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{{Interview/A|Takizawa|Yeah! So we keep a strategy guide at hand. Imagine a developer using a strategy guide to play his own game! Takizawa (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|Yeah! So we keep a strategy guide at hand. Imagine a developer using a strategy guide to play his own game! Takizawa (laughs)}}
==The First Part Is Divine But...==
{{Interview/A|Iwata|I'd like to ask about the game's content. How did those distinctive characters and that vast ocean world come to be?}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|Without much hesitation, we decided rather early on to set the game among the seas. We liked how we could use the open sea in designing the mechanics of the game world, and more than anything, we thought it would be interesting to show the sea in that visual style. I think we got into a good flow with everyone coming up with ideas about what the islands in those seas should be like and what the people living there would be like.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Even for a Zelda series, quite a lot of distinctive characters that we haven't seen before show up in The Wind Waker.}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|I remember that the planning staff and the character production team, led by Haruhana-san, played off each other really well.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|Ever since Ocarina of Time, Haruhana-san had been proposing a lot of eccentric characters, but for The Wind Waker, it was like he had powered up and unlocked the safety! (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|It seems like the whole world of The Wind Waker was created by boiling down those eccentric essences.}}
{{Interview/A|Arimoto|That's the strength of that visual style. With the stylized, anime-like look, no matter how big the head was, or how short the legs were, it didn't feel weird. Rather, it all gave a positive impression where everyone was just fine with it.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|Yes. The characters are truly rich and expressive.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Right, their expressiveness really leaves a lasting impression. When you try to make the expressions realistic, it usually comes off as awkward because of the differences with real life. But with those visuals, those things don't become an issue and you can express all kinds of facial expressions and gestures.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|That's right. Until Ocarina of Time, if we wanted to make a single mouth movement, for example, it was difficult to express some things, so we put in a lot of effort to that in The Wind Waker.}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|Now that the eyes had gotten much larger, we wanted to make their facial expressions richer by increasing the number of patterns for the eyes and mouth. Partway through, we even talked about having beams come out of those eyes! (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Huh? Eye-beams?!}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|[[Shigeru Miyamoto|(Shigeru) Miyamoto-san]] and [[Takashi Tezuka|(Takashi) Tezuka-san]] said we needed to supply a reason for the eyes being so big. I don't think beams were really an option, though.}}
{{Interview/A|Arimoto|We made it so when you stop, the eyes move, looking this way and that way.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|Right, right! That's when we had the idea of Link's gaze providing a hint. We used that later in Ocarina of Time 3D, but the first time we've done it was The Wind Waker.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Oh, so that's how that happened.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|Until then in Zelda games, we had kept some things back so that the players would play as if they were Link himself. But in The Wind Waker, even though you control Link, you also view him objectively and played as if you were interacting with the world through Link. The manner of emotional investment is a little different than in previous Zelda games, and as you spend time with it, it gradually grows on you.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|It's like that advertising line we used at the time (in the Japanese market) about it being animation you can touch. After development began, was it like you shot straight to the end without any hesitation?}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|We never hesitated in our desire to make a completely new Zelda game. But we did notice the negative reaction when we announced it, so we were uneasy. But developing the game timidly would have been the worst thing, so we plunged ahead, determined to go all out hoping to gain acceptance.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|What was it like watching development from the outside, Iwamoto-san?}}
{{Interview/A|Iwamoto|I wasn't watching too much, but when I actually bought the game and played it, I was surprised at how vivid the animation was. But aside from the visuals, a few things did bother me.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|He did deliver some pretty tough opinions. But since he pays so much attention, we asked him to be director this time.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|To expand upon that, there was talk at the time of how the early parts of the game were divine but later on it sort of dragged. Of course, a lot of people said it feels great to be in that world, so they enjoyed playing to the end, but I think those words express a representative evaluation from players of The Wind Waker.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwamoto|My viewpoint was entirely that of a player, and as I played, I noticed places that made me think, "Aw, that's not quite right…" and "If they had just done this, it would've been better!" And this time, I played through the game again, and I noticed places that should be changed to update it for the players today.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Yes, the times have changed.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwamoto|Yes. So I listed up those points, listened to opinions from the staff members who had made it, and in the end, determined areas in need of adjustment.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|If you fix it like that, it gets dramatically better—so much so that you think, "Why didn't we do it that way in the first place?"}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Miyamoto-san often says that if you make a game twice, it gets better. Which is something to reflect upon. But I always say, "Yeah, but usually you can't do that!" (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|That's so true.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwamoto|Even if you don't make it twice, when you're about to rush toward the finishline, if you have a few moments to look back, you may notice some things.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|I know… You're absolutely right, but when you're in a mad dash, looking back is impossible.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwamoto|I can understand that, too! (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|I'm sure you did your best at the time, and I do think the staff, in their enthusiasm, poured a ton of energy and ideas into it. If they hadn't, we wouldn't have done an HD remake.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|And we can only see some things now because 11 years have passed.}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa Chances to look back with a cool head and make a game all over again like what we're doing now are rare.}}
