Hyrule Warriors Story

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Narrative cutscene at the end of The Armies of Ruin
The Triforce is the harmonious union of Power, Wisdom and Courage.

It has been the object of countless battles between the forces of light and darkness.
Each time the Triforce fell into the clutches of evil, Hyrule was plunged into misery.
But in every age, a hero clad in green would restore peace to the land.

During one of these dark times, the legendary hero split the spirit of evil into four fragments...
sealing each away to finally break the cycle of destruction.

Three of the fragments were scattered across time and space.

The final fragment was sealed in a sacred temple built upon holy ground, imprisoned by the blade of evil's bane.

Narrative cutscene at the end of The Sorceress of the Woods
For generations, Hyruleans have told the tale of the War Across the Ages.

This is how it begins...

Deep in the forests, far from mortal eyes, a great sorceress watched over the balance of the Triforce.
Through her magic, she could see across ages, able to read the fates of all who lived, but never interfering.
That is, until a unique soul caught her attention...
The soul of the Hero of Legend, eternally reborn when Hyrule's need is greatest.

Through her powers, the sorceress should have seen that the hero was bound to another.
Instead she saw only a soul that was unlike any she had known.
And while the sorceress was preoccupied, a fragment of darkness, locked in its prison, saw an opportunity.
The whispering darkness wormed its way into her heart.
It pushed the light away and warped her curiosity into a desperate desire to possess the legendary hero's soul.

Of course, this evil had its own desires...
To use the Triforce to resurrect itself and conquer Hyrule once again.

Having pushed the light from her heart, the darkness compelled her to open the Gate of Souls, the doorway of time itself.

Monsters from across the ages poured through the gate, bringing ruin to the land of Hyrule once more.

cia's tale
The Dragon of the Caves loading screen narrative
The goodness driven from her heart, Cia opened the Gate of Souls, summoning vast hordes of monsters to Hyrule.

Ganondorf's spirit counseled that her attack must be swift and devastating if she was to be victorious.
However, controlling an army would require a commander, and Cia realised she would need a powerful warrior to serve as her general.
The perfect commander came readily to mind: the Dragon Knight of the Eldin Caves.
If he could be made to serve, such a creature would easily be able to command her minions' obedience.

Cia wasted no time.

She immediately set off for the Eldin Caves in search of her new champion.

cia's tale
The Invasion Begins loading screen narrative
With Volga and Wizzro at the head of her army, Cia launched her invasion of Hyrule.

En route, Wizzro offered some advice.
He said their first priority should be the eradication of Hyrule's fairies.
The good-hearted fairies of Hyrule were known to provide aid and comfort to their chosen warriors.
Should the legendary hero appear and recieve their assistance, Cia and her forces might be hard pressed.

Cia considered Wizzro's counsel, and commanded her troops to begin hunting fairies.
Many fairies were captured throughout Hyrule, but a few eluded her grasp.
Unbeknownst to Cia, a mysterious young woman was working with the Gorons to protect the fairies.

Rather than delay her invasion further, Cia dispatched Volga and Wizzro to capture the last stragglers.

The Armies of Ruin loading screen narrative
Hordes of monsters began laying siege to the Kingdom of Hyrule. Princess Zelda led a valiant defence against hopeless odds.

News of the Hyrulean army's imminent defeat reached the cadets at the knights' training yard.
As the elite troops fell in battle, Hyrule's trainees were left to wait helplessly inside the castle walls.
Despite the odds, one young knight took up his simple training sword and chose to fight. This brave young man was named Link.

Compelled to act, he rushed to the monster-ridden battlefield to assist Zelda and defend Hyrule.

The Sheikah Tribesman loading screen narrative
After an arduous battle, Link and his comrades slew King Dodongo, but the beast was only ever intended as a distraction.

The army of monsters had taken Hyrule Castle.
Worse, after the dust had settled Princess Zelda was nowhere to be found.
Impa and Link searched the battlefield for any sign of her, but to no avail.

Although the battle had been lost, Impa forsaw Link's importance to the coming war.
She bestowed upon him a green tunic--the sign of the legendary hero. Link did not believe himself worthy of the honor, but he was determined to help Impa and her remaining soldiers locate Zelda.

Weeks passed.

Impa heard a rumor that a handful of soldiers were holding out against the monsters in Faron Woods.
The leader of this resistance was supposedly a young woman.
Impa dared to hope that this unknown woman was Zelda.

