Tag: cd-i

Well, the time has come. As Zelda Month 2015 comes to an end, PBG bites the bullet and plays through Zelda’s Adventure on Phillips CD-i, finally finishing all three infamous Zelda titles on the horrid console. This game is extremely different from The Faces of Evil and Wand of Gamelon, but is that actually a good thing? Does the fact that it is a lot more similar to traditional Zelda games make it worth trying out? PBG is getting into…

Zelda games have been known (and have been confused) by the fact that Princess Zelda is not actually the main character. For every installment (except for the dreaded CD-i games), Link has always been the main protaganist of the Zelda franchise. But what if that changed someday…? We’re here to talk about exactly that. Should Nintendo make Princess Zelda the protagonist of another Zelda title? Or, if they did, would it fail? You can find out after the jump.  …

The man behind The Faces of Evil, Wand of Gamalon, and Zelda’s Adventure discusses his work with these projects, and Nintendo’s say in the matter of them. Make the jump to find out about these long forgotten Zelda pieces!

There is one type of Zelda game that is commonly disliked among fans. Whenever these games are brought up in the comment sections, the commenter is attacked for speaking of the “unspeakable”. This week’s Collection Spotlight showcases Mike from the great state of Ohio. Mike loves the CD-i games and considers them to be the highlights and most prized possessions in his collection. Hit the jump to see the vast amount of items that Mike has!

There are three games that most fans of the series tend to leave in the past. Those are the CD-i games. The CD-i games were a three game series created for the Phillips CD-i after a partnership between Phillips and Nintendo. From this, three Zelda games were created for the CD-i. The games were called Link: The Faces of Evil, Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon and Zelda’s Adventure. The games were released highly negative reviews, and many years later, were heavily parodied on YouTube. I…

In case the Zelda CD-i games needed to be  ostracized even further than they already have been, Zelda series Director Eiji Aonuma has explained why the often-mocked trilogy wasn’t mentioned in Hyrule Historia, the art book meant to provide a comprehensive history of all things Zelda. Aonuma apparently believes the games simply don’t fit in.

With the release of Hyrule Historia, the official timeline and chronology of the Zelda games was released, putting an end to all speculation concerning the order in which the games take place. It was the final word in what was more than a decade of fierce debate and confusion amongst fans who yearned for the truth about the official order of the Links who had appeared numerous times in Hyrule. Or was it? According to user JoeyKazooie, the timeline included…

An article was posted on GameInformer talking about the infamous CD-i games and the popular Oracle games. It talks about how the two types of games are similar in that they were both developed by people outside of Nintendo and that they differed by how at the end of their development they both became known for different reasons. The writer first talks about the Oracle games and that Capcom was able to develop the games wonderfully. Most gamers willingly acknowledge…

Hey guys! So this video discussion is all about Ganon. Specifically problems with him in some of the games. As I mention in the video, this is not a video of complaints about Ganon himself, but rather how he is treated and implemented in the stories and events of the games themselves. This video (and this will likely become common for discussion videos) is shorter than is typical for me and hopefully a little extra fun. I think this is…