{{Interview/A|Everyone|(nods in agreement)}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|But this time, you got to!}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|That criticism about the first half being divine and the latter half too tough has always hurt, so I think if we was just five years ago, I wouldn't have had the will power to do this.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|This is changing the topic, but making software for the Nintendo GameCube and Wii U is different in every way right down to the mechanics of the hardware, so you wouldn't usually be able to convert a game for Nintendo GameCube to a game for Wii U very easily. I'd like to ask Dohta-san and Takizawa-san about that.}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|To start with the inspiration for development, as we were developing Wii U, we talked about how we would handle a new Zelda game for it, and as we thought about that…}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|You also made [[Zelda HD Experience]].}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|Yeah, that was a natural evolution of Twilight Princess, while we also experimented with an illustrated taste as opposed to something that was photorealistic. Apart from that, we tinkered with taking data from previous Zelda games and simply plugging it into Wii U in HD to see what it would be like. Dohta-san really applied himself to the actual work of that.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Well, we have a wealth of images, so a programmer can do quite a lot by working at it.}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|That's right. We took the various versions of Link from the Zelda HD Experience, [Skyward] Sword and The Wind Waker and lined them up in the same setting. We used practically the same shader and brought out the same shading, and Link from The Wind Waker made an overwhelmingly strong impact. He exerted some kind of unnatural pressure.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|He wasn't doing anything. His appearance alone stood out.}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|Yeah! And it looked natural. We thought that was amazing, so we set up the sea and islands from The Wind Waker, put them on the Wii U and adjusted the images. That resulted in great images with vibrant sunlight and superb contrast.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Is that what we showed in the January Nintendo Direct?}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|I was doing that work, when suddenly I got an e-mail from Aonuma-san asking how long it would take to pull it off.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Aonuma-san had sprung into action. And with a question that pointed directly at the possibility of the project. (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|Yeah! (laughs) To be honest, we'd secretly been calculating it, so I answered that we could do it so it can be released by fall 2013.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Aonuma-san, I suppose you were surprised they could do it in under a year.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|I sure was! (laughs) If they had said it would take time, I don't think I would have said we should do it, but under a year was extremely attractive! And I thought making an HD version of The Wind Waker had value as a way to observe how we would make the visuals for the Zelda game for Wii U.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|I suppose so.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|I went to Miyamoto-san right away and said, "Can we make this?" Then that talk about the Zelda cycle came up and gave us a push. And since we could do it in a short amount of time, he greenlighted development.}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|Well… May I interrupt? Even if the hands-on staff said they could do it and I were the producer, I'd ask for more time! (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|The make-up of the team was a little special this time, with only a few in-house designers. When it came to things that could be done with sheer manpower like working on high-resolution textures and so forth, a lot of external designers worked with us. In other parts like the refining were basically done by Takizawa-san, Arimoto san and one more person, and we moved forward with those three being the main designers.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Three designers? Considering the deadline, even though it was a remake, correcting each bit of data by hand would be impossible.}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|Yeah. Actually, designers in-house that could work on this were limited since it needed to be people who were familiar with the data and direction of the original designs. We knew we weren't able to rely on a workflow that employed a lot of people. So this time we used a special method. We devised a way to convert Nintendo GameCube data for the Wii U and to make visuals look better, while hardly laying our hands on the 3D modeling data.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Did that exist from the start?}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|Not at first. We had been gathering the Wii U know-how at that point from a variety of places and had been adjusting old images so they would show up as cleanly rendered images for The Wind Waker HD.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|But that new method wouldn't make all the art look better than on the Nintendo GameCube, would it?}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|No. Some would require special, individual attention. We wrestled with a lot of data, speculating as to what the developers' intentions were in the original designs, and reflecting that on the Wii U shader.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Speculating about their intensions… It sounds like archeology!}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|Well, that's exactly what Dohta-san was doing.}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|Yeah. Something might clearly look weird in the data but look great in the original art. Work went on for some time as I repeatedly grappled with how to recreate such things on Wii U.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwamoto|One issue after the other like that came up.}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|The more we did, the more appeared.}}
{{Interview/A|Arimoto|This is a confession from over ten years ago, but polishing up the designer's data wasn't a custom that was firmly in place back then.
