Tag: Ocarina of Time

In one of the latest GameOver Jesse videos the idea of Link’s action leading to conflict in Hyrule is explored. It is shown that through the actions of Link intervening he unintentionally negatively influences Hyrule. This video follows Links journey throughout Ocarina of Time and shows how the split timelines link back to his actions. It shows how Link being sent back to a child in the Adult Timeline leads to the land becoming defenseless when Ganondorf rises to power,…

Since 2012, Lorerunner — formerly Archengeia — has been my favorite YouTube personality. With his minimalist approach to production, he excels through pure commentary. The guy’s insightful interpretations, coupled with his infectious enthusiasm, often have me revisiting particular games with a fresh perspective. Throughout the past several months, he has been exploring the underlying themes of each individual Zelda title. This past week in particular has seen the release of ruminations on both Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask. Each…

Here is an oddity among Zelda theories. Most of the time, when people theorize about what might happen if Link’s individual circumstances in each game were different, they look at how concerning, or even how grim, the outcome might be. Though, YouTuber SwankyBox has a different idea. He has examined what may have happened if Link had never left Kokiri Forest at the start of Ocarina of Time, but thinks less about the serious implications, and a bit more about…

Halloween is right around the corner, and as always, that means it’s almost time for loads of fans putting together Zelda costumes and making spooky fanart. Aside from the fun, scary material fans put together, though, people always take this time to look at the dark and disturbing parts of their favorite series, including Zelda. ThaneGaming has taken a look at a few of the little details of Ocarina of Time that indicate, or outright display, a lot of messed-up…

YouTuber Music By Pedro has done a collab with fellow online musicians, New Game Plus, to bring us a cover of Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask’s race theme. The cover is done with marimbas, guitar, and saxophone, and they did a great job. Check out the video after the jump!

The Zelda series boasts more than its fair share of otherworldly and downright fascinating tribes. Similarly to some of the franchise’s most memorable characters, though, many of them serve as one-offs. That isn’t to say that said races receive the bare minimum of characterization. Nintendo definitely scatters tidbits of intrigue regarding these races throughout their respective games — enough for theorists, fan-fiction authors, and roleplayers to work with, at any rate. Admittedly, there’s something to be said about leaving details…

In the latest installment of Deadlock MatPat and NateWantstoBattle decided to debate which Zelda title was better, Ocarina of Time or A Link to the Past. MatPat decided to choose the side of A Link to the Past and Nate took the side of Ocarina of Time. In this video they explore the conventions and game play of the two games, comparing and contrasting the two. The video seems to raise some questions about Zelda games, for example should Zelda…

Are you a fan of trivia and random history? Do you love the music in The Legend of Zelda series? Then we’ve got a video that’s perfect for you! This week’s edition of DidYouKnowGaming? is voiced by SpaceHamster and features Zelda music. The video discusses facts, history, and trivia ranging from how the music was created to the music-themed characters, including Malon from Ocarina of Time and Pamela from Majora’s Mask… 

You may remember a few months back we wrote about an intense Bolero of Fire cover coordinated by the folks at STL OcarinaNintendo Life’s own Alex Olney got his hands on a similar ocarina from STL’s line, the 12 Hole Tenor. He was kind enough to give us a bit more insight on how it plays and sounds in their latest video review…

There has always been questions of how well certain Nintendo characters might survive in eachother’s worlds. A lot of answers came from Super Smash Bros., particularly Brawl’s Subspace Emissary mode, but other than that, one can only look to fan games and videos and make a judgement themselves. YouTuber SwankyBox has taken on these questions, and looked at several logical examples of how well Link and Mario might deal with switching to eachother’s popular Nintendo 64 games. Check out the…