Link and Impa decided to make their way to the forest by way of the Eldin Caves, a path with its own dangers.

The Sorceress of the Woods loading screen narrative
Link and his allies were saved from the dangers of the Eldin Caves by a mysterious youth named Sheik.

Joined by their new ally, Impa's troops exited the caves and emerged in Faron Woods.
There they found a hidden village overrun with monsters.

While Link and Impa wanted to continue their search for Zelda, they could not ignore the plight of the villagers. Without hesitation, they sprang into battle.

linkle's tale
The Girl in the Green Tunic loading screen narrative
There once was a girl who lived in a small village. She led a simple life, tending to her flock of cuccos. Her name was Linkle.

For as long as she could remember, Linkle had believed in her heart that she was the Hero reborn.

One day, terrible news arrived at her village.
Monsters had laid siege to Hyrule Castle.
Linkle caught word of the monsters' attack and immediately began preparations. She dressed the part in her green tunic.
Equipped with her trusty crossbows and the ancient compass her grandmother had bestowed on her, Linkle set out from the village.
This treasured compass and a crude map were all she had to guide her way to Hyrule Castle.

In no time at all, she found herself lost in a malevolent forest.
An imp in a curious mask appeared out of nowhere and stole Linkle's precious compass.
That compass, she knew, was proof of her destiny. She had to get it back!

And thus began Linkle's first true trial.

linkle's tale
Narrative cutscene, end of The Girl in the Green Tunic
Linkle left her village, vowing to restore peace to Hyrule.

In her hand she clutched her grandmother's precious compass.
But before long, a mischievious imp had stolen the treasured possession.

Linkle chased down the imp and tried to retrieve the compass.
And then something strange happened...
As if in response to her struggle, the compass began emitting a mysterious light.
It seemed to be reacting to her! Linkle recovered it, hung it from her neck, and vowed never to lose it again.

The compass's light was quite a mystery to her.
She didn't know what secret power it might hold.
Whatever the case, it had to be a sign of her status as the legendary hero.
If she could harness this power, perhaps she would fully realize her destiny and save Hyrule.

Her faith renewed, Linkle continued her quest.

The Sorceress of the Valley loading screen narrative
The leader of the resistance in Faron Woods was a young sorceress named Lana.

She was of the same clan as Cia, who had summoned the monsters to Hyrule.
Lana had been fighting Cia's army since it arrived.
Cia now sought to complete the Triforce and use it to conquer Hyrule.
Link and Impa decided to join forces with Lana to prevent further tragedy.

Although the monsters of Faron Woods had been defeated, Cia still controlled most of Hyrule.
Every day more creatures appeared and swarmed the land.
Link and Impa fought on against the darkness, sorely missing Zelda's leadership.
Only one solution remained--stem the tide of monsters by closing the Gate of Souls.

The heroes headed to the Valley of Seers to put an end to the bloodshed.

"Separate Ways", narrative at the end of The Sorceress of the Valley
Cia had already claimed the Triforce of Power.

From Link she stole the Triforce of Courage.
The Triforce of Wisdom was the birthright of the royal family of Hyrule...
yet Sheik bore it when Cia attacked.

Once Cia possessed all the pieces of the Triforce...
She used its incredible power to bend time and space and open doorways through the ages,
Portals to three eras appeared...

Lana explained that a Gate of Souls had been opened in each of these eras, and it was through those gates that the monsters came.
By opening these gates, Cia had released the fragment of evil's spirit imprisoned in each of the other eras.
The task before the heroes was therefore to travel through each portal and close its gate.
Once all the gates were closed, they could begin repairing the damage Cia had inflicted on their land.

With time growing short, Link and his allies split up to handle all three gates simultaneously.

They each vowed to close their gate and return safely.

cia's tale
The Usurper King loading screen narrative
Cia had conquered the land of Hyrule in the blink of an eye and claimed pieces of the Triforce as the spoils of her victory.

Intoxicated by the power of the complete Triforce, she fell further under Ganondorf's sway.
At his urging, she ripped time and space open to create portals to three other era of Hyrule's storied past.

Immediately, she sensed a power emanating from the Era of Twilight. She set off to discover whether it was a resource to control...or an enemy to destroy.

ocarina of time
Land of Myth loading screen narrative
Leading a small force of Hyrulean soldiers, Impa stepped into one of the newly opened portals.