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Yes. People had their own way of operating. Each person polished up the characters they were in charge of in their own style.}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|Dohta-san would say, "Takizawa-san! This is totally impossible for an environment map setting. Take a look!" I'd look at it and it would be data I had made myself! (laughs) Instead of admitting I was responsible, I'd say, "Whoa, that's horrible! Take care of that, would you?"}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|And it's not just the data. The Nintendo GameCube's 3D engine was able to generate those kinds of graphics, so I went to hear what people who knew about the engine specs at the time had to say. I went all around the company and finally got Link's eyes to move right.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|The biggest problem was how, for the Nintendo GameCube at the time, they were using cel-shaded animation for visuals that couldn't be seen anywhere else, so everyone was working in their own way by hand.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|I suppose sometimes in the process of changing the numerous settings, something happens, and you just say, "Let's run with it."}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|Yeah. As a matter of fact, we found out bugs were the cause of how some of those graphics appeared on screen. So, including those things…}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|You recreated them?}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|Yes. I thought, "What in the world am I doing?"}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|I see. When working on the shading, you even recreated the bugs!}}
{{Interview/A|Iwamoto|The specs were the same. There were specs no one could understand, so we had programmers analyze them and explain them.}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|Usually, you would handle that after designers had already verified it to some extent, but since we had so few designers, we had to carry on in a somewhat impolite way.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|But doing it that way was really important for The Wind Waker HD. Adopting this process really helped us greatly.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Now I understand how you used a different method to update the visuals for The Wind Waker HD. I think it's an unusual example, but by making it that way, different things came into view.}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|The way we did it this time, even the designers making the data weren't able to imagine how it would look when the images first appeared. Because a method had been put in place to completely replace the images, I think there were times when the designers saw those images come up for the first time and they'd be like, "What?!" (to Arimoto-san) Right?}}
{{Interview/A|Arimoto|Well, we were like, "Hmm, it's already done."}}
{{Interview/A|Arimoto|It was a new sensation for something to show up when I had no memory of making it!}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|Dohta-san's a bit mischievous, so he'd put in some revisions thinking we'd never notice, and without telling anyone. Then he would wait for someone to notice and say something. As a designer, I couldn't stand for anyone to think I wasn't able to see it (laughs), so before Dohta-san revealed it, I wanted to point it out, saying, "Oh, I liked what you put in the other day!" We enjoyed that kind of a quiet battle between the two of us.}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|It's actually a little pleasing to get caught! (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|The quality improved at amazing speed in the latter half of development. It would change significantly in just half a day!}}
{{Interview/A|Iwamoto|We were worried at first. Like, "Is this going to work out?"}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|So of course, people said, "You probably can't do it in such a short amount of time." (laughs) Once we got started, a lot popped up.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwamoto|But like Dohta-san said, with the way we made it this time we couldn't tell how the final form would shape out in the end, so we just had to believe. The two of us just watched over, wondering how it would change. Aonuma Yeah. Like, "We've come this far, so what's wrong?"}}
{{Interview/A|Iwamoto|He'd say, "No, this is no good at all!"}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|But you can't have a waterfall flowing in the wrong direction!}}
{{Interview/A|Everyone (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Dohta-san, you never imagined that 11 years later you'd be analyzing and reshaping the data of a game you enjoyed before you were a developer.}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|You can say that again! (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|As someone who experienced it both as a player and a developer, did anything stand out?}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|In that sense, it felt to me like what they were originally trying to do with The Wind Waker didn't fit within the confines of SD resolution. By changing it to HD, I saw how the number of colors increased, the resolution go up, and the animation became finer and fluid, so the character's eye movement and things like that come alive. It's something that I realized comparatively as I was working.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Before, they were trying to stuff more than would fit into the container. As you were converting the data and programs from that time into the new container, you realized what they had really wanted to do.}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|Right. That's exactly what happened.