Ganon (The Legend of Zelda)

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Ganon's sprite





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1 Heart.png1 Heart.png Contact
1 Heart.png Fireball


Sword - 16 hits
White Sword - 8 hits
Magical Sword - 4 hits
Bow - 1 hit (Silver Arrow)

Ganon is the final boss in The Legend of Zelda. Once Link has obtained all eight fragments of the Triforce of Wisdom, he can travel to Death Mountain and confront Ganon.

This battle is quite difficult, as for the most part Ganon will be invisible while shooting fireballs at Link. Ganon can only be hurt if Link strikes his invisible form with a Sword. Once Ganon has been hit he will be visible for a moment, and then will disappear again. Once Ganon has been hit enough times with the Sword he will turn a brownish color, which shows he is vulnerable. This is Link's opportunity to finish him off with a shot from the Bow using a Silver Arrow. This will kill Ganon, leaving behind his ashes and the Triforce of Power. Link can now proceed into the door directly above and save Princess Zelda. If Link does not shoot him with the Silver Arrow in time Ganon will flash before turning invisible again, returning to full strength.