading a Rugged Rhino Beetle with Beedle as he is walking through the area. Otherwise, it can be made by cooking a Rugged Rhino Beetle with Monster Parts.