Alexandria Weber

Copy Editor

Location: California, USA
Favorite Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Date Joined: October 2019

Hi, my name is Alex and I’m a Copy Editor on the Zelda Dungeon writing team.

I’ve been playing video games as long as I’ve been able to hold a controller and press buttons, and the Zelda series has been integral to my experience as a gamer. The obsession has spanned over several games, my first being Ocarina of Time on the N64, and since then going on so many more adventures in different Hyrules with different consoles. And, of course, I’ve loved every second of it. The gorgeous music, the beautiful stories, the complex characters, the humor, the subtle dark themes, the intricate puzzles, the visuals and mechanics that have been stunning since 1986, what’s not to love? I guess those Ooccoo things in the City in the Sky. Don’t like those. At all. But we don’t need to think about that. A minor, minor fault in the fantastic Twilight Princess.

Aside from Zelda, my favorite shows are RWBY and The Good Place and my favorite movies are Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and the two Tim Burton Batman films. I will field any conversation about villain arcs, good and bad and will make previously unheard noises in reaction to any cat.

When I’m not writing novels or talking about how pretty Skyward Sword is, I stream on Twitch via the username fatefulfaerie.

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