The kingdom spread out before her seemed like the Hyrule she knew, yet it was somehow very different.
Before long, she realized that they had traveled back to the era of the mythical Hero of Time.
Awed, Impa began her search for the Gate of Souls.
She sensed an evil presence on Death Mountain and set out for the ominous peak.

And with her came the mysterious Sheik...

ocarina of time
The Water Temple loading screen narrative
At the fairy's request, Impa had fought her way to the summit of Death Mountain to rescue Princess Ruto.

There she subdued the Goron chieftain, Darunia, who had temporarily lost his senses.
Upon freeing Princess Ruto, however, Impa was shocked to learn the reason for the conflict between the Zora and Goron people.
The ancient Water Temple was teeming with monsters that poured from the Gate of Souls.
What's more, the monsters were apparently led by Princess Zelda herself!

Hoping to make sense of this disturbing revelation...
Impa and her newfound allies journeyed to Lake Hylia.

When they arrived, they were greeted by a Zelda seemingly consumed by evil...

linkle's tale
Powers Collide loading screen narrative
At the Water Temple, Princess Zelda and Impa had defeated Wizzro, the twisted wizard. They returned to their own realm ahead of the others.

Ruto and Darunia stayed behind in order to patrol the grounds and keep vigil.

But they suddenly found themselves drawn into battle when they were attacked by a new wave of monsters.
It was the Dragon Knight, Volga, who led them.
He set his wrath upon Ruto and Darunia, and drew them into a vicious battle.

It was then that Linkle, in her quest to find Hyrule Castle, stumbled onto the scene.

She was quick to answer Ruto's plea for aid, for she knew a hero must always help those in need. Linkle leapt into battle.

twilight princess
Land of Twilight loading screen narrative
Lana stepped through her portal and found a jarring sight.

Wherever she looked, the kingdom was consumed by shadow.
Though she knew of the Twilight Realm, she had never seen it firsthand.

Lana's sorcery could not reveal who or what was causing the Twilight to cover Hyrule so completely.

She soon came upon a small village beset by monsters. Her mission to close the Gate of Souls would have to wait...

twilight princess
The Shadow King loading screen narrative
Lana had saved an unusual girl named Agitha from the Twilight.

To thank Lana for her rescue, Agitha gave her a Goddess Butterfly, an insect that could guide her wherever she wished to go.
A curious Twili named Midna also joined the party for reasons of her own.

The heroes followed the Goddess Butterfly, eventually arriving at the Palace of Twilight.
There they met a terrible foe.
It was Zant, the Usurper King of the Twilight Realm.

Lana and Midna would have to overcome his unnatural powers to complete their task.

linkle's tale
The Demon Lord's Plan loading screen narrative
The sorceress Cia had acquired the Triforce and used it to bring forth other strange, new worlds.

Not long after this, Ghirahim discovered a Gate of Souls. It was in the Sealed Grounds below Skyloft.
Ghirahim knew a legendary beast was imprisoned deep within the land. He gathered a horde of monsters and plotted to awaken it.

Far above, among the clouds of Skyloft, the spirit Fi sensed disturbing changes taking place in the land.
Convinced that an evil force was stirring, Fi quickly left Skyloft and flew down to the Sealed Grounds.

As Fi raced to the land below, an unexpected ally stumbled upon the very same Sealed Grounds...

It was Linkle. She had not yet found Hyrule Castle, but she had managed to find another battle.

cia's tale
The Demon Lord loading screen narrative
Cia sensed another powerful and unknown entity in a separate rift in time, this one on the floating island of Skyloft.

When she arrived there, she found it already beset by a vast army of monsters. But who commanded them, Cia wondered.

The inhabitants of Skyloft were clearly overwhelmed. Many thought that the end of the world was at hand.
Fi, a servant of the goddess, fought alongside the humans, but the beasts' advance could not be stopped.
A great darkness would soon overtake Skyloft. Though Cia cared nothing for the fate of the villagers, she began formulating a plan.
Whatever being had brought these creatures to Skyloft would make a powerful servant. She would need to subjugate it and make it her own.

Launching herself into battle to defend Skyloft, Cia looked for an opportunity to weaken this dark power...and then add it to her forces.

skyward sword
Land in the Sky loading screen narrative
Link and his troops stepped through one of the portals, appearing in an era of fantastical sights.

