Dearest Stars

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Dearest Stars
Dearest Stars - HWAoC.png






"Trust our merchandise to make you shine brighter than the brightest star."

— In-Game Description

Dearest Stars is a general store service run by Seru available in Age of Calamity It is unlocked by completing the quest Wanted: Shop Assistant. Located in Gerudo Town, it can benefit from discounts in West Hyrule, up to 40%.

Price List

Items Stock Price
Amber - HWAoC icon.png Amber 3 (Rupee icon) 120 - 72
Opal - HWAoC icon.png Opal 3 (Rupee icon) 240 - 144
Topaz - HWAoC icon.png Topaz 3 (Rupee icon) 720 - 432
Ruby - HWAoC icon.png Ruby 1 (Rupee icon) 840 - 504
Sapphire - HWAoC icon.png Sapphire 1 (Rupee icon) 1,040 - 624
Diamond - HWAoC icon.png Diamond 1 (Rupee icon) 2,000 - 1,200