Enduring Copious Meat Skewers

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"Restores and overfills your Stamina Wheel. Just shove a bunch of meat on to a skewer and you're good to go."

Breath of the Wild In-Game Description

Enduring Copious Meat Skewers is a meal in Breath of the Wild and a variant of the Copious Meat Skewers. It can be made in a Cooking Pot and requires specific ingredients to make, listed below. It requires the use of four different types of meat, as well as an any ingredient that offers an enduring enhancement to the meal.

Cooking Ingredients

Material Icons Quantity
Raw Meat.png
Raw Prime Meat.png
Raw Gourmet Meat.png
Raw Bird Drumstick.png
Raw Bird Thigh.png
Raw Whole Bird.png
Endura Shroom.png
Endura Carrot.png

See also