He had heard tell of a land in the clouds, but now he could see Skyloft with his own eyes...though he was not the first new arrival.
Overrun with monsters, the floating island faced imminient destruction.
Though vastly outnumbered, Link did not hesitate.

He and his allies leapt into the fray to save Skyloft from disaster.

skyward sword
Sealed Ambition loading screen narrative
Fi, a servant of the goddess Hylia, joined Link and together they drove away the Dragon Knight Volga.

But despite the victory, Ghirahim managed to slip away in the chaos.
Hoping to destroy Ghirahim and close the Gate of Souls, Link followed Fi's advice and hurried to the Sealed Grounds.
The Hyrulean army advanced quickly in order to catch up to their quarry.

And that was when Ghirahim sprang his trap.

The Sacred Sword loading screen narrative
With the Gate of Souls closed in each era, Link and his allies were reunited.

Sheik was at last revealed as Zelda, relieving much worry about her fate.

Meanwhile, Ganondorf had recovered three of his four spirit fragments.
He chose to leave Cia's body, her usefulness at an end.
Free of Ganondorf's control but tragically corrupted, Cia resolved to make Link and the Triforce hers and hers alone.
Using powerful rituals to strengthen her forces, she redoubled her attacks on Hyrule

But all was not lost...

Zelda directed her forces to the Temple of the Sacred Sword in search of the one thing that could save them all...

linkle's tale
Her True Self loading screen narrative
Now that Link had acquired the Master Sword, he and his companions began readying themselves for the coming war with Cia.

It was during this time that Princess Zelda sensed an ominous prescence.
A dark magic, its source unknown, began to flow across the land and devour everything it touched.
If the flow of magic was not quickly stemmed, all light would soon be gone from the world.
Believing the Palace of Twilight to be the source of this devastation, Zelda set out on her own to stop it.

Midna soon noticed that the princess was gone. She rushed after Zelda toward the palace.
Along the way, Midna came upon Linkle, who seemed to be utterly transfixed by an object she had found.
It was a black crystal, and Midna was mesmerized by it as well. She touched the crystal.

In the blink of an eye, Midna transformed from a tiny creature into a beautiful woman.
The powerful magic inside the crystal had returned Midna to her true form.

Linkle was left speechless, which was just as well. There was no time to talk about Midna's amazing transformation.

Midna had only one thing on her mind: to rescue Zelda. She recruited Linkle to join her mission. Together, they would enter the Palace of Twilight.

linkle's tale
Narrative cutscene, end of Her True Self
Midna and Linkle made it to the Palace of Twilight to rescue Zelda and stop the evil magic.

Yet though the battle was won, the Twilight magic continued devouring everything around it.

It was then that Midna made a bold decision. She would smash the crystal they had found in the palace.
In doing so, perhaps she could release enough energy to contain the dark magic.

This plan was not without its consquences, as Midna would return to her cursed self.
Despite the cost, Midna decided without hesitation, knowing that she must save Zelda.

Midna's resolve deeply inspired Linkle.

With renewed fire, Linkle hurried to Hyrule Castle.

A War of Spirit loading screen narrative
At long last, Link took up the Master Sword and proved himself the Hero of Legend.

Armed as he was with the blade of evil's bane, Link easily dispatched the newly revived Wizzro.
The evil magician's parting words in their ears, Link and his allies set out to confront Cia at the Temple of Souls.

With a string of victories behind them, the Hyrulean army's morale had improved remarkably.
Even Link began to feel that he was invincible while the Master Sword was in his hands.
Soon he was allowing overconfidence to cloud his judgment, rushing headlong into hordes of enemies.
Cia had been waiting for Link to overextend himself, giving her a chance to strike.

And as the two sides battled, unknown eyes watched from the shadows...

cia's tale
Darkness Falls loading screen narrative
Link and his allies had defeated Wizzro, Zant and Ghirahim. Cia's hopes were fading.

Meanwhile, Ganondorf was making his way to the Valley of Seers to wrest the Triforce of Power from her hands.

Cia had few options remaining.
Desperate to win at any cost, she tapped into her very life force to bolster her magic.

Cia knew this would cost her her life, but victory was now worth any price.

Shining Beacon loading screen narrative
Link's brashness nearly cost him his life as shadowy doubles overwhelmed him.

At the last moment, Link's allies salvaged a rescue from otherwise certain defeat. The Master Sword is a mighty weapon... but its true power can be used only by someone who understands the bonds of friendship.

