Tag: dungeon week

Introduction The Stone Tower Temple is one the most unique dungeons within Majora’s Mask, and one of the most unique within the Zelda series in general. This is not just due to the considerable effort and time required to get into the tower, but due to the further challenges presented by the upward climb toward the temple and, of course, the dungeon itself. All aspects of entering and completing Stone Tower ensure that the player is prepared and worthy for the final conflicts…

The Zelda series is known for a lot of things, though three in particular stand out to me: its characters, its items, and its dungeons. There are plenty of memorable dungeons throughout the series, though the reason why they’re memorable varies from dungeon to dungeon. (I’m looking at you right now, Water Temple). However, when it comes to dungeons, I believe that Twilight Princess contains some of the best designed dungeons in the series. And of all the temples and labyrinths…

The Water Temple from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: arguably the most infamous dungeon in the entirety of the Zelda franchise. The name alone can drive fear and dread into the hearts of the most experienced players and trigger flashbacks of blindly stumbling through the watery depths and the maze of corridors, hoping to find some form of progress. As someone who got a later start than most in exploring the Zelda franchise, it was only recently that I took…

The Stone Tower Temple is one of the more philosophical dungeons in the Zelda franchise. The temple, from top to bottom, appears as Link’s final trial before he faces off against Majora in the Moon. He must first scale the enclosed structure, which in itself serves as a proving ground for those who seek to enter the temple. And once at the top, he — and the player — is instantly hit with a cautious sense of wonder when faced…

The very first Zelda game that I played was Ocarina of Time. This game is really what sparked my love of Zelda in the first place and impacted my life in a way I would have never imagined. But although the game is important to me in that way and has a lot of great features, it’s not my favorite Zelda game. No, another game released a few years down the line completely stole my heart. This game has a…

It was a moment I’ll never forget. I’ve talked before about how The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is not only my first Zelda game, not only my favorite game ever, but really the reason why I went from being a kid who simply liked playing video games to a guy that realized video games could be so much more . Everything about that game just clicked for me — the setting, the music, the controls, the story, the…

Hey, everyone! I am so very proud to announce the kick off of Zelda Informer’s Dungeon Week, a seven-day celebration of the temples, sanctuaries, caves, and labyrinths of The Legend of Zelda. Starting tomorrow, we’ll be posting a kingdom’s worth of dungeon-themed articles and features. Dungeons have been a crucial part of the series since its inception, bringing unique environments, mind-bending puzzles, and memorable boss encounters to each and every game. And so we figured that we would bring our…

It’s been fun, but today marks the official end of ZI Dungeon Week!

Please vote in the poll (after the jump) so that we can truly decide which of these dungeons was the best!

We’ve all really enjoyed ourselves for these past seven days, especially among the writers, who managed to spend the whole week writing about all of their favorite dungeons, songs, and puzzles in the series.

The articles were all wonderful (said the completely unbiased observer), and were honestly a great breath of fresh air, and a good way to celebrate what we love about the series in its core.

Follow after the jump for a poll and a discussion on the future on themed weeks at ZI!

Today is the last day of Zelda Informer’s Dungeon Week!

We’re closing up this week’s series with the brilliant Lorule Castle, the final dungeon from the newest title in the series, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds.

Had you asked me a month ago what my favorite dungeon of the Zelda series was, I highly doubt that I would have chosen this one. Not because I don’t love it, obviously – heck, I’ve chosen it now, haven’t I? – but more because my focus has always been on the 3D games. From my first time playing Ocarina of Time to my latest run-through of Skyward Sword, the worlds and the gameplay of those have always enthralled me far more than the top-down look of handhelds and earlier titles. But when I ran through the list of dungeons from across the entire series, weighing each one’s merits and charms and difficulties and disappointments, I surprised myself by continually coming back to the Tower of Spirits.

Delve into this massive dungeon with me after the jump!