Recently, YouTube user KoopaKungFu submitted to the internet his tribute to the Legend of Zelda franchise, complete with his own arrangements of classic Zelda melodies and a very nice video dedicated to the legendary series. The games are shown in chronological order and entertaining gameplay clips perfectly accompany the music. This sensational fifteen minute long video simply cannot be missed. Your favorite tunes from each Zelda game from The Legend of Zelda to Skyward Sword are interpreted wonderfully and welded together in a stunning serenade to The Legend of Zelda. Make the jump to watch the video!

All I can say is that this video took my breath away and I’m sure that you’ll feel the same way. It’s really difficult to put this video’s brilliance into words, so I’ll let the video do the talking:

So what do you think? Do you think it’s a fitting tribute to one of the greatest franchises of all time? Feel free to tell us in the comments section below!

Source: YouTube