The Hyrulean army was rallying its strength, but Cia's forces still controlled much of their homeland The only way to save Hyrule was to defeat Cia. The Hyrulean Army headed to the Valley of Seers to force a decisive battle

But Cia did not sit idle, despite her overwhelming advantage. She found new ways to fortify her troops using her own life force. The cost to herself was irrelvant, so long as she crushed her enemies.

The final battle between the armies of light and darkness was about to unfold.

Ganondorf's Return loading screen narrative
Link and his friends defeated Cia and her legions, returning peace to Hyrule.

But that peace would be short-lived.
At the moment when Link drew the Master Sword from its pedestal...
he had inadvertently broken the seal on the last spirit fragment's prison, setting it free to unite with the others.
His spirit made whole, Ganondorf was reborn.

His first act was to return to Gerudo Desert, the center of his power in Hyrule
Once there, he summoned the spirits of Zant and Ghirahim from their imprisonment to serve him.
Finally, Ganondorf would hold the complete Triforce in his hands and wield its full power.

Knowing his enemies were approaching, he built a stronghold in Gerudo Desert for the coming battles.
With Zant and Ghirahim at his side, Ganondorf was poised to conquer Hyrule.

The future was bleak for the forces of light.

March of the Demon King loading screen narrative
With terrifying speed, the reborn Ganondorf raised his army and fortified his position in Gerudo Desert.

More powerful than ever, he moved to take the scattered pieces of the Triforce.

His first target was the Triforce of Power, still in Lana's possession.
Ganondorf had wielded it long ago and claimed it as his right.
Regaining it would give him the might to seize the other two pieces.
With this thought, Ganondorf led a massive army to the Valley of Seers.

Knowing she could never defeat him, Lana fled the valley even as the Hyrulean army rushed to her aid.

But Ganondorf outmaneuvered her and cut off her retreat, attacking fiercely to retake the Triforce of Power.

Battle of the Triforce loading screen narrative
Ganondorf's forces defeated the Hyrulean army and wrenched the Triforce of Power from Lana's grasp.

Yet, the other two pieces remained with Link and Zelda in Hyrule Castle.
If Ganondorf could take the castle and complete the Triforce, Hyrule would be at his mercy.
He readied his army for a siege.

Meanwhile, Zelda's forces stood ready to defend their home at all costs.
Link stood at the head of the army, the shining Triforce of Courage inspiring his troops.
This battle would decide Hyrule's fate.
Would the light endure...or would darkness spread to every corner of the land?

The next moments would decide.

grand finale
Enduring Resolve loading screen narrative
Ganondorf had assembled all three pieces of the Triforce. With its unlimited might, he summoned ever-greater hordes of monsters.

Seeing the battle was won, Ganondorf vanished from sight.

When Zelda learned of the Demon King's disappearance, she saw a thin ray of hope.
If the remaining Hyrulean army could defeat Zant and Ghirahim in their master's absence, perhaps there was a chance.

Taking the fight to the enemy's stronghold in Gerudo Desert, Zelda was determined to end the war before the day was through.

grand finale
Liberation of the Triforce loading screen narrative
After Zelda's triumph in Gerudo Desert...

Impa's forces managed to pinpoint Ganondorf's location.
He had conquered Hyrule Castle and transformed it in his own image. From this fortress, he prepared for an unspeakable ritual.

Link, Zelda and all of their allies...
from across the ages marched towards Ganon's Tower, ready for the final, decisive battle.

If they fell, all of Hyrule would fall with them...

linkle's tale
The Other Hero loading screen narrative
The dark beast Ganon had been defeated by Link and his allies. Hyrule Castle was free from the clutches of the powerful darkness.

Together, Zelda and Link set out for the Temple of the Sacred Sword. There they would seal away a fragment of the evil spirit.
This, surely, would bring peace back to the land.

Or so they believed. But no sooner had Link and Zelda departed when a new horde of monsters approached Hyrule Castle.
Ganondorf had fallen, and the monsters were left without a leader. But still, they showed no hesitation in attacking innocent Hyruleans.
Without Link or Zelda, or the allies who had come to their aid from other worlds, Hyrule Castle was left quite defenseless.

In order to protect the people of the land, Impa gathered together battle-weary soldiers whose wounds had not even begun to heal.
This, then, would be their sacrifice for Hyrule. They fought as valiantly as they could.

