Ryan Jensen

Junior Editor

Location: Wisconsin
Favorite Zelda: A Link to the Past
Date Joined: October 2020

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

Hello all! My name is Ryan Jensen and I joined the writing staff of Zelda Dungeon in October 2020. Before joining, I was a frequent visitor of the site for news, walkthroughs, and discussion.

Born and raised in Wisconsin, I spend most of my free time in the winter months indoors playing video games. This has allowed me to complete a wide variety of games, including every main series Zelda game.

I’ve had a passion for writing ever since I first got a computer back in the mid 2000’s, and a passion for Zelda since even earlier. My first Zelda game was A Link to the Past. I watched my mom play as a child and eventually beat it myself when I became old enough and skilled enough to play on my own. To this day, A Link to the Past is my favorite and I tend to prefer the 2D games over the 3D ones.

Other than writing articles for Zelda Dungeon, I also write for fun in my spare time. I hope to one day become a published author of a novel and I feel Zelda Dungeon is the first step on the right path to my goal.

Thanks for reading.

You can find me here on Twitter!

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