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|Upon seeing The Wind Waker HD, I realized that with the original version, we had been trying to make something beyond what the Nintendo GameCube could express.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|If it looked better than before simply placing it in a new container, then it must have been over-designed for it.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma and Takizawa|That's right.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|In other words, more energy and creativity was put in than the container could put out.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|The reason I pushed so strongly to do it in such a short time without considering a buffer was because the world that we had really wanted to make years ago was unfolding there in the test images Takizawa-san showed me. I'd seen something to make me think, "This is it!" So as a creator, not doing it wasn't an option.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|What's more, the environment is favorable toward it now.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|That's right.}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|Um, I love Okinawa and the southern islands, so I often go there.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|I can tell that from your suntan! (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|I think I was able to make that world convincing because when I made those first test images, I envisioned how good I feel when I'm there.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|The comfortable way it feels isn't something you can derive from a scene in a photograph.}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|I think Aonuma-san has said this before, about how it's "reality over realism." With The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, I think we were able to express a good feeling that doesn't come across by simply portraying a photorealistic sea or sky.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|That includes light or a breeze that the eye can't see. Of course, it isn't actually bright and a sea breeze isn't actually blowing, but you sense those things in that gameworld. It's interesting how this game was made based on something that was created 11 years ago, but the way it feels real surpasses the many games out there today with realistic graphics.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|Yes, it's very interesting. It's a 100% fabricated world—in exact opposition to live-action movies—but it's natural and feels comfortable. It's difficult to express why that is.}}
{{Interview/A|Arimoto|Maybe it's because comfortableness itself is stylized.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma and Takizawa|Um-huh!}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|A stylization of comfort.}}
{{Interview/A|Arimoto|The sunlight and the nice breeze are represented in a pleasant way, with anything extra cut out. Only what's good is left over, so it feels comfortable.}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|Recently, I've been thinking that I want to create images from which you can sense temperature or smells, so I've been paying attention to that. When making The Wind Waker HD, I carefully adjusted the lighting and coloring up to the very end.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|In this gameworld, you think, "That sunny spot looks nice and warm," or "If I go into the shade of that tree, I'll enjoy a cool breeze."}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|The shades really do look cool. You feel like you want to go there! (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|That's possible because of Wii U. In technological terms, the Wii U can present a wide range of brightness, but that's a somewhat dull way to describe it! (laughs) When we make Zelda games in the future, I think that will be one important point.}}
==Pure Entertainment==
{{Interview/A|Iwata|It's about time to wrap up, but I would like to finish by asking each of you to say something to those who played the original version of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and to those who haven't. Aonuma-san, you'll be last, so let's start with Iwamoto-san.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwamoto|I was able to make a lot of fresh adjustments to this remake, so I would be happy if people who played the original game notice the differences. An obvious one is how the speed of the ship has doubled, and you can put the map on the Wii U GamePad in your hands, so it's easier to enjoy the gameworld. And we made it compatible with Miiverse, so please try that out.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|All right. And to people who haven't played the original?}}
{{Interview/A|Iwamoto|I simply want them to dive right in! Some challenging scenes come up as you play, but if you get past them and make it to the end, you'll think, "Wow! That was fun!"}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|Compared to the rest of us, Iwamoto-san's viewpoint was closer to that of a regular gamer's, so if he says it, it must be true!}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|How about you, Takizawa-san?}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|I want to convey to people who have played the original that the impression it makes has changed so much that you could say we made the gameworld anew.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|In other words, you're saying it's better than their memories! (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|I'm confident of that! We've completely redone the lighting as well, so I think players will be able to enjoy this reborn world with excitement. Some people who haven't played the original are probably thinking "Didn't that game come out over ten years ago?" But it's a game packed with unprecedented fun that doesn't feel old.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Yes, it really is unique.