At that moment, a girl approached the battlefield.
Linkle's journey had been plagued with false starts from the moment she left her village. But she had finally arrived at Hyrule Castle.
She witnessed the brave soldiers struggling to defeat the attacking monsters.
Their courage kindled her spirit, and Linkle knew that the time had come to fulfil her destiny.
She gripped tightly the compass handing around her neck and readied herself to save Hyrule.

Without another thought, Linkle leapt into the fray amid the hordes of screeching monsters.

wind waker
A New Disturbance loading screen narrative
Though peace was expected to return to Hyrule after Ganon's fall, something rather ominous happened instead.

A new world appeared--a world of a different dimension.
Impa had summoned Link to Hyrule Castle.
She asked him to investigate this strange happening. Once the preparations for his adventure were complete, Link set off.

He entered this strange new world. It was a vast, mysterious dimension with an unfamiliar landscape.
There he met a girl who was battling monsters.
Her name was Tetra.
She was the leader of a gang of pirates. But she had become separated from her crew during the recent dimensional event.

Though strangers, the two could agree on one thing: the monsters Tetra was battling had to be defeated.

They joined forces to take on the enemy.

wind waker
Narrative cutscene at the end of A New Disturbance
In the new world, Link met the pirate leader, Tetra, and they fought valiantly together as allies.

But it would seem their enemies were stronger and craftier than they had imagined.
After claiming victory, Link looked into the sky to see an monstrous bird flying off into the distance.

Squinting to get a better view, he saw that the giant bird was carrying something in its talons.
Not something--someone! It was Tetra!

Link had to do something, or she would be lost forever.

He dashed off to save her without a second thought.

wind waker
The Search for Cia loading screen narrative
A short time before the strange happenings washed over the Kingdom of Hyrule...

Lana had returned to the Valley of Seers, where she used sorcery to search for clues to the vanished Cia.

It was there that a figure appeared and stole away the Triforce of Power.
It took Lana by such surprise that she never had a chance to identify the thieving villain.

At this point, the strange happening in Hyrule occurred, and Link was sent off to investigate.
Lana sensed that a Gate of Souls had appeared in Gerudo Desert.
She also sensed that she might be able to uncover new clues to Cia's disappearance, if only she visited that spot.

And so Lana left behind the Valley of Seers and set off for Gerudo Desert.

wind waker
Narrative cutscene at the end of The Search for Cia
Lana and Link managed to rescue Tetra and close every Gate of Souls.

But the change that had overtaken Hyrule seemed irreversable.

Lana, Link and Tetra were all at a loss as to how to remedy the situation.
Just then, when they were most in need of help, a certain legendary figure appeared before them.
It was King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule, the King of Red Lions himself!

In Tetra's world, King Daphnes was the ruler of the ancient kingdom that had been sealed away.
By divine command, he revealed himself, hoping to save a world rocked by strife.
He explained that the cause of the conflict was an evil presence in Tetra's world.

Their target much clearer, the heroes knew where they had to go.

They set out on their next journey, dreading the difficult battle ahead.

wind waker
Reclaiming the Darkness loading screen narrative
Link, Lana, and Tetra heeded the ancient king's advice and headed for a place of great darkness.

Tetra resolved to fight alongside Link and Lana until this world had returned to normal.
For she knew she could not sit idly by if someone lurking in her own world was the reason behind these strange happenings.

Upon nearing their destination, the trio could feel the power of the darkness grow stronger.

As the darkness enveloped her, Lana began to strongly sense Cia's presence in the land.

wind waker
Watchers of the Triforce loading screen narrative
The heroes now knew the evil one had taken the Triforce of Power. He had robbed Cia of her magic and learned of her other half, Lana.

With the balance of the Triforce so shifted, there was little hope the world would return to normal.
And with her magic gone, in time Cia would completely disappear.
Cia used what little power she had left to seek out the one who had taken from her so much. She told Link and the others of her findings.

If they could defeat the shadowy presence, they could save not only the world from danger, but Cia as well.

Link and his allies held the promise of future peace in their hearts as they readied for this final, decisive battle.

wind waker
Narrative cutscene, post-credits
In this way, peace returned to Hyrule.

Lana and Cia bid Link and the others farewell and resumed their roles as guardians in the Valley of Seers.


Together, Lana and Cia would protect the balance of the Triforce--in peace and harmony.