Breath of the Wild Glitches
There are many glitches found in Breath of the Wild. Some glitches can be used in order to perform speedruns, and others for useful effects. Some of the glitches and how to do them can be found below.
Speedrunning Glitches
These are glitches used in the speedrun category "Any%".
Whistle Sprint
Whistle Sprinting lets you sprint without using stamina, and is probably the easiest glitch to preform. To do it, just hold the d-pad down while repeatedly pressing B, and run around. You will se that Link is going the speed he does when sprinting, yet his stamina wheel doesn't deplete.
BTB (Bullet Time Bounce)
Similar to Wind bombs, Bullet Time Bounces let you paraglide extremely quickly in a particular direction.
Wind Bomb
Similar to Bullet Time Bounces, Wind bombs let you paraglide extremely quickly in a particular direction.
SKEW/Shield Clipping
Shield Clipping lets you go through the wall and floor of almost anything, letting you enter shrines without activing the Great Plateau Tower
Shrine of Resurrection Clip
The 'Shrine of Resurrection Clip lets you clip through the wall of the Shrine of Resurrection, allowing the weather to always be sunny, the time to always be 5:15, and allowing you to not watch the opening cutscene for the game.