}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|When it comes to the animation, we hardly corrected it at all, but that's because we think the original is the most visually pleasant of The Legend of Zelda games. I hope everyone will enjoy it in their living rooms on big-screen TVs together with their family and friends.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|All right. Dohta-san. First, to people who have played the original.}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|This came up earlier, but we weren't able to express all of our creativity in the Nintendo GameCube version. In the HD version this time, we were able to express the developers' leftover grudge.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Grudge? Not enthusiasm? (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|But that word does seem to fit best!}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Like something held it here and it couldn't move on?}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|Some extremely obscure things made me surprised at how thoroughly it was made. I exhaustively uncovered them, so I hope people will notice.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Okay. And to people who haven't played the original?}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|Something I noticed all over again as a developer is how The Wind Waker is that it's such a pure game. The direction of the game itself is that way, and the story is too, pure and straightforward, without any wavering. I want people to fully enjoy that kind of pure entertainment.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|"Pure entertainment" is a good way to describe the nature of this game.}}
{{Interview/A|Dohta|Those who can enjoy that for the first time are quite lucky.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Arimoto-san, what would you say to people who have played the original game?}}
{{Interview/A|Arimoto|I think they will discover things they didn't notice before. For example, the  brothers [[Orca]] and [[Sturgeon]] on the first island don't really look alike, but when you see them in HD, Sturgeon's eyes have a sharp glint to them behind his glasses. When we saw that, we thought, "Oh, they really are brothers!"}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Thanks to HD, the sharp gaze shared by the two became apparent. (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Arimoto|Yeah. There are other things too, though! (laughs) And some people who haven't played the original game think that there's nothing more to Link in The Wind Waker than his cuteness. While he does look cute, his actions are always manly and cool!}}
{{Interview/A|Takizawa|If you look at what he does and accomplishes in the game, he is the manliest Link in the history of the series.}}
{{Interview/A|Arimoto|He doesn't make a lot of sugary cute facial expressions and poses.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwamoto|But he does kind of frolic when he gets a Heart Container!}}
{{Interview/A|Arimoto|Oh, right! (laughs)}}
{{Interview/A|Iwamoto|That's cute.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|Well, the rest of the time, he plays it cool, which makes that behavior stand out. And last, Aonuma-san. Your closing comments, please.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|Earlier, we described the game as pure and straightforward, and I do think a lot of the original game came together in a burst after that one picture of Toon Link. We really dashed through at full power. However, when I played through it, a lot of clumsy spots came into view. We fixed those places and put it in HD, adding a new, polished edge.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|I think people who have played the original game are sure to notice that. I think they will definitely be able to sense, in a magnified way, what was there before. We made this version easier to play and more comfortable to make progress with, so I think they will be able to experience the joy of playing through every inch of this world.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|It's easier than before to experience the gameworld through and through.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|Yes. And to those playing for the first time, it wouldn't be wrong at all to think of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD not as a remake but as a brand new The Legend of Zelda game reborn for the world today.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|It's a straight and robust Zelda game for 2013.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|Yes. I hope they will experience that to the fullest.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|I feel like the many elements refined for this game are hands extended to all kinds of people in all directions. I'm looking forward to how people will receive it when it reaches their hands.}}
{{Interview/A|Aonuma|I want to see what kind of reception The Wind Waker HD finds. With regard to the intent of the original version and whether the feeling invested in it was right. I think it will become an important turning point for thinking about The Legend of Zelda in the future.}}
{{Interview/A|Iwata|I also think The Wind Waker HD will be a fun game for people to watch others play. You could say that one criteria of a good game is that it's fun for people to simply watch, and that is particularly true of The Wind Waker HD. Thanks to the HD graphics, the power of the visuals, facial expressions and gameworld have joined into one whole more than ever so that you can sense light, wind and warmth not usually apparent to the eye. I hope everyone will enjoy it on a large screen together with their family and friends. Thank you for today.}}
{{Interview/A|Everyone|Thank you.}}
{{Cat|The Wind Waker HD Interviews|2013-09-18}}
{{Cat|Interviews with Eiji Aonuma|2013-09-18}}
{{Cat|Iwata Asks|2013-09-18}}