Category: The Adventure of Link

I love remixes of music from The Legend of Zelda, and I’m always looking out for more great tunes to add to my collection. Chiptune artist Windmills at Dawn has released an EP album of three Zelda remixes, including the Dark World theme from A Link to the Past, the Great Palace theme from The Adventure of Link, and the original Legend of Zelda Dungeon theme. The album, titled Dark Times, was created with music production software Korg Gadget on Nintendo Switch…

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link seems to be one of those Zelda games that you either appreciate or shudder at the memory of. Whether you love it or hate it, though, the title is nostalgic for many. Recently, Melora over at History of Hyrule restored the Nintendo Power Issue 04 poster insert showing off Zelda II’s map of Hyrule. Available for viewing over on the Internet Archive and Melora’s Flickr profile, the restored map has been uploaded in high…

Get your headphones in, because this week, we’re taking a musical journey throughout the history of the Zelda series to rank and discuss every games main theme! We go back and find what works, what doesn’t, which games were short-changed, and which themes we would consider the best of all time. We’re playing every theme in the series, so sit back and groove out to the amazing music of the series. Don’t forget to let us know which main theme…

The Legend of Zelda cartoon is a charming, quirky gem in the annals of Zelda history, and Polygon recently spoke to the creative forces behind the show to learn more about how this unique contribution to our beloved series came to be. These interviews revealed that Nintendo loved the artists’ depiction of Zelda wearing pants rather than a typical princess dress, Link’s “Excuuuuse me, Princess” line was a play on one of comedian Steve Martin’s catchphrases, the relationship between the…

Another spin around the sun has come and went, and with it, the latest installment of Zelda Dungeon’s proudest yearly tradition: Best. Zelda. Ever! 2022 marked the first year in quite some time where we had no real Zelda activity. No new games were released, no new projects were announced, it was… quiet. Although we got a title for the long-awaited sequel to Breath of the Wild, 2022 seemed like a year that could best be described as the calm…

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is a divisive game. However, most people seem to agree that it contains an absolute banger of a soundtrack. Short and sweet, each track perfectly compliments the moments in which they appear, and this is especially true of the battle sequences. The songs that accompany each fight are fast-paced, bombastic anthems that heighten the intensity of the difficult combat. They also translate perfectly into contemporary renditions, as evidenced by this awesome rock cover of “Great…

I’m not ashamed to admit that I have my fair share of struggles with playing Zelda games. Although some of us these days could probably play some of the titles in our sleep, first play throughs aren’t quite as smooth. Even the best of players groan at certain mini games and gripe about this boss or that boss. Most of the time, Zelda games are a fantastic experience, but I’m sure we’ve all seen our share of the dreaded “Game…

I love The Legend of Zelda.  All of the games are great, but I’m specifically more attracted to playing the 3D titles.  I’ve often asked myself why this is; could it be the more stunning visuals, or the more intricate music?  Could it be the mapping system, or some of the more unique fighting techniques that can only be found in 3D games?  Or, if I get down to the nitty-gritty of the matter, is it because I’m just not…

Ganon and Ganondorf cast a long shadow over the Zelda series. The Great King of Evil (and his various incarnations) have been the villain in a large amount of games, which means the player often end their experience in Hyrule by battling Ganon. With that being said, it is always interesting when a game features a final boss that is not Ganon. Whether it is Link’s Shadow, Majora, or Vaati, the non-Ganon villains help keep the gameplay and storytelling from…

To me, The Legend of Zelda has always been a series of dungeon-crawling headscratchers rather than combat-focused action games. Except for the franchise’s earliest entries, figuring out what one is supposed to do is usually the primary challenge; the actual execution is often trivial. Whether it’s a specific puzzle, the layout of a dungeon, or a sequence of actions that need to be performed, the Zelda series has consistently delivered brainteasers that are both creative and